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Flashbomb smirked and flipped his mask onto his face. The inerface flicked on, he looked to marble and nodded. He took off straight up into the sky. They acended higher and higher, plowing through clouds as they went. Flashbomb's mask read the altitude as they rose. 10,000 feet they were still going strong. They broke through yet another layer of clouds. 20,000 feet they started to feel the air get colder, Flashbomb continued on. He looked down at Marble who was following close behind. [colour=#0000FF]"You ok?" [/colour]He asked him.

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They began flying up, Flash still wearing his odd mask. They flew upwards, Marble unsure of how high they were, but the air began getting thinner and colder. Marble was beginning to get dizzy again, but promptly sucked it up, wanting to get as high as possible. Flash asked if he was okay. [colour=#ff0000]"I'm fine!" [/colour]He yelled up to him, being mostly honest.

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She opened her wings, and landed on the ground softly. She smiled, and started to take off, gaining speed. She wanted to try to double rainboom again, but to where she could control her fall.

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Angel Woke up. The sun was on him now. he didnt open his eyes, He let out a yawn and opened his eye to see FlashBomb and Marble together, Looked like Marble was about to gag. Which made Angel Laugh. He sat up and leaned against the tree looking around at the other recruits.

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Flashbomb looked back up and continued to acend. The altimeter read 28,000 feet he could feel the cold air in more force. He pushed his wings more and they pushed on. 35,000 feet 40,000 feet. the meter contiued to increase. Flashbomb felt the cold affecting him tremenously He struggled to breath as the air thinned out to near nonexistance. He coughed a bit but kept going. The frost began form on his mask and on his coat. The blue sky faded and he saw blackness, He felt like he flown straight out of the Atmosphere.

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Lyria performed the first sonic rainboom, and she smiled. She continued pushing herself, until a cone formed around her again. She pushed harder and harder, then purple shot across the sky. Lyria smiled, and looked around. Everything was going by so fast. She giggled, and flew across the sky.

[colour=#800080]"WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" [/colour]

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They continued flying up to an impossible distance. The sky no longer looked blue, and stars were visible. Marble could barely breath now, and he was VERY cold. And he's Caneighdian, so that's saying something. He tried to yell at Flash to turn back, but he was too out of breath. He hoped Flash would see him begin the free fall then, as he closed his wings and fell backwards.

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Flashbomb pushed more and more, His wings didnt push any further because there was no air to push off of. The meter on his hemet was bliking red at him. He looked up one last time. His mask was compleately frozen to his face. He tok in one last breath of air that was in his mask and closed his wings. He leaned back and closed his eyes. He felt weightless for a moment. then he slowly started to reenter the atmosphere he felt gravity take him and he started the free fall.

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AngelSnapp looked up at her "[colour=#800000]Very awesome! I never have seen anything like that.[/colour]" He told her. Though he had seen sonic RainBooms apparently, Never had he seen a doulble.

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Flashbomb plummeted down. He felt the wind rushing hard around him, The hud in his mask blinked red warning messages but he kept falling. He opened his eyes and looked for Marble he saw that Marble was falling nearby. He kept an eye on him and looked down the academy was a small speck and was slowly growing larger with their decent. The wind barrier that held them was rippling Flashbomb worried about anoher sonic rainboom but he realized that they had reached terminal velocity. He closed his eyes and waited for the moment to open his wings. They freefell past clouds and birds as they decended.

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Marble's eyes were shut, with the harsh cold wind piercing through his coat. He peeked his eyes open. He had fallen a lot more then he thought. He was nearly at the point where he would have to fan out his wings. That made him panic. He quickly fanned them out, causing a sudden slowing in speed, and hurting his wing. He let out a small scream, thought was still able to fly. His wings weren't flapping at the same rate, but he managed to keep from falling. He saw Flashbomb above him, nearly doing a sonic flashboom. Marble panicked more. If Flash did his signature rainboom, then Marble would be right in his way, and he would likely go deaf from being so close. Marble covered his ears and eyes as he descended slowly as he prepared for the concussive blast.

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Flashbomb opened his eyes and saw that he had increased in speed just from the freefall. He Fanned his wings to slow down but his speed slipped him into the cone. His wings shot out in great pain. He weighed his options. Risk his wings to slow down and possably doom them both or let the sonic boom take place and possably hurting marble. He tried to slow down, he didnt want to hurt marble. He felt his wings sting with the speed. He attempted to pull up but his wings didnt hold against the wind. He cursed under his breath as he snappd his wings back in. [colour=#0000FF]"Sorry marble."[/colour] He sighed he had to somehow snatch Marble on the way down. He knew he should have controled his fall. He pressed the mask against his face harder and let the cone form. Ever since Dawn gave him the mask he preformed 2 sonic Flashbooms and this was his third. The cone narrowed as he felt the sound barrier crack. He then slipped through and BOOM! Another sonicflashboom. He shot down to marble to help him.

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It then happened. When Marble least expected it, just as he let his guard down, Flash performed the Flashboom. His hooves guarded his eyes, but it wasn't enough for his ears. A loud ringing noise was all he could hear then, and he was now flying lopsided, unable to keep balanced.

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(they are still in the air Lyria)

Flashbomb shot at Marble and caught him they rocketed downwards. Flashbomb somehow had control of the decent. He figured it was just the sonicboom's speed. He pulled up and curved down to the runway. He landed with marble over his shoulder. He dropped him lightly and shook his head. He had gotten a little to much freedom with the mask. He forgot how painfull it was for others when he preformed the Flashboom. He kneeled next to Marble. He mouthed out the words are you ok?

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(They are down there on the ground then... oops.) Dawn walked over to Marble, and checked him out. [colour=#40e0d0]"Hmm... He can see, but his ears are shot." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn focused, and she started to work on getting Marble to hear again.[/colour]

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Marble felt himself being grabbed by somepony, and moving very quickly. He peeked open his eyes, and saw he was on the ground again. Or, back on the academy, which was technically in the sky. Flash said something to him, but the ringing in his ears was too loud for him to hear what he said. A unicorn then appeared. Marble wasn't questioning how a unicorn was in the sky with them. [colour=#ff0000]"I'm fine..." [/colour]He tried telling them, but as he couldn't hear himself, it was very slurred and tough to make out.

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The ringing in Marble's ears disappeared into thin air. Everything continued as if nothing happened. He laid up, surprised that his dizziness was gone too. The unicorn asked if he could hear her. [colour=#ff0000]"Yeah." [/colour]He said in a deep voice, hiding his shyness behind stoicism again.

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Angel fell asleep again, And woke up when he heard a loud boom. He opened his eyes and was some what blinded by a giant flash. "[colour=#800000]Flashbomb..[/colour]" He said to himself rubbing his eyes. He had no idea where everypony went. So he went back to relaxing while he waited for his vision to come back.

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Lyria smiled, said her goodbyes to Dawn, who disappeared a few minutes later. Lyria turned back to where Angel was, and started trotting towards him. [colour=#800080]"Got caught seeing Flashbomb's sonicboom?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She said as she sat nearby.[/colour]

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