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Foxglove Foalfellow [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: World Of Equestria

Name: Foxglove Foalfellow

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Earth Pony

Eye Colour: Dark Goldenrod

Coat: Blood Orange

Mane/Tail: Similar to that of a foxes tail, a light orange tail with a white tuft on the end

Physique: Slightly skinnier than an average Stallion, though slightly taller.

Residence: Moves around Equestria for a living.

Occupation: Independent Trader/Traveling Merchant (Some disingenuous people call this con-artistry, But they are severely misinformed ;) )

Cutie Mark: A top hat, and a cane.top_hat_and_cane_round_stickers-p217469018921932649envb3_400.jpg

History: Growing up in the underbelly of Equestria's greatest city, Canterlot can crush many ponies hopes and dreams, while fueling desire and ambition for others who wish to create something of their lives, and escape the drab and dull routine of a 9 to 5 job, for 5 to 6 days a week.

Foalfellow, is one of these ponies. Growing up just as an average pony in the bottom rung of society, minimalistic education, being pushed out of the door to have a laborious job for the rest of his career didn't seem all to appealing to him. This disapproval was fed by many books of aspiring adventurer ponies (Daring Do for example) that his mother would often read to him, would obviously bring this humdrum lifestyle in direct contradiction with itself. How could Foalfellow even consider working as a laborer when there are other ponies doing far more mightier and influential things in Equestia?! There was something deep down inside Foalfellow that called for something else entirely. This voice inside of the young earth pony, was a call that had been heard by so many other ponies in Equestria. This was a call for something else! Granted, he didn't know what he wanted to do, But the same old job day in, day out? Definitely not!

Foalfellow, was always part of that group at school who would rather be exploring a long lost land or inspecting a haunted house. Granted, when danger is lurking, Foalfellow would almost certainly be at the back of the line to enter the haunted house, though his ambition for embarking of adventure would never be dampened, his courage? should be a subject of scrutiny. The foal was more of a dictator, one such dictator who preferred to work through mediators rather than taking action himself. Now, you may be wondering, 'A pony that is lacking in courage, though has a sense of adventure?' what does, in all honesty, sound pretty far-fetched, Foalfellow's sense of adventure was more of a feeling for reform, and for change. A desire to say 'No' to the inevitable, and carve his own destiny with his own two hooves.

It seemed like an average day in Canterlot. Foalfellow was simply on his way to school when a precarious and strange contraption rolled into town. Ponies going about their everyday business gathered to see what the commotion was all about, as Foalfellow watched in anticipation and concentration. The contraption opened to reveal a pony in a top hat and a cane, aided with a booming voice and silver tongue. Foalfellow soaked up his words like a sponge, as did the crowd of ponies who had recently formed around the intriguing contraption. He promised amazing luck from an old jar, he promised fame and glory for the wearer of an old beaten up helmet, and promised happiness for the wearer of a special magic gold medallion, as the crowd watched in awe of his every movement, and every word.

The pony inside the contraption offered to sell these items at a 'bargain' price to the highest bidder. The moment he made that statement, about one hundred hooves shot up into the air and began waving in a frenzied attempt to gain the charismatic sales-ponies attention. Foalfellow saw a lot of bits change hooves that day, as many ponies wanted to gain the attributes that the sales-pony promised. After selling the Items, the sales-pony moved onward, leaving the town with a smile on his face up aboard his amazing eye drawing contraption. Foalfellow went to bed that night with a smile on his face, he had found what he wanted to do.

The next day was like war had been declared in Canterlot, The rumor of three disgruntled, angry ponies looking for a charismatic sales-pony for their bits back was definitely a popular, and somewhat funny one, It was even more laughable that it turned out to be true. A lucky old jar turned out to be, well, just an old jar with no luck at all. The helmet turned out to be, a helmet that was already in the latter stages of corrosion, and the gold medallion was just iron painted with a cheap gold paint, needless to say, it didn't bring much happiness No, quite the opposite in fact.

Despite knowing that the sales-pony was in the wrong, There was something about him, was it his witty charisma? Was it his cool and collective getaway? Foalfellow didn't exactly know, but he his sights dead-set on what he desired to do.

Still a colt, he borrowed his fathers old, beaten up top hat and cane (Much like the sales pony looked like), and took to the playground with some old toys from his room. Laying down a carpet, and began emulating what the sales pony had done. Speaking with a loud booming voice, and a silver tongue,Though he was an amateur, he performed to the best of his ability, claiming one thing was magical, and another was a good luck charm. Needless to say, the event carried out almost identical to the one that the sales-pony had created, With the exception of the cutie mark that had been imprinted onto Foalfellow's flank.

Just as things has transpired with the sales pony, who had to leave town after the sales of his fake items, for obvious reasons, Foalfellow had to leave too. So, in wise judgement, Foalfellow began packing his bags, and saying his goodbyes to his family, The colt decided to embark on his adventure with an old wooden cane, and a dusty old top hat...

It seemed like an average day in Stalliongrad, that was until a strange looking contraption rolled into town, making loud and attention attracting noises, The contraption opened up in the center of the city, revealing a pony with an old wooden cane, and a dusty old top hat, his cutie mark being the same. The blood orange coated pony promised amazing luck from an old jar, he promised fame and glory for the wearer of an old beaten up helmet, and promised happiness for the wearer of a special magic gold medallion, as the crowd watched in awe of his every movement, and every word.

Character Summary: Not a stupid pony by any means, but he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, He makes up for it with his dazzling charisma, He could sell paintings to the blind, or music to the death.

Though, when he sees just an average pony, he sees a target, a target for personal gain. Regardless of age or social stature. This leads to Foalfellow as being somewhat of a manipulative pony, using others for his own personal gain with the use of his silver tongue, he can be described as a 'coward' when it comes to any real danger or action. Being in his line of profession, he has built quite the ability to lie to people without giving an inch to the truth. Foalfellow is never the one not to miss out on a few theatrics, seeing most things as a sales pitch. Foalfellow is blessed with an abundance of confidence, taking a gamble (preferably non dangerous) should co-inside with his forte. Though not necessarily evil, and is just a petty criminal in reality, he does have a short fuse when it comes to irritating ponies, and can be subject to outbursts of rage when being severely angered. Foalfellow isn't devoid of conscience or goodness though, as there are much more evil beings to be found in Equestria.

Obviously. Having all 4 hooves in use makes using a cane difficult, so, Foalfellow has an appropriate little sheath on the right side of his body to carry the cane when he is using all of his hooves. Clothing wise, He can mostly be seen with a worn blue cape with an inner red linen on the interior, also with a tattered green suit with a black ascot stuffed below his neck.

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Hello there.

Your friendly neighborhood Helpstaffer here. You have an interesting character there. One thing is his name. Now, I know you based it off of Honest John form Pinocchio, but we don't allow names that sound close to a current character from a show. If you still want him in the main RP, I'd just chnge his name to something that you can originally make.

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Hey, Huscarl :)

Your character here looks very interesting, I'm liking the whole 'snake oil pony' thing you have going on, it's very creative. And also, his name be one of the greatest I have ever seen grace the site, I just had to chuckle when I read it :lol:

But as I was reading through it, I found myself wondering about Foxglove's sense of adventure, and exactly where he got it from. Don't get me wrong, an adventurous attitude is always good but a way I would improve a character like this would be to give them reason why they loved adventure so much. Perhaps he could have come across a Daring Do book once or twice, and since he lived in the less economical part of the city he would end up cherishing them a lot more and would want to aspire to be like Daring herself?

And also, you could include a small segment from his foal-hood somewhere between his discovery for what he wanted to be and his discovery of his love of adventure? Like him trying new adventurous things and seeing what would fit, a CMC approach to things perhaps? :) In my opinion it would give us a better perspective on how he interacts with those he's trying to impress rather than just saying he has impressed them, giving us a better idea of his approach and a better idea of what he is like.

Apart from that though I think this app is great, very creative and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it :D Hope my suggestions were of use :)

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