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( No you shut up! XD )

Flashbomb smiled as Angel snapp comforted Lyria. He was kinda bumbed when he rejected her feelings forthe moment. But he said fter the accademy they could see each other. He waitied for the dust to settle.

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Lyria looked up at Angel. [colour=#800080]"R-Really Angel?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She sniffled, and looked at him, a smile gradually coming onto her face. The pony she had a major crush on was [/colour]going to give her a chance. She stood up, and got in her ready to fly. [colour=#800080]"I believe we have a Angel to catch." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and waited to take off after him. [/colour]

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Angel laughed lightly "[colour=#800000]Yeh? Well this Angel Has wings...... Man that was lame[/colour]" He laughed at his own comment and took off, He would have to show a little more of himself now, He had improved his wingpower scene he was last here. He dashed off as fast as he could, Leaving a trail of dust behind him.

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Flashbomb stood up "I believe so." He said. He unfolded his wings. " Might i make a suggestion Angel?" He said to him. "Run" He waated for him to react.

Lightning dust and the others were circling searching for Angel snapp. She spotted him and dived the others followed soon after. (place b4 Angel's post)

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[colour=#800080]"Flashbomb! I have an idea. You follow him up from behind, I'm going to go ahead get him to slow down a little, your gonna have to sonic boom, but I have something for you. Had it shipped to me from Dawn so you can sonic boom." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria handed him the mask he had drawn on that paper a while ago. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Dawn sorta sent me it, she saw it, not me." [/colour][colour=#000000]She handed him the actual mask, which fit the description on his paper perfectly.[/colour][colour=#800080] "Now go get him." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria shot ahead so she could try to slow Angel.[/colour]

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Flashbomb looked at the mask and nodded to her. He put it on, it fit perectly. It as well had a mph meter and a Altitude monitor. (runs on Magic and looks like a interface of a jet.) He unfolded his wings and shot off after Angel. The mask diverted the wind so he could focus easily. Angel had took to the sky and shot like a Rocket. Flashbomb followed behind him , the interface told him everything, he felt more in control. He flapped his wings hard to keep behind Angel snapp. He was pulling away from him and Flashbomb waited for Lyria.

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Lyria shot in front of Angel, darting back and forth in front of him, then stopped dead center in front of him. Once he flew over his head, she noticed he was going a little slower. [colour=#800080]"Go Flashbomb!!!"[/colour]

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Flashbomb took a deep breath and shot Forwad with every ounce of might he had in him.[colour=#0000FF] " I HOPE THIS MASK WORKS!" [/colour]He yelled to her. Flashbombs body ripped through the air and the sound barier started to ripple. He pushed harder And his mind slowed down. He remembered his first sonic boom how he got his scars. He prayed that it worked or else he wouldnt be able to recover in time to land safetly. His mind snapped back, The wind screeched around the mask but it held on. Then the cone started to develop.

(this is his 2nd Flashboom so i gotta make itcool somewhat.)

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AngelSnapp Folded his wings and free fell a bit. He noticed FlashBomb approaching him at extreme speeds, He quickly built up speed and a cone also began to form around him (AngelSnapp Can also do a sonic Rainboom.. ;3)

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Lyria ducked for all life. When Flashbomb shot over her, she twirled around in the air, and her mane flew back.

But she had to catch up.

She took off, a rainbow appearing when she sped up. She pushed herself harder, and another cone started to form.

A double rainboom?

She pushed on, trying to catch up

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Flashbomb snappedhis wings in and the cone narrowed. Flashbomb prepared himself for the shock.

Lightningdust and the other recruits sped after Flash and Angel snapp. She noticed they had reached a breaking point and her eyes dialated. "Sonic rainbooms incoming!" she shouted at the others. She braced as she flew after them she wasnt about to let 2 sonic rainbooms cost her her record.

Flashbomb felt the rumble of the sonicFlashboom then he slipped through the crack in the barrier. A large Flash took the whole horizonand the air snapped. It was quiet for one second them BOOM! the air shook with the rumbleof the sonic flashboom. Instead of colourfull light it was a brunt force of a giant (conncussion grenade) It blinded most who were watching and deafened them slightly. He felt the speed hit him and he shot at Great power twoards Angel snapp. He was surprised that he was unfazed and continued on.

Lightning dust and the other cadests yelped whe they were blinded. Her ears rang and her eyes waterd.

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AngelSnapp keeped gaining speed. He had never gone this fast before. His eyes began to water from the air going into them. The cone became more clear now.. He wondered what was going on when suddenly, In what seemed like a explosion around him. A Trail of Red and White light fallowed behind him. "[colour=#800000]What the?[/colour]" He had done a SonicBoom. He laughed hysterically. For this was his first.

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Lyria sped up, and she closed her eyes. A double rainboom ripped through the air. Different shades of purple spread across the sky, and Lyria took off at a speed faster then what she thought anypony could go. She screamed as the rainboom went out of control, and opened to eyes as white as snow. She raced past Angel, and kept going up. She smiled, and embraced what was going to happen next.

the fall

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Flashbomb braced as the force of Angel snapp's Sonic boom hit him he was unfazed though. He saw that Angel snapp had rocketed ahead and got further away. Flashbomb pushed harder and harder till he was at his limit. A large trail of sparks and yellow light trailed behind him. [colour=#0000FF]"YOUR NOT GETTING AWAY THAT EASY!" [/colour]He screamed as he chased after Angel snapp. The air shook as they flew.

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AngelSnapp nearly fell out of the sky when Lyria flew past him. She lost control and his eyes widened in panic. She began to fall and Angel quickly changed his course to fly after her. Again his eyes watered. "[colour=#800000]STOP Getting yourself into trouble![/colour]" He yelled at her. Feet away now.

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(A lot sure happened while I was gone XD)

Marble waited in a cloud for something to happen. Flash challenged Angel to a game of catch, where they would have to hold down Angel for five seconds. Spitfire then offered to give them a record on the wall for winning. Marble joined in, but quickly left when he came up with a new strategy, which wasn't working out. He had waited a while in the cloud, poking his eyes out to see, so he could sneak on Angel to pin him down. But he wasn't anywhere near there. He thought his plan was a complete failure, and felt stupid for thinking of it. The light of a sonic rainboom was visible, followed by a very loud, nearly concussive blast. Marble knew there was some rainbooming going on. He flew back down to the academy. By now, Lyria or Flashbomb had caught Angel. He hoped it was Lyria, that would mean Marble would win his bet. He then heard yelling. He looked over the edge, and saw Angel flying after Lyria, who was falling. They were too far away for Marble to do anything, so he stayed in his place, hoping it would all end well.

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Flashbomb nearly tumbled after lyria shot by him He saw that she was falling at godly speed. He Pushed as hard as his limt could go until he got next to Angel snapp whom was trying to catch her. [colour=#0000FF]"ANGEL WE GOTTA CATCH HER OR SHE WONT MAKE IT!!" [/colour]He screamed at him. They pushed just hard enough to catch her. They fanned their wings to slow her down. Flashbomb felt his leg rip open again. Crmson sputtered from it. His tendons in his wings ripped as he felt the wind tear at him. [colour=#0000FF]"BY CELESTIA! HELP US!" [/colour]He screamed. They could see ponyville now. He felt Angel strugling with the force of the speed. Flashbomb struggled so hard to pull but hs wings were shot. They mannaged to slow down some but they were going to crash. Flash bomb yanked with one last pull. His last tendons ripped and his bones broke. Flashbomb looked to Angel and saw the same effect.[colour=#0000FF] "I CANT HOLD IT ANGEL! IM SORRY! PULL HER OUT OF THIS!"[/colour] He screamed to him. He pulled with one last effort. it slowed them down trmendously but they kept going. Flashbomb let go and tumbled through the sky Feathers fell from his wings. He felt the reentery effect as he smoked through the sky as though a piece of coal. He curved off the path and Smashed into a large ponyville house. The house exploaded in a mushroom cloud. (its up to you angel)

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"[colour=#800000]Were going in too hot![/colour]" Angel yelled to FlashBomb, Who wasn't there anymore, He could feel the brace on his leg fly off. he got under Lyria and Opened his wings to the widest they would.. They started slowing down but the speeds were still great. He could feel his Right Wing starting to become dis-lodged again, The pain was sharp but he keeped his wings spread. Again they started slowing down.. AngelSnapp panted as they got 500 Feet from the ground 400... 450...300.....220 He pulled up with all his might and ended up stopping about 20 feet from the ground. He set Lyria down gently then fell to the ground. Partially from exhaustion. And partly from the Pain making him dizzy. "[colour=#800000]Now.. My wing is broken..[/colour]" He joked.. "[colour=#800000]No but really... I think its busted...[/colour]" He painted.

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Lyria's heart raced. She stood up, and whimpered.[colour=#800080] "Dawn!!!"[/colour] [colour=#000000]She screamed. [/colour]Dawn appeared, and looked at Lyria.

[colour=#00ffff]"What's wrong? What happened?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She asked, worried. Lyria pointed to Angel. Dawn looked at Angel's wing, and smiled. [/colour][colour=#00ffff]"That's an easy fix." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn fixed his wing, bringing it back to perfect condition. [/colour]

[colour=#800080]"Flashbomb." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyra whimpered, and turned to Dawn. Dawn disappeared.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Dawn appeared next to Flashbomb, and looked over his wounds. [/colour][colour=#00ffff]"Hm...." [/colour][colour=#000000]She thought hard. Her horn glowed, and she started to mend Flashbomb. Piece by piece, his wounds were healed, including the first one that kept re-opening, [/colour]

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Flashbomb lay on the ground and felt his sprit start leave his body he saw as his spirit stared to lift out of his body. Then all of a sudden he felt his spirit be pulled back into His body. The light flashed and his eyes snapped open. He lay there in total shock of what had happened. Adrenaline flooded through him and he braced for unbelievable pain but was amazed when he felt none. He continued to lay on the ground struggling for breath.

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AngelSnapp was still a bit dazed from the ordeal. "[colour=#800000]In the future Lyria, Be more careful. Id like to go on a date with you in one peace.[/colour]" He joked.. Lying down on the ground looking up at the sky full of colours from the three SonicRainBooms they had all just preformed.

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Lyria giggled. [colour=#800080]"Sorry... I won't go so fast then..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and put her mane into a ponytail, and for once, let both of her eyes be seen. Since usually one was covered by her mane. [/colour]

[colour=#000000]Dawn looked at Flashbomb. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Feeling better?"[/colour]

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Flashbomb coughed and sputtered. He yanked the mask off and attempted to stand. His legs felt like noodles, He looked a the destryed home and then looked over to the pony standing nearby. [colour=#0000FF]"W....who are you?" [/colour]He asked in fear.

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[colour=#40e0d0]"Dawn." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn smiled, and looked at Flashbomb's eyes. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Let's head back to your friends." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn teleported herself and Flashbomb back to Angel and Lyria.[/colour]

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"[colour=#800000]With that speed. I bet you anything Youll graduate tomorrow..[/colour]" Angel Laughed. He looked up at Lyria, Who had put her mane into a ponytail. "[colour=#800000]You know, Your eyes sparkle in the sun.. Just saying.[/colour]" Angel got up. "[colour=#800000]It would look amazing in a photo.. But I guess there will be lots time for that later.[/colour]" He smiled

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