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Heres a question


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I've been noticing recently that I've become more interested in the fan-made stuff of bronies recently, as opposed to the actual show. sure, I still watch it, but all the episodes I haven't seen yet that are actually on youtube? Haven't bothered to look at them. Who else feels like they do this?

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Oh, I get as excited for new episodes as a little girl, but then again, my roommates and I all bond by watching new episodes together and talking about them. (The reason I came to this forum in the first place was being so excited about this cool show I liked and absolutely needing to talk to someone about it before I drove our former roommates crazy.)

Getting involved with the fan-made stuff also fosters a sense of community. The brony community buzzes with creativity! Awesome as the show is, watching it by yourself doesn't give you a sense of being in a group, and while it's the basis of all these fan interpretations, it is kind of closed off. I mean, it has to be. You can't exactly talk with the writers directly about what they're doing with the story and ask for insights as easily as, say, the author of a pony blog or a fanfic you like. And if you write or draw, all it takes is doing some of that and you're interacting with the community. You're participating. You can't participate in the show itself, though.

Enjoying a show becomes a social activity. Sometimes the social activity can end up being your primary focus, and that's just dandy. So long as you are having fun. :)

This may have been incoherent. I am up far too late for my own good.

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That's probably the only reason i'm still i nthe fandom... because of all the cool stuff i see made by bronies... I need to get back into reading/ wriiting fanfics again...

The art, the stories, the lolz, they're all really cool, and it's something i've never seen before... so i'd like to stay a while

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