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About Myself: I love science, especially debunking junk science. Also video games... loads of video games.

How I found Canterlot.com: A brony I talked to from a Call of Cthulhu game night... I'm horrable with memory, so I can't remember her name to give her propper credit :/

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Sonic Rainboom. I watched it between season 1 and two. Once season two came out, I was hooked!

My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
Well, i originally made my way into the fandom with MLPForums.com, but after the site somehow gained a ton of drama (on a forum that honestly surprises me just how that could happen) so I left. i was in the first batch of people to join so it was sad to say screw it, i'm out. But after talking with a fellow brony from a Call of Cthulhu night, she told me about this site, and figured I should join.

I don't do a whole lot of artwork, I'm more of a writer, I am learning to vector, and improving, slowly. But I also do fanfictions, just because i'm more of a writer. I don't do clopfics or anything like that, though i'm not one to get mad or upset at the people who read them. I don't take part, but I know it's part of the fandom, and I happen to think it's funny, so I make mock up "Playbrony" covers. Don't worry, I wont post any here, i'm sure that will be in the comments somewhere :)

My OC is a scientist, based on my own dreams of gaining an astrophyscs degree, i'm almost a 1/4 of the way there after two years... work and school... very tough! BUT! I haven't a name for him... :/ sad.

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Hi and Welcome to Canterlot, and I can sympathize with you on the leaving the forum due to drama, I've left a few forums (namely MLPforums, firendshipismagic.org, everypony and Bronies Australia), how-ever ponies here tend to b more on the understanding and appreciative side and not on the dramatic side. Hope you enjoy your stay here :)

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