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About Myself: ROUND II.


Since I hit preview the first time I did this, let's try this again.


I'm Better When Frozen.

I'm not even going to try to be silly like I was previously.

Cut straight to the point.

I enjoy a variety of video games, drawing, anime, and other things.

I also really dislike filling out forms about myself.

Not sure why, one would think it wouldn't be a big deal since one knows oneself better then anyone else knows them.


How I found Canterlot.com: A friend of mine introduced me to it.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I can't remember.

I think I just wound up watching episodes impulsively on youtube and enjoyed it.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Twilight Sparkle
Okay, hopefully I did this correctly, or at least better than the first time.


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Why, thank you.

Goodness, I feel like I'm on a guided tour of some sort.

In a good way.


Well then, here's a tour tip:

If you're a fan of crazy, cyanide filled antics, this colt has it!


Yup, our town eccentric (or one of them anyways), Linkhopper!

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