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Winter Bloom ❀ [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Winter Bloom

Sex: Female

Age: Young Mare

Species: Unicorn

Eye colour: Ruby red

Coat: Winter Bloom's coat is pure white. She has small gray freckles across her nose, and always wears a red bracelet that her mother gave her when she left to live on her own.

Mane/Tail: Winter Bloom's mane and tail are two colours; the main colour is white and the other is a very light gray. Both mane and tail are a bit messy, but still fashionably acceptable.

Physique: She is tall, with a lithe body.

Residence: A little house in Whitetail Wood, closer to Roundbottom Hills than Baltimare.

Occupation: Florist

Cutie Mark: Winter Bloom's cutie mark is three red blooms in a triangular form. She obtained her cutie mark just before she was considered a filly. The first day that she had sold all the bouquets from her stall in one day. Overjoyed with her success, she didn't realize until she burst into her home to tell her parents that she had finally obtained her cutie mark.

History: During the winter, Winter Bloom was born at the edge of Baltimare. She lived there with her parents, and would go off and explore Whitetail Woods almost every day. She was always bringing home beautiful flowers for her mother, who proudly displayed them in their home. Winter Bloom was always sad when winter came, for all the flowers would wilt away, and during her birthday, she never got to see her favorite flowers.

As she grew her love of taking care of flowers increased. Her mother, Cherryblossom, was very happy. As a young mare, she had been interested in flowers too, and showed her daughter her collection of books. Soon Winter Bloom was reading books on flowers, knowing their meanings, what season each flower bloomed, and how to put bouquets together. She bought beautiful ribbons and vases to hold her bouquets.

For her birthday, just hitting filly-hood, her father and mother gave her a portable booth for her to sell flowers in town. Overjoyed, Winter Bloom couldn't wait for spring to arrive. She started making lists of which flowers would be in season in the spring. When spring arrived, she gave the flowers time to grow, helping them along with the bits of magic she knew, and when they were ready, she plucked them gently, using magic to form the bouquets and tie them with beautiful ribbons.

Loading her cart for the first time, she trotted quickly into the heart of Baltimare with her cart and stood, waiting to sell her first bouquet. Day one wasn't quite what she expected. Mares and stallions would come look at what she had, would send her a compliment and be on their way. It was like that for her whole first week.

Winter Bloom was not one to give up, so she decided to try a different spot in Baltimare in her second week. She decided on a small park, on a sunny and well used path. She was surprised when a very old mare came up to her booth. Gazing at all the colourful flowers, Winter Bloom was surprised when she bought the most expensive bouquet. Winter Bloom thanked her, thrilled that she had sold her first bouquet. Soon, a stallion walked up to her booth saying how the 'lovely old mare' was raving about how her husband had brought her these beautiful flowers. Winter Bloom was surprised, but asked what the young stallion was looking for. Picking the flowers he wanted, she made a bouquet for him. Slowly but steadily, she ran out of flowers. The sun was setting, and Winter Bloom was galloping back home.

She loosened the booth from her back and burst inside. After prancing around like a little filly, her mother pointed to her flank. To her complete surprise Winter Bloom had gained her cutie mark; three red blooms. Ecstatic that she finally had her cutie mark, she made a small, special bouquet with three large red blooms almost identical to her cutie mark, calling it "The Winterbloom Special".

Winter Bloom continued to sell flowers in different places each day of the week; and one day she found the old mare who had been her first customer. Thankful for her help, she gave the mare a free bouquet, and continued to do so, until the old mare disappeared.

As her popularity grew, her ability to talk to customers on a more personal level increased. She became outgoing, a trait she had never really experienced before, and craved to get to know people. Making friends through her work made her a very positive pony.

Winter Bloom was now a fully grown mare; on her next birthday, she announced she would be moving into Whitetail Woods. She had made a little home for herself there with her father when she was younger, and planned on expanding. Plus, she reasoned, she would be closer to Ponyville, which had become a very popular place. As a good luck gift, her mother gave her a red bracelet.

Winter Bloom now resides in that cabin and each year she watches the Running of the Leaves, knowing soon winter will be upon her forest once more.

Character Summary:

As a filly, Winter Bloom was very, very shy. For one, she didn't have her cutie mark yet. For another most thought of her as quite an eyesore. What with her pure white coat and mane she stood out brilliantly from the other fillies and colts. And her eyes... a frightening red. Winter Bloom grew her bangs out to cover her strange eyes.

As Winter Blom grew, she learned she would have to be more assertive if she ever wanted to sell her flowers. Now as a young mare, she is friendly, outgoing, and easy to talk to. As soon as Winter Bloom steps behind her booth, she becomes a different pony! Making deals, while still being kind and courteous to her customers.

Winter Bloom is a very, loving, independent mare. She cares very much about her love for flowers, and in turn is very respectful of her customers, and trying her best to meet their expectations.

The flower loving pony is kind to a default. Even if others are being unpleasant towards her, she will still act in a kind manner. Some ponies from her childhood took advantage of her kindness, but she hasn't let that stop her. Her philosophy is 'Kindness begets kindness'... someday it will all pay off.

Winter Bloom is a proud pony, and deservedly so! She has started her own flower business, running it by herself, making the bouquets, making sure she has money for ribbons and vases... But she doesn't let it get to her head. She reminds herself that everypony does something special, and she is one of many.

When Winter Bloom isn't playing around with flower arrangements, she likes to run. Exercise is important to her, and with her long legs, and lithe body, she's pretty speedy; as she lives in Whitetail Forest, she hopes to run in the Running of the Leaves someday. She also likes to study up on simple magic spells, as her father always encouraged her to learn some form of magic.

As much as she loves flowers, Winter Bloom is afraid of spiders. No other insect scares her more than spiders. She'll freak out at first, and then laugh at herself for being scared of such a tiny thing. Winter Bloom is one of those ponies who isn't afraid to laugh at herself for her mistakes and fears.

Briefly throughout the winter months, Winter Bloom did a little bit of Interior Design. She decorated her own home, and helped her parents fix the decor in the older parts of their home. If being a florist hadn't worked out, she would have stepped back and done interior design.

As a young filly, she wanted to make friends so badly. But she was so shy she had no idea how to approach other ponies. Now, traveling from her home to Ponyville, she hopes to make as many friends as possible.

blooms-1.jpg Cutie Mark close up


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Greetings! I'm not a RP Helper, but perhaps I could provide some tidbits on how to expand your character summary. What other things does your character like besides flowers? What things does your character fear? How does she act when things either go her way or not? What sorts of ponies does she like to keep as friends? Essentially, the Character Summary (among other things) serves as a handy guide to let others know what scenarios you'll likely be putting your character into and how she'll react during said situations..... at least, that's the assumption I've always made when I write up character apps. :razz:

As for the rest, all of the other fields appear to be in order. So just sit tight and wait for a RP Helper to come along, unless you feel like expanding your character summary in the meantime. I wish you good luck with Winter Bloom! :)

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Hey, your character here looks very nice, and looks like it's got off to a great start. I rather like the design and execution of Winter and I think she's going to be a great addition to the Mane RP ^_^

Two things I would suggest that may need a touch up though are a bit of her past, before her cutie mark, and how she is in more social situations.

You make it clear that she loves flowers and first got interested in them by visiting Whitetail woods, but perhaps you could explain it a tad more where this initial interest came from? Maybe due to her shyness she was brought there by others and was entranced by what she saw? Or maybe a parent of hers had an interest in botany and had told her about the woods beforehand, sparking an interest? It's a small detail really but in my opinion it helps those reading about her to get a better idea of what she is like, given where her interest would have came from.

And as for the subject of social situations, you've said that she interacts with her customers and aims to please them but perhaps you could mention how she acts around other ponies? You said she's easy to talk to in her now mature age but maybe more examples of her personality could be given, like say, is she gentle or kind or quirky, anything really, and that gives people a better idea of how Winter will act in certain situations, but leaves room for spontaneity and excitement in the actual RPs she'll be in. :)

That's pretty much it really. These are just my opinions though, you know your character better than anybody else. Hope the suggestions helped though and I'm looking forward to seeing how Winter develops :D

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This does help a lot. At one point I was going to add in that her mother was a botanist, but then I decided the app had to be all about Winter. But now that I'm reading you're suggestions, I can see how that can be a big thing in how Winter became who she is today.

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Hi WinterBloom!

This is a very good app! All of the required fields are filled and it looks very well written and thought out.

Also I see you took the very good advice others have offered here to improve your app. I applaud you for this!

Just two lingering issues I have with this app. First of all, though I like your cutie mark story, it is a little too brief. Could you expand on it, please? A pony's cutie mark story can give much insight into that pony's personality. And this leads to my next issue. Could you expand more on WhiteBloom's personality? What are her personalty traits? Does she relate well with others? What are her likes, dislikes and dreams?

If you'll add these elements to your app, they will make this good app even better!


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Mojo is official. You can tell our official RP Helpers/Senior RP Helpers by the RP Helper/SRP Staff award below our signatures. Sorry for any delays, but your app has been looked at now... and I think it's more than ready for a stamp:


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