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Flashbomb smiled to marble. "Thanks for the confidence." He thanked him. He looked up at the clock and sighed. "Its about time to go back to the barracks." He said with slight sadness. He shifted his leg and continued to rest his head on his forelimbs.

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Flashbomb told them it was time to go back to the barracks. Checking the time, Marble agreed with him. He got Flashbomb back on his back, fearin him getting too tired again. [colour=#ff0000]"I'll see you guys later then." [/colour]He said to Lyria and Angel as he left the cafeteria, and returned to the stallions barracks. [colour=#ff0000]"Mail's here!" [/colour]He yelled when he saw a letter on his bunk. After letting Flash go, he tore open the letter. As expected, it was from his family.

To Marble Chisel,

I knew you'd have a good time at the Wonderbolts' Academy! Flashbomb sure sounds nice! Showboat says he'd like to meet him. Of course, Showboat would ALSO like to see that Lightning Dust you mentioned in your last letter, despite you saying how you didn't like her at all. Good luck getting through the rest of the week, and remember, we're all certain you will pass your test! Until next time then!

[colour=#008000]From: Your mother, father and brother![/colour]

Marble hid the letter under his bed when he finished reading it. He didn't want anypony teasing him because of his family's love. [colour=#ff0000]"Did ya' get anything?" [/colour]He asked Flashbomb.

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Flashbomb picked up a red letter from his pillow. "Yep i did." he read it was from his cousin Nexus. "its from my cousin." he responded He opened it and read it.

Dear Cousin

I hear from my father that you have gotten into the academy. Your lucky because they would have chosen me hooves down over you, but i guess everypony gets their lucky day.

Flashbomb rolled his eyes he hated that his cousin always thought he was perfect in everything. He was 2 years older than him and he thought that he could beat him in everything. Flashbomb continued to read.

Well anyways congrats on the achievement! Ma and i have been keeping the weather perfect here in The country. Remember the time when i beat yo-

Flashbomb knew that this letter was about his achievements "my cousin is so full of himself!" he said to marble.

He decided not to read it until he saw the last part.

My family and i are going to move to ponyville so dad can do his new job there. Cant wait to see you and show everypony how great i am! Smell you later!

Flashbomb's eyes dialated, Not only his cousin was going to see him but he was moving there to!? "thats just great." he said and let go of the letter. It floated down to the floor.

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(Is his cousin Gary Oak? XD)

Flashbomb began saying some things he thought he meant to think, including how his cousin was full of himself, and how something was 'just great'. He threw the letter on the ground. Not wanting somepony else reading it, Marble grabbed it and hid it under his pillow as well. He wasn't a curious pony, thankfully, so he was able to control his small urge to read it. [colour=#ff0000]"You don't like your cousin, eh?" [/colour]Marble asked Flashbomb, remembering some of the things he heard Flashbomb mutter.

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"No i love my cousin as a family member. Its just that he thinks that he is top notch at everything even though i beat him at almost everything." He sighed. "he just.....gets on my nerves at times." he said.

(maybe he is gary lol)

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Lyria said her goodbyes to Marble and Flashbomb as they went, and then turned to Angel. [colour=#800080]"I've got to go to. [/colour][colour=#000000](is it nighttime?)[/colour] [colour=#800080]Sleep well Angel. See you in the morning." [/colour][colour=#000000]She blushed, and then trotted to the barracks. There was two pieces of mail on her bed, and her head turned quizzically at the sight of them. [/colour]One of them was a odd light blue colour, with a royal stamp stamped on the front. She decided to open that one first, but when she got to it, some letters magically appeared on the front of the envelope.

[colour=#00ffff]Open the other letter first. [/colour]

[colour=#000000]So, Lyria listened, and reached for the other envelope. She opened it, and a letter was written out, and it fell to the floor. [/colour]She picked it up.

[colour=#40e0d0]Dear Lyria,[/colour]

[colour=#40e0d0]Knowing your curiosities, [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]I made the other letter say to read this one first, and I'm glad you listened,[/colour]

[colour=#40e0d0]like I knew you would.[/colour]

[colour=#40e0d0]So in this letter, I have something exciting, and hopefully something happy to cheer you up after your most recent dreadful times. [/colour]

The other letter she was told not to open shook. She looked at it, and whimpered away from it slightly. For she had no clue who the letter was written from, and so she stared at the shaking envelope. The envelope opened slightly, and a small wind gust of magic came into the room. It was strong enough for Lyria's mane to fly back from the gust though. When the wind cleared, rather quickly, Lyria moved her mane aside, and stared at the thing that had come out of the envelope.

A smile grew on the pony's face right when Lyria looked at her.

[colour=#800080]"Dawn!!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria smiled, and hugged her. The unicorn was standing on the clouds, and Lyria didn't even freak out. She knew Dawn was powerful. Lyria had seen Dawn create the spell to walk on clouds forever when they were just fillies. Not only was Dawn powerful, she was smart. Smarter then the princesses, smarter then Twilight Sparkle. [/colour]

[colour=#40e0d0] "Lyria!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn giggled, and hugged her long lost friend. They chatted, and sat on Lyria's bunk. They started talking about stallions they like, and Lyria gasped when Dawn told Lyria hers. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Yeah... I'm sorta in love with a pony named Wolfie. He is so cute... And... And..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria waited for her to continue. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"He[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]has a secret... One I don't know yet..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria giggled, and hugged her best friend/sister. [/colour]

[colour=#800080] "Well... I sorta have a crush on a pony here... And he is really high up in the ranks..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria blushed, and hid behind her mane. Dawn moved her mane. [/colour]

[colour=#000000] [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Ohhh... So liking the higher ranked ponies?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn smiled. Lyria gasped, and Dawn just busted up laughing. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"I'm joking sis!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She giggled, and Lyria just looked at her. [/colour]

[colour=#000000] [/colour][colour=#800080]"His name is Angel." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria whispered, careful not to be to loud for eavesdroppers. After that, Dawn kept pressuring Lyria to continue telling her about Angel, which is exactly what Lyria did. [/colour]

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Flashbomb heard a slight noise it stirred him. He swore he felt a wind gust from under the door. He looked down and saw that Marble Hadnt done it. His curiosity got the best of him and he decided to investigate. He flew down and floated. His leg throbbed at him, He grabbed the bottle of pills and took 2. His leg numbed and he floated around the barracks to try to find the wind source. he flew over to the nearby windows to make sure it wasnt as simple as that. They were all shut and secured. He scratched his head with his hoof. he floated around and looked some more but he couldnt find the source. He didnt know why it had intreauged him so much but he looked on. He finnaly checked the barracks door and opened it. It creeked loudly. "Horsefeathers." He whispered under his breath. Heheard whispers eminating from the Mare's barracks.

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Flashbomb flew over to the mare's barracks and listened to the door. He heard giggling and hushed whispers.

Lightning dust woke up from a wind gust she jumped at the sudden cold. She looked around sleepily and saw a unicorn talking to Lyria. She didnt know who she was though. She got up and trotted slowly over. She felt like confronting her but she decided against it. "Who is this?" She asked Lyria at first.

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(Stupid homework)

AngelSnapp Sighed as ever-pony left. Lyria told him Goodnight, Although He knew he wasn't getting any sleep tonight. It was hard to get comfy with the stupid brace on this rear leg. Once every-pony was back in their barracks, Angel sat down on his bunk in the Staff Barracks and took off the Brace, It hurt a little but. It beat not getting any sleep. He lied down and put his hoofs behind his head. He sat there a while and thought about what tomorrow would bring, They had basically done all the exercises He wondered what SpitFire had up her sleeve, He hoped it didnt involve him. He tryed to sleep but was only awaken by thoughts, He got up and put his brace back on. [colour=#800000]"Suppose Ill go outside and sit down for a bit, Unwind.[/colour]" He said to himself already out the door of the Barracks.

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Marble began hearing some noises again. He didn't pay it much attention, but Flashbomb was. He was floating around the room, seemingly looking for the source of the noise. He turned back to his bed. He hadn't actually noticed something else on his bed. A package. He opened it up, another letter was inside it, with something else he hadn't noticed yet. [colour=#0000cd]Hey! Thought you might get bored, so I sent you something to do in your free time! Hope you do awesomely! -Showboat Forte. [/colour]Marble was happy to see that his brother was thinking about him. He looked inside the package. Within, was a medium-sized square hunk of white marble, naturally Marble's favourite sculpting material, and all the tools needed to shape it into whatever his mind would come up with. He smiled, realizing, for once, his brother DIDN'T make a wrong choice. He turned away from his bed. Flash was gone. Marble sighed in annoyance. [colour=#ff0000]I should have paid more attention. [/colour]He jumped from his bed, and exited the stallions barracks. The mares barracks was still open, and he saw Flash talking with Lyria and somepony else. He entered silently, and stood by Flash, who just asked who the other mare was. She was a unicorn, making Marble as confused as Flash.

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(Fire raven,Flashbombis outside the barracks and the door is shut he is just listening in. Lightning dust is the one in the barracks talking to them not flashbomb silly :) )

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(Oh, woops XD Let me change that)

[colour=#282828]He turned away from his bed. Flash was gone. Marble sighed in annoyance. [/colour][colour=#FF0000]I should have paid more attention. [/colour][colour=#282828]He jumped from his bed, and exited the stallions barracks. As soon as he opened the door, he bumped into Flash, with his ears listening intently on the door. He looked at him questioningly. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"What're you doing?"[/colour]

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Flashbomb turned around and chuckled with embarrisment. "My curiosity got the best of me i wanted to see what the noise was." He explained to Marble. He landed and made sure not to put weight on his bad leg. He stood there looking at marble with a guilty look. "I know better." He sighed. Marble was looking at him with a stern look. He reminded him of a big brother who would give you the stare of dissaproval. He glanced up at him and smiled slightly.

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Angel Was just about to trot out of the main hall, He looked down the hall to see FlashBomb And Marble standing outside the mare's barracks, He snuck up on them "[colour=#800000]Well...well....well... What we doing fellas?[/colour]" He whispered to them jokingly.

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Flashbomb was curiously listening to the chatter in the mares barracks. Before Marble could tell him that hey should return to their bunks, Angel interrupted them. Marble blushed slightly, worried Angel might misinterpret what they were doing. [colour=#ff0000]"I-I'm just... Getting Flashbomb here... Sir..."[/colour]

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Flashbomb looked over at Angel snapp. He stammered a bit, "Its not Marble's fault i thought i heard something and i ...i... my curiosity got th ebest of me again. Im sorry." He appologised to Angel. He felt bad for his curiosity.

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Angel laughed quietly "[colour=#800000]Guys, Calm down, Before some-pony else catches you.. Then youll be neck deep in trouble[/colour]" he told them. "[colour=#800000]Now.. Get back to your bunks. Before SpitFire has your eyes burned. With acid. Or...something.[/colour]​" he chuckled "[colour=#800000]I Doubt she would do that though.[/colour]" He whispered.

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Flashbomb nodded and climbed on Marble's back. They went back to the barracks and flashbomb climbed up onto the top bunk. He sighed. "Sorry Marble." He appologised to him. He stared up at the celing.

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Angel seemed to be joking with them, giving a friendly warning about what Spitfire would do if they were caught. Marble nodded. Flash flew back on Marble's back, and they returned to their bunks. Flash apologized to Marble. [colour=#ff0000]"Just don't do it again. I don't want you hurting your hoof and then having to drop out of the academy."[/colour]

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Flashbomb chuckled poorly he stared up at the ceiling still. He wondered what the noise was still but he brushed it off. he lay there and decided to read he floated down and got his book from the saddlebag. He flew back up and read his book in the dim light.

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Angel Sighed, He closed the mare's barracks door. "[colour=#800000]Oh man, That would have been really bad if spitfire found them[/colour]" He sighed to himself. he began trotting down Hall to the Main entrance, He stepped outside. It was surprisingly warm, He sat down under a tree and stared up at the stars.

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Flashbomb laid there and read. he became bored and decided to go to sleep. He covered himself and rolled over. His leg stung but he didnt care. He looked out the window and saw the moon. It was beautiful and showered the outside with silver light. He continued to look and felt himself fall asleep. He drempt he was flying in the clouds high in the sky.

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Lyria looked at Lightning Dust. [colour=#800080]"A friend of mine." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria smiled, and Dawn sighed. [/colour]

[colour=#40e0d0]"Well my friend, it is that time again to go help my mother raise all the stars." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn smiled, and walked towards the door of the mare barracks. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"I have to go outside to teleport out of here, See ya!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn whispered, and trotted out the door. She trotted to the doors, and stepped outside, took a deep breath, and saw a stallion sitting outside near a tree. She looked to the sky, where her mum had already risen half the stars. So, Dawn smiled, and walked over to the stallion. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Hello. The names Dawn. And you are?"[/colour]

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Lightning dust smiled slightly trying to be friendly. "Nice to meet you." She said to Dawn. She watched as she trotted out the door. She looked to Lyria. and nodded. She decided to get a drink and go back to bed. She got a drink and looked over her shoulder to Lyria. She smiled and trotted back to bed.

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