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Flashbomb watched as Lyria yelled at her he was proud of her, and smiled at her. He saw Marble hit Lightning dust. He was surprised but proud.

Lightning dust was taken aback by the sudden blow to her face. She fell to the ground and spit out some blood. She didnt hear what Marble had said due to her ringing ears. She chuckled. and got up. she laughed for a bit. "Oh ho ho......Mr tough stallion hitting a mare when she isnt looking." She glared at Marble as he walked away. The truce was as though it never happened She spit out some more blood. "LETS DANCE TOUGH GUY!" She rocketed at Marble and sacked him. The sudden surprise took him offguard. They tumbled on the ground. Before he could react she started beating him with her hooves.

Flashbomb gasped as Marble was Assulted he flipped his mask on to use it as a face guard and Shot forward knocking her off of Marble. He tumbled and wrestled with her. Blood dust and spit flew into the air. Flashbomb recieved multiple blows but held strong. He Hit her back and forth. It was a large brawl in the dirt.

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Before Marble realized she was fighting back, she had already tackled him and was hitting him back. He was about to push her off and fight back when Flash tackled her down, and they began beating each other up. Marble flew over and began assisting Flash with fighting Lightning Dust, not caring about their unfair advantage. He was too mad to have thoughts of what was fair and unfair.

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Lyria took a step back at what was going on. She growled.

[colour=#800080]"STOP IT NOW!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She yelled. They all stopped in their tracks, and looked at her. [/colour][colour=#800080]"That is no way to treat anypony with such violence.[/colour]" She said, and pushed Marble and Flashbomb away from lightning Dust. "[colour=#800080]Even to her. But she does deserve this." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria turned to Lightning. She put a hoof on her head, and smiled. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Don't you ever. Hurt. My friends. Again." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria tapped chest. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Or life won't be so happy for you." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria threw her down, and growled. She started to trot away. [/colour]

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Flashbomb pushed his mask up and watched Lyria walk away. He had a few bruises and cuts. He glared at Lightning dust and started to trot away.

Lightning dust had some more serious injuries but she got up and dusted herself off she shoved Marble off of her and glared at him. She trotted the seperate way. She felt like she was beat but still had her pride.

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(I missed everything... T^T) AngelSnapp arrived a little too late, He went to get some chocolate milk and thought his friends were right behind him (Great Excuse!) He arrived to see Marble Punch Lighting Dust in the face and her tackle him and give him several blows as well. They all went there separate ways. "[colour=#800000]I swear marble... I will Dont care how much of a pain she is.. You never lay a blow on a mare.[/colour]" He yelled at him trotting over to him. He didnt want to get him in trouble but he was going to chew him out.

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(Don't worry. There will be other moments you won't miss. :3 B the way guys, what time, and day is it for you guys? Mine is 10:54 A.M. Sunday.) Lyria continued to kick clouds, and then she finally lays on one. She sighed, and looked around. Her tail flicked off the end of the cloud.

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Lyria's yelling interrupted their fighting, and snapped Marble back to reality. The fight stopped, and Lighting Dust walked off. Marble glared at her, and she returned it. He saw Lyria fly off angrily. He didn't blame her. He was angry too, though he was able to control himself again. Angel appeared, and like any teacher, gave him a warning about punching a mare. It wasn't the first time he got in trouble for it, and he knew it wouldn't be the last. [colour=#ff0000]"Sorry." [/colour]​Marble said to Angel to satisfy him. It was completely insincere. Marble had no regrets for defending his friends from his enemy. [colour=#ff0000]"I need something to drink. Sir." [/colour]Marble walked away to the mess hall to get chocolate milk. [colour=#ff0000]After this, I guess I'll go to the Dizzytron.[/colour]

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AngelSnapp sighed "[colour=#800000]Why cant we be friends?[/colour]" He sung to himself quietly. He trotted off the runway and sat under his favorite tree from when he too was in the academy. He sipped on his chocolate milk.

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(its 12:11 right now) Flashbomb went to the gate line he nodded to some of the cadets and got on the start line. He put his mask on, The hud flickered on. He had to try and beat 18.6 wing power, He aimed for 22 and that was his goal. The cadet holding the watch looked at him and raised an eyebrow at Flashbomb's mask. He shrugged and looked at the watch. "Go!" He yelled. Flashbomb shot forward and gave it his all. He Hit sonic Flashboom speeds and he did it. The flashboom rumbled the ground and flashed. He was far enough from the other cadets when it happened not to hurt anyone. He crossed the line and te mter read 24.5 wingpower! Flashbomb screeched to a hault and breathed heavily. He was happy of himself, he beat his goal.

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Lyria heard Flash perform another Flashboom. She looked over, and smiled, then had an idea. She sat up on the cloud, and raced down to the barracks. She grabbed her sketching stuff, and flew back to the cloud. She set all of her stuff down, and set up her sketching easel. She started to sketch a picture, stopping every so often to look down.

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Marble got his chocolate milk from the mess hall. A loud blast went through the air again. Marble knew Flashbomb must have done his Flashboom again. It was strange to think that he was no longer surprised by it. A sonic boom seemed like a normal performance now. He stepped out of the mess hall, and sure enough, he saw Flash zooming at impossible speeds by the Wing Power test. Marble remembered his goal to do better at the Dizzytron. He flew off to the Dizzytron runway, and went in line to practice more. He eventually made it to the front, and took the lowest setting again. He was hooked up, and the anxiety of what was going to happen set in again, though this time he was better prepared. The Dizzytron started, and after Marble was able to hold back from vomiting, he was sent flying. He fanned out his wings to stop twirling, and flew for the runway again. Unfortunately, he was still very dizzy, and crash landed a second time. [colour=#ff0000]I still have a lot of training to do.[/colour]

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(Nice! :3 )

Flashbomb pushed his mask up and sighed. He had gotten faster. He had dawn to thank for it, without the mask he would be flailing on the ground. He trotted over to Marble who had just tried the dizzytron again. He picked him up and chuckled. [colour=#0000FF]"I still hate that thing."[/colour] He roused him. He looked as a cadet crashed next to them dizzy beyond belief. Hepulled him up to and patted him on the back. The cadet smiled and trotted back in line.

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Marble heard a familiar voice, and looked up. Flashbomb was there to help him up. [colour=#ff0000]"Thanks." [/colour]He muttered, rubbing his head where he crashed. [colour=#ff0000]"I don't need to do good, I just need to land." [/colour]Marble got back in line to try again, as if it were a game. It seemed some of the other cadets were treating it like a game. [colour=#ff0000]"Got any suggestions?" [/colour]Marble asked Flash. [colour=#ff0000]"I can stop and change direction just fine, but I just get so dizzy, I can't stop twirling."[/colour]

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Lyria finished her picture, and a gust of wind came by. [colour=#800080]"NO!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She screamed. She raced after the picture, but it kept going faster and faster and farther and farther away. SHe continued to chase after it, flipping when it flipped, circling clouds when it did.[/colour]

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AngelSnapp had fallen asleep at this point. His dreams were invaded by the recrutes at the academy. He dreamed about the next day. How they would graduate and what would happen after that. He saw Him and Lyria on a date, That was interrupted by a dancing pineapple (Dreams can get really werid. Did you know Dreams happen in the last 10 seconds of your sleep? :3)

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Flashbomb thought for awhile and looked at Marble. [colour=#0000FF]"Focus on a single object when you spin. Dont advert your vision on that item."[/colour] Flahbomb stood in fromt of Marble in line. He looked at him and smiled. [colour=#0000FF]"Here let me show you. il try it out." [/colour]Flashbomb was up. He pulled his mask off and handed it to Marble. He climbed up and strapped in He checked to make sure he was in. He looked at the pony running the Dizzytron. [colour=#0000FF]"Medium speed." [/colour]He told him. It started to spin. It got faster and faster. he focused on Marble and kept his gaze on him. Then he felt himself flung through the air. he spun over and over. He caught himself, he was slightly dizy but not bad. He flew back to the ground and landed 9 seconds was his time. He nodded to marble to give him confidence.

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Flash explained a way to fight off the dizziness. He then demonstrated it, taking the medium speed, and landed quite well, with a very good time. Marble nodded back at him as it was his turn. He selected the lowest speed again, still not able to fight off his anxiety. It began spinning, and Marble began focusing on Flashbomb. He was sent flying into the air again. He fanned out his wings to stop himself, and charged down as fast as he could. He kept focused on Flashbomb. He wasn't as dizzy as he normally was. He kept his hooves in front of him, and his eyes on Flash. He then landed, though wobbly. [colour=#ee82ee]"10 seconds. Good job." [/colour]The instructor said to him. Marble was quite overjoyed, and gave Flash an enthusiastic brohoof. [colour=#ff0000]"I finally did it!" [/colour]He then wobbled over, temporarily forgotten about his dizziness. He gave a nervous laugh, and tried not to let his fall bother him.

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When Lyria finally caught her picture, she smiled, and flew back to her cloud. She but the picture under some stuff so it wouldn't fly away, then yawned and fell asleep her dreams were of many things. Her and Angel. Marble, and Flashbomb laughing together. She smiled in her sleep.

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(sorry bout the slow response.)

Flashbomb brohoofed Marble. He took his mask and placed it above his face and strapped it over the back of his head. He chuckled at his friends success. He then decided to do the freefall test again. He looked to Marble.[colour=#0000FF] "Im going to do the freefall test again if you wish to join me." [/colour]

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Flash offered to take Marble to the free fall test. [colour=#ff0000]"Sure!" [/colour]He responded, still enthusiastic about doing well on the Dizzytron. He didn't really need training on the free fall, but it was always something fun for him to do. Besides, one can never practice too much.

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