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Dragon Age: Equestrian Chronicles OOC [Private]


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Name: Nexar

Age group: Old teen

Gender: Male

Race: Changeling (Vampire)


His usual shapechanged form


His real form


Cutie mark: As a Changeling, he has no normally gained Cutie mark. However, he can apply one to himself using his Shapechange abilities, but he is hesitating to do so. However, sometimes he likes to apply a single arrow to his shapechanged flank, in order to seem more mature.

Talent: Unlike a normal Pony, he hasn't got a special talent describing him. But his most remarkable talent comes with him being a Changeling. As such he might have a hard time to use any of the normal unicorn magic schools, but has his very own kind of magic. Besides standard Telekinesis, with which he is able to lift things up to his own weight, his most powerful magic is Shapechanging. It allows him to take the form of any other pony and even create clothing on himself and emulate the voice of others perfectly. However, magical created clothing disappears as soon as he takes it off or changes into something else, and even thought he could easily change into a Pegasus, he needs to know how feathered wings work in order to use them. This also means, that if he was to shapechange into a Diamond Dog, he would have to know how to walk on two legs in order to walk. Up until now he has learned how to use feathered wings, but the best flying performance still comes with his multiple insect wings, which he had from birth on. Also, whatever he changes into, has to be of roughly the same size as himself. So he couldn't change into a Dragon, as tall as a house, but could change into one of pony size. This Shapechange is no illusion, but real body changing, and normally can't be magically detected, unless specifically searched for.

His second magic skill is an energy ray, shooting out of his horn, or when shapechanged into something without horn his forehead. It deals damage on impact, mostly only blowing the target back of off their feet, when targeted at something of his own size. Bigger targets might feel the Energy Ray like a strong blow. No matter the target, it's not very harmful and does not damage internal organs, unless of course used very often. It's more of an exhausting attack, causing Enemies to stop fighting or to flee.

After that Nexar is able to create magical shields. Those shields are, as all of his magic, bright green and blocks vision. It's created aroud himself, and not directly on his skin, but holds out a couple of blows before shattering. For example it can be used to protect his body while charging down from the sky, using the shield to prevent damage to the user and turning himself into a giant missle, able to blast craters into a stone floor or break through stone walls. This magic shield can be applied to someone else too, but with far less effectivity, holding off only one or two blows. A more creative way to use it, is to shield an opponent, taking his sight with the shield. However, the shield can only be casted on one target at the same time.

A nice and useful ability, is a magical rope, with which Nexar can grapple his enemies. It is just as strong, as a normal rope, and can be cut. Also the rope is only up to 5 meters long, making it too short to climb up a castle wall, but still enough to grapple a single Pony.

His final ability is only a weak one. Nexar is able to cast a healing spell, able to heal smaller scratches or stop a bleeding by healing the veins. This is never enough to get into the fight again, but it helps to survive till a proper healer can be found.

Seemingly, Nexar is immune to Blood Magic. As an insectous race Changelings have no real bloood, and even if he shapechanges into something else, his blood is only a fake one. But till now he doesn't know of this ability. Also he isn't attached to the fade, unlike most magic users.

Away from the magic, in his time as a squire he learned to use a sword as well as his crossbow. Also he learned how to maintain a full set of armor and weapons, so he is a helpful addition to a team. But till now he is neither a good sword fighter, nor a good shooter. He can defend himseld in close combat and hit enemies from up to 10 meters away with accuracy, but he is nothing special. More of a speciality is, that he can sneak really good. He had to learn to do so, in order to sneak up on sleeping ponies and to feed from them. However, he has not learned things like Lockpicking.

Class: Althoght Nexar is able to cast magic, he is limited to those four spells as well as Telekinesis, he isn't able to learn other magic the normal unicorn can learn. So he is limited to non-magical stuff, and as he has chosen to go with a crossbow, he can be considered to be a rogue.

Specialisation: Till now Nexar hasn't got a specialisation yet, but as it seems, he will develope into the role of a Shadow.

Fighting Style: Nexar usually prefers to fight hidden combats, not the open field battles. As such he likes to stay behind, shooting enemies from further away, or to flank enemy Archers and replace them in their position. This can be used in combination with him being a Changeling, but he tries to hide his real nature.

History: It all started with Nexars mother, who was a Changeling just like him. But her husband was no Changeling, and he never knew that he was married with one. After time Nexars mother became pregnant, and shortly before she gave birth to him, she ran away from Canterlot and into the wild, where she lived with her newborn child and teached him everything he needed to know, such as his Shapechange ability. Changelings have no society at all, as all of them live alone, hidden between all the other ponies, making the best out of their live. Apparently, only the females are able to give birth to new Changelings, no matter if the father is a Changeling as well or a pony, but every child a male Changeling gets, will always be a regular pony. But it happens very rarely, that a male Changeling becomes a father, because they are pretty much infertile with everything except other Changelings.

As soon as he was old enough to live on his own, Nexar moved to the next city east, Ponyville, and went into service as a squire. During this time he learned very much, but as the third Blight came up, Nexar said goodbye to the knight he has been serving for half of his life and planned to go on alone, finding adventures.

Starting Location: Ponyville

PAAAASS! Nexar is in!

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(For reference, invited by Cainiam)

Name: Barricade

Age group: Late twenties

Gender: Male

Race: Earth pony

Mane colour and style: Barricade’s mane is dark blue, and cut short so that it won’t obscure his vision, the back part is a little longer and tied into a small ponytail.

Coat colour: Bright orange

Eye colour: Steel blue

Any permanent accessories: [colour=#000000]A large scar runs up his shield leg, several adorn his torso and the tip of his right ear is missing.[/colour]

Cutie mark: A worn shield with an arrow embedded in it

Talent: Barricade’s body is unusually sturdy, and can shrug off many forms of physical damage. He is also exceedingly loyal, willing to lay down his life for others in his party.

Class: Warrior

Specialization: Guardian

Fighting Style: Barricade’s favorite weapon is a large metal round shield that has a long protruding spike in the middle that is almost constantly strapped to his leg, and never let out of his sight. He also carries a long sword with him, but his favorite method of fighting is charging the enemy, shield out front, and putting his entire weight behind the spike. As a guardian, he constantly tries to keep the enemies focus on himself, and will charge headlong into several armed enemies if it means those weaker than himself will be safer.

History: Barricade had always been large, even since he was a young colt he was larger than everypony of a similar age. And by the time he had reached his middle teens, he dwarfed nearly everypony in the small farming village where he grew up. But he was quiet, and soft spoken, keeping to himself for fear that his large size would cause him to accidently hurt those smaller then himself. He worked hard at his parent’s farm for most of his young life, and his free time was spent with one of the village’s elder ponies, a mare that was bigger in build then even the strongest of farmers. Her name was Rampart, and she was a retired mercenary that had settled in the village to live the rest of her life in relative peace and calm.

As a colt, Barricade would rush over to Rampart’s house after he had finished all his chores, and sit on her floor, listening eagerly to her recollections of her adventures throughout Equestria. As he grew older, and became lager in stature, Rampart offered to teach him some of the skills she had gained over the years, an offer which he readily accepted. The first lesson was how to use a shield, as was the next, and the one after, and so on. Eventually, Barricade questioned the old mercenary on the lesson, asking her when he could learn to use a sword. Rampart snorted, and told him that anypony could teach him how to use a sword, but she was teaching him something invaluable; how to keep himself and others alive. She taught him to use his size, not to worry about hurting the ponies he cared about, but using it to protect them.

Upon reaching stallionhood, Barricade made a conscious decision that the farm life wasn’t for him, and he wanted to experience those tales of glory and adventure that Rampart had, for himself. So the next time a small trade caravan had come around to the village, he offered his services as a mercenary. That was the last time he saw his village, looking back over his shoulder, with Rampart’s old shield strapped to his leg, and excitement in his chest. Since that day, Barricade had been living a typical life for a mercenary;, guarding caravans, escorting the high class, and protecting stock. He’d made quite a name for himself, rumored to be unkillable, and unshakably loyal.

Starting Location: Ostagar

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(For reference, invited by Cainiam)

Name: Barricade

Age group: Late twenties

Gender: Male

Race: Earth pony

Mane colour and style: Barricade’s mane is dark blue, and cut short so that it won’t obscure his vision, the back part is a little longer and tied into a small ponytail.

Coat colour: Bright orange

Eye colour: Steel blue

Any permanent accessories: [colour=#000000]A large scar runs up his shield leg, several adorn his torso and the tip of his right ear is missing.[/colour]

Cutie mark: A worn shield with an arrow embedded in it

Talent: Barricade’s body is unusually sturdy, and can shrug off many forms of physical damage. He is also exceedingly loyal, willing to lay down his life for others in his party.

Class: Warrior

Specialization: Guardian

Fighting Style: Barricade’s favorite weapon is a large metal round shield that has a long protruding spike in the middle that is almost constantly strapped to his leg, and never let out of his sight. He also carries a long sword with him, but his favorite method of fighting is charging the enemy, shield out front, and putting his entire weight behind the spike. As a guardian, he constantly tries to keep the enemies focus on himself, and will charge headlong into several armed enemies if it means those weaker than himself will be safer.

History: Barricade had always been large, even since he was a young colt he was larger than everypony of a similar age. And by the time he had reached his middle teens, he dwarfed nearly everypony in the small farming village where he grew up. But he was quiet, and soft spoken, keeping to himself for fear that his large size would cause him to accidently hurt those smaller then himself. He worked hard at his parent’s farm for most of his young life, and his free time was spent with one of the village’s elder ponies, a mare that was bigger in build then even the strongest of farmers. Her name was Rampart, and she was a retired mercenary that had settled in the village to live the rest of her life in relative peace and calm.

As a colt, Barricade would rush over to Rampart’s house after he had finished all his chores, and sit on her floor, listening eagerly to her recollections of her adventures throughout Equestria. As he grew older, and became lager in stature, Rampart offered to teach him some of the skills she had gained over the years, an offer which he readily accepted. The first lesson was how to use a shield, as was the next, and the one after, and so on. Eventually, Barricade questioned the old mercenary on the lesson, asking her when he could learn to use a sword. Rampart snorted, and told him that anypony could teach him how to use a sword, but she was teaching him something invaluable; how to keep himself and others alive. She taught him to use his size, not to worry about hurting the ponies he cared about, but using it to protect them.

Upon reaching stallionhood, Barricade made a conscious decision that the farm life wasn’t for him, and he wanted to experience those tales of glory and adventure that Rampart had, for himself. So the next time a small trade caravan had come around to the village, he offered his services as a mercenary. That was the last time he saw his village, looking back over his shoulder, with Rampart’s old shield strapped to his leg, and excitement in his chest. Since that day, Barricade had been living a typical life for a mercenary;, guarding caravans, escorting the high class, and protecting stock. He’d made quite a name for himself, rumored to be unkillable, and unshakably loyal.

Starting Location: Ostagar

Welcome Walker! Cain and I loved your ap! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

As this rp has seven players, and will be splitting into two groups, Spaced and I have decided to open up an eighth spot for one lucky applicant. Due to the circumstances of this rp, the applicant must have a Skype Account, and a Google Account, or willing to get them both. The applicant must also be able to post quite frequently, and their app must be up to scratch. Please use the updated format in the first post for your apps. Due to our current roster, we are disallowing rogues, and recommending warriors, although a well thought out mage may be accepted. If you fancy playing an Elf, then their equivalent is a Zebra, likewise if you were interested in Dwarves, they have been replaced with Diamond Dogs.

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  • 1 month later...

The Story so far (Short version)


· Two wardens, Pinprick and Grim are joined by new recruit Hoax – a circle mage. They are sent into the Everfree forest to obtain some ancient Warden treaties.

· Barricade – a Mercenary in Dane’s army has retreated from Ostagar along with Dane’s army when it became clear the battle was doomed. The battle was lost, and the king is dead. They are now heading for Canterlot, via Ponyville and will arrive within the day.

· Grim, Pinprick and Hoax are rendered unconscious in Everfree after a Manticore attack, and are currently unaware of the Ostagar defeat. They are now heading for Ponyville.


· Snow frost and Icicle frost are approached and recruited by Ser Slight – A Mages Collective supporter and Templar.

· Cyrie – a Carta member, arrived along with a gang of Diamond Dogs. They offer to help with Ponyville’s bandit problem. Ser Slight accepts.

· Nexar – A Changeling in hiding, meets Cyrie and goes on to collect blood and store it in a wine bottle for later consumption.

· Flim and Flam – two merchants cause a ruckus in town when they begin selling much needed supplies at ridiculous prices. Cyrie fails to convince the pair to stop their bartering and is stopped from using her magic by Nexar, who drags her away before a fight can break out.

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