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Flashbomb floated over to his spot which was the 2nd row. He wasnt to tall but he wasnt the shortest. He kept his hurt leg elevated so not to hurt it. The other cadets lined up as well for the photo.

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Angel announced class photo time. Flashbomb flew off. Marble knew it wasn't anything dangerous, so felt it was safe for Flash to float for just the picture. Marble moved to the back, where the tallest of the ponies were, and gave a small smile at the camera.

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"[colour=#800000]Alright... Hold it..[/colour]" He said as he looked down the camera, He took a shot. It looked good so He didnt think He had to take another "[colour=#800000]Awesome! Thanks ever-pony. Your dismissed for today[/colour]" He announced

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The picture was taken, and Angel dismissed the class for the day. Flash immediately flew back to Marble and went to his back, without needing reminder. He returned to the stallions quarters, and let Flash fly up to the bunk, as he took the bottom bunk. [colour=#ff0000]"Will we be skipping dinner again?" [/colour]Marble teased, remembering that the last few days they slept through most of their meals.

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Flashbomb laid on his back and when he was going to respond his stomach growled and awnsered for him. He chuckled and floated down. "Lets get some food, we gotta keep our strength up for the final test in 2 days."

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Flash's stomach growled loudly in response. Flash flew down, noting that they should keep their strength up for the last 2 days. Marble nodded, and jumped from his bed, letting Flash back on it. [colour=#ff0000]"Should we go get Lyria first?" [/colour]Marble suggested when they left the quarters.

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Marble turned to the mare quarters, and not wanting to barge in on them and embarrass them, he politely knocked on the door. Coincidentally, Lyria answered the door, asking if something was wrong. Flash invited her to the mess hall. Marble remained silent, still slightly shy around Lyria.

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Marble walked next to Lyria withFlashbomb on his back. Flashbomb glanced to Lyria and smiled. when they got to the mess hall He jumped off of marble's back and floated into line. He got his food and found an empty table for him and his friends to sit at. He sat down and was carefull not to hit his leg.

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Flashbomb held up his hoof, His mouth was full. He chewed and swallowed. "Its ok, kinda itches." He said. He then chuckled. He took anther bite of the tasteless food. "So your like the fastest Mare in the whole academy! Do you think you could take one Rainbow dash?" He asked her. He took a sip of water and set the glass down.

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AngelSnapp trotted in and saw the group of rookies he always sat with. Flashbomb told Lyria she was the fastest in the academy and if she could take on RainBow dash. Angel laughed lightly to himself amused and garbed his food, He went to sit with the rookies and took a seat next to marble "[colour=#800000]I remember when I was here before I graduated, I broke a record..[/colour]" He said amused.

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Marble, with Flash on his back and Lyria trotting next to him, made his way to the mess hall. He felt slightly uncomfortable that Flash was floating again in line, but was thankful that he no longer had a pony on his back. After getting their food, they went to their normal table, and began their normal conversations, naturally starting by complimenting Lyria. Angel joined in, mentioning breaking a record, obviously wanting somepony to ask about it. Marble took the opportunity. [colour=#ff0000]"What record did you break, sir?"[/colour]

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"[colour=#800000]Obstacle Course, I remember I was the most agile in the class... I can't remember what my Time was though.... Its been too long and too many recruits have broken it now." [/colour]He laughed "[colour=#800000]All I remember was SpitFire's Jaw dropping, She thought I was hopeless... until that point.[/colour]" He winked and took a bite of food.

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Angel began reminiscing about how he broke the record on the obstacle course. [colour=#ff0000]"Good job, sir!" [/colour]He congratulated him, even though it happened long ago. [colour=#ff0000]I wish I could break a record... [/colour]Trying to hide that thought, Marble continued idolizing Angel. [colour=#ff0000]"I bet you could get your record back if you tried again, sir."[/colour]

(This is basically my way of saying MARBLE NEEDS TO BREAK A RECORD!!!)

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Flashbomb glanced over to Angel snapp. "You broke a record in the obsticle course? Thats brilliant!" He paused when an instructor looked at him funny. "Sir" He added in. He looked back down to his food. he took another bite and chewed slowly. He swallowed and wiped his face with a napkin. "You know i could break a record if i could do a sonic rainboom without crippling my sight and hearing." He chuckled.

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(Don't worry... Soon, something is going to happen, to where Marble will break a record. :) ) Lyria smiled when Angel sat down. [colour=#800080]"That's awesome that you broke a record Sir!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria smiled at him. She took a bite of her food, and sipped her drink. [/colour]

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Flashbomb finnished his food and pushed his tray away.. His leg was throbbing slightly and he frgot his pain medication in he barracks. He streched his wings and his forelegs. He crossed them on the table and rested his head. He was kinda bummed that his training was almost over and he would have to go home. "I hope we pass the test." He commented to the others.

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Flashbomb repositioned himself to be more comfortable. Marble remembered the pain medication back at the barracks, but was feeling too lazy to go and get it, even if he felt selfish for not getting them. Flashbomb told them his hope on passing the test. Marble gave him a smile, and nudged his shoulder. [colour=#ff0000]"You guys'll do awesome! Don't even worry about it." [/colour]He told them, without letting out his own anxiety about failing the test.

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