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AngelSnapp was in the middle of naming the constilations "Orion, Skorpio, Tapioca, Big Dipper, Little Dipper" A unicorn trotted out of the main building. He wondered how she got here, On the cloud. He must have fallen asleep under the tree. "I'm AngelSnapp" He smiled to her and looked back up at the sky. "Looks like princess Luna did agreat job tonight" He smiled

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Flashbomb awoke he flipped over and tried to get comfortable. He tried to get back to sleep but couldnt. He sat up, His leg was numb from the pain medication. He looked down and saw Marble's sketchbook. He saw that marble had finnaly fallen asleep. He reached down and grabbed it from the endtable and looked through it. It had many sketches of different things that He had in mind to make into statues. They were finely detailed with each pencil mark in a place to emphesize perfection. He flipped the page and saw the sketch of Spitfire he had drawn up. He was amazed how well of a artist Marble was. He found a blank page and looked down to marble. "he wouldnt mind if i borrowed just a page. He carefully removed it and made sure that he didnt harm any of the other pictures. He set the sketchbook back where it was and took a pencil that was next to it. He began drawing a hillside with trees and a small cottage. He found himself erasing alot and decided to draw lighter. He put in shadows and lighting on the picture. He then drew a little pond with frogs on lillypads sitting on the surface of the water. He was satisfied with his picture.

Then he remembered an idea he had long ago. He wanted to make a mask that he could use when he flew so that the wind wouldnt bother him as much. And as well to make it capable of him not being disabled by a sonic Flashboom. He flipped the page and began to draw the mask.

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[colour=#40e0d0]Angel Snapp... [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn stood up straight in realization. [/colour]

[colour=#40e0d0]"My mother makes the stars look the prettiest before she lets them shine on us." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn smiled, and looked at the pegasus. [/colour]

[colour=#40e0d0]Angel Snapp...[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Dawn used her magic, and another constellation popped up into the sky. She focused hard, continuing to let the stars rise with the help of her magic. Once she was done, she looked back to the pegasus, and smiled. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"You know of a pegasus named Lyria?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn took the form of her friend to make a picture reminder. Once she was sure he remembered, she changed back into herself. [/colour]

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Angel sighed "[colour=#800000]Of course I know her, By celestia I feel awful about her mother. I tried my best to cheer her up..[/colour]" AngelSnapp Knew for a fact this was a dream now, He didnt know any pony who could shape Shift.. Unless they were a Changeling. Maybe she was, He keeped on his guard. But he felt like he could trust the Mare.

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[colour=#40e0d0]"I know... I feel deeply for her loss as well. She saved me when I was younger, and then got her cutie mark." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn smiled, and looked at Angel Snapp. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"She told me a few minutes ago that you are the only one that makes her happy. The only one that listens to her, and continues to when she goes on about her problems." [/colour]

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Flashbomb had finnished his drawing of his flight set up. It turned out to be a helmet with sound dampening systems and a tinted visor to lock out light flashes. He also set up a tasnk and hose system to attach to his back so he coud breathe well. He put the drawing on the end of his bed and laid back.

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AngelSnapp let out a light laugh "[colour=#800000]I guess Ive always been that way, Helping others with their problems. Im glad she feels that way." [/colour]He smiled up at her and started to get up. "[colour=#800000]I should probably head to bed, As much As I dont want too." [/colour]He sighed "[colour=#800000]Ill see you around miss... Im sorry whats your name?[/colour]" He asked

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[colour=#40e0d0]"Dawn." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn turned to leave, when something important flashed in her mind. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Your sister has being missing you. She asked me the other day if you were well and if you had found somepony." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn giggled. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"I told her all's well, and that I didn't know." [/colour][colour=#000000]And with that, Dawn disappeared, leaving only a magic gust of wind behind her. [/colour]

[colour=#000000]Lyria tossed and turned, and then picked up the sketch pad. She sketched a filly, an image that just popped in Lyria's mind. She shaded in the picture, coloured it, and then yawned. She fell asleep, and that magic gust of wind from Dawn flew in from the cracked window. The picture tore away from the pad gently, and slid into the hallway, in front of the staff's barracks, folded into a letter, and the magic gust of wind disappeared as fast as it had appeared through the window. [/colour]

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Before Angel could respond, The Unicorn was gone. "[colour=#800000]How did she know SilverStar? What ever... Im going to just crawl into bed and sleep[/colour]" He stoped outside the Staff Barracks to see a letter outside the door. He picked it up and went inside and set it on the table. "[colour=#800000]Whos this for?[/colour]" He wondered to himself. He yawned, He would find out in the morning.

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(yea sure!)

Flashbomb awoke, he found himself half hanging off the bed. He slowly tried to move as to not fall once again off of his bed. "Come on come on.... " He whispered as he attempted to inch back on the bed. He was almost balanced but then his sheets slid. "HORSEFEATHERS!" He yelped as he fell and landed on his back. His injured leg wasnt hurt but he laid there in Humiliation with is sheets on his face.

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Marble thought he would wake up peacefully for once. He was wrong again. Flashbomb woke him up this time, falling from his bunk. Marble panicked. [colour=#ff0000]"Are you okay?" [/colour]He jumped from his bed, and pulled the sheet off of Flashbomb.

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Flashbomb laid there for a bit not saying anything. He was red with embarissment. " Im fine....really." He said to Marble. He sat up and rubbed the back of his head.

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Angel Woke up and found the letter next to him.. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. He picked up the letter "[colour=#800000]Guess its for me, No-pony else seems to be reading it[/colour]" He opened it to find a drawing of a Filly. (Is it SilverStar? Kinda confused.)

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There was an awkward silence as Flash lay there rubbing his head. He said he was fine, though it wasn't very convincing. Flash stood up, and Marble quickly reacted. [colour=#ff0000]"Careful!" [/colour]Flash almost put weight on his bad hoof.

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Flashbomb stopped and realized he almost put weight on his Leg. He held it up and rubbed his head some more. "Thanks Marble." He said with one eye closed. He hit his head pretty hard and was seeing double. He shook his head and looked outside. "Wow its already morning." He said.

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AngelSnapp smiled, It was a drawing of SilverStar, "[colour=#800000]How though?[/colour]" He wondered to himself, He set the drawing down after looking at it for a minute, No one in the academy Knew what SilverStar looked like accept FlashBomb, Maybe he drew it.. He would have to asked . Angel slipped into the uniform he was forced to wear and trotted to the mess hall for breakfast.

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Lyria reached for her sketch pad, and noticed the picture she was drawing last night wasn't there. She took a shower a super fast shower, got in her uniform, and rushed around for her picture.

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Flashbomb slipped on his uniform and yawned. he took 2 more Pills and floated over to the door. He was interupted by the doctor. "Oh hey doc what are you doing here?" Flashbomb asked with surprise.

"Im here to check yer leg and give you a new medication." He replied. He placed his bag on the endtable.

"Hop on that bed there." He pointed to Marble's bunk.

Flashbomb gave Marble an uneasy glance and obeyed him. He sat on the bed and looked at the doctor. The doctor unfastened his bandaged leg and unwrapped it. "Hmm Looks like the bandages were a little tight." He muttered under his breath. He turned to his bag and rummaged through it.

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Marble and Flashbomb changed into their uniforms. They were about to leave when the doctor stopped them, and said he was going to give Flashbomb a medical examination. They used Marble's bed, though Marble hid his annoyance with that. The doctor said something about Flash's bandages being too tight. Marble decided to kill some time with his sketching. He reached for his sketchpad on the end table, but it wasn't there. Marble worried about that. It wasn't just a hobby of his, designs for snowflakes he would have to make later were in there. Marble began rummaging through his bag in panic, hoping he put it away and didn't lose it.

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Flashbomb saw that Marble had been looking for something and reached onto the floor where his sketchpad had fallen. He handed it to him "Is this what your looking for?" He asked nicely. He hoped he wouldnt find the missing page he used.

The doctor turned around and what he had scared Flashbomb to death. It was a shot with a long needle. Flashbomb scrambled off the bed and squeed like a little foal. "You never told me i had to get a shot!" He yelped. He hated shots so much.

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