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Angel Rubbed his eyes. "[colour=#800000]Yeh, I can hardly see[/colour]" He said. Reaching for his chocolate milk, Instead he grabbed Lyria's hoof "[colour=#800000]Woops sorry.[/colour]​" he apologized

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[colour=#800080]"It's okay." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria giggled, and gave him his chocolate milk. [/colour][colour=#800080]"There you go." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled.[/colour]

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(sorry wuz watching the walking dead)

Flashbomb hat sat on the side as he watched Dawn heal Marble. Marble got up as though nothing happened. Flashbomb sighed with relif. He stood up and removed his mask. He felt dumb because he tried to communicate with Marble with his mask on. He trotted over to him [colour=#0000FF]"Im so sorry Marble." [/colour]He appologised to him. He hoped he would accept his appology. He smiled slightly at him but he knew it was misplaced.

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"Thanks" He smiled. He had to admit. He was sorta dissapointed that Lyria hadent held his hoof longer. He had tryed to drop a little hint. He laughed to himself "A clueless stallion and a clueless Mare. It was ment to be" He thought to himself.

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Lyria giggled a little. [colour=#800080]"Your welcome love." [/colour][colour=#000000]She blushed when she said that. [/colour][colour=#800080]"I-I'm sorry... I just uh... wasn't thinking..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She blushed, and looked down.[/colour]

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Flashbomb glanced over his shoulder and saw that Lyria and Angel were occupied. He turned to Marble and nudged him, They walked off to continue their exersise. Flashbomb smiled he knew something in the pit of his soul. They trotted on, Flashbomb decided to do wing pushups. He saw that marble had sat back down and relaxed. Flashbomb counted the pushups in his mind.

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[colour=#800080]"Yes sir!"[/colour][colour=#000000] Lyria saluted, and took off giggling. She landed quietly by the obstacle course. She took a deep breath.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Time to focus...[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Focus... [/colour]

[colour=#000000]She took off at full speed, her mind calculating her turns and twists.[/colour]

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Flashbomb turned his head as he continued his wing pushups he watched Lyria shoot through the obsticale course. He was amazed about how well she preformed. He looked forward again and continued his exersise. 102.....103....104.....105....106. He was getting a little tired but continued on.

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Flashbomb had the situation bothering him. He did his pushups but the same thing kept bothering him. 235........236......Bah. He got up shook out his wings and looked over to Angel snapp. He left Marble to relax and trotted over to him. [colour=#0000FF]"Enjoying your relaxation time eh?"[/colour] He asked him. He sat down next to Angel, His tail flicked to the side.

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"[colour=#800000]Heck yah! You know how much I busted my Flank Last time I was here? I deserve this![/colour]" He joked to his freind. He let out a sigh. His sight had returned to him at this point.

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Flashbomb looked over to Lyria and Back to Angel. [colour=#0000FF]"Angel." [/colour]He said to him and looked back to Lyria. [colour=#0000FF]"You do know Lyria has a crush on you right?" [/colour]He asked him. He wanted to Clarify before he went on.

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Angel sighed "[colour=#800000]Dont give me a lecture on mare's. SilverStar does it enough, I dont need you doing it now.[/colour]" he said. "[colour=#800000]Yes I know she has a crush on me, What do you think I am? Stupid? She has made it pretty clear now.[/colour]" He said taking a sip of his chocolate milk

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Flashbomb was surpised by how snappy Angel was being. He looked to him. [colour=#0000FF]"Hey im not Lecturing you."[/colour] He defended himself. He sighed. [colour=#0000ff]"She looks at you alot and everytime your name is brought up she blushes." Angel i think its more than a simple crush." [/colour]He said to him as he watched Lyria.

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Angel Sighed "[colour=#800000]I suppose your right, Sorry for snapping at ya, I just get enough talk about dating at home from SilverStar. It kinda gets on my nerves.[/colour]" He explained. "[colour=#800000]Anyway. What are you getting at?[/colour]​" He asked nudging his friend.

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Flashbomb glanced back to Angel snapp. [colour=#0000FF]"Well......I think.....that she is perfect for you. I think that you need to show her how you feel about her. Do you.....you know like her to?"[/colour]

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Angel Layed down looking up at the sky. He put his hoofs behind his head. "[colour=#800000]I dont know FlashBomb. Honestly, I Never really think about dating, or mares. Its usually just me and Nature. And my camera of course. But Lyria, Shes a bit different. I feel like ive brought out a different side of her. Id have to spend more time with her, Before I know for sure how I feel. You cant rush these things, Is what SilverStar would say.[/colour]" He said. He had heard this same conversation so many times over from his sister. But this time it was FlashBomb. So he tried to be patient with him.

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Flashbomb nodded. [colour=#0000FF]"Im not saying rush it pal im saying that you two seem to click you know? Just take it steady and make sure your on the same channel. I believe that you would make a great couple." [/colour]He stood up. [colour=#0000FF]"Im not going to pester you about it anymore. ill let you go about your own feelings, I have respect for you Angel." [/colour]He said to him. He leaned against the tree. [colour=#0000FF]"I think im done with reviewing."[/colour] He slid down the tree and laid with his back on it. He rested his eyes.

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Lyria landed at the end of the obstacle course, and smiled. [colour=#800080]"Training has been good today." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and looked to the sunset. She gasped, and dashed to the cloud all of her painting stuff was on. She moved the cloud into the correct position, and smiled. She started to paint, but was trapped in awe with the sunset. She put away her easel and continued watching the sunset. [/colour]

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Flashbomb removed his mask and apologized to Marble. [colour=#ff0000]"I-it's okay." [/colour]Marble responded, overwhelmed by everything that just happened. Flash offered to exercise with him, doing wing push ups, but Marble sat off to the side to think. It was the first time since he entered the academy that he had been injured, unlike Flashbomb, who seemed to get injured twice a day. Marble felt stupid for being careless with Flash, and getting himself injured. [colour=#ff0000]How could I have flown so high? What was I thinking? [/colour]Flash finished his push ups, and left with Angel. Marble decided to do something then. Despite still being overwhelmed from everything that happened, he began wing push ups as well, bent on breaking his personal record to distract himself from his stupidity. [colour=#ff0000]300. That'll be my goal.[/colour]

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Flashbomb had nodded off against the tree. He noticed his mask had slipped over his face. He smiled and pulled it back up. He yawned widely and stood up. He saw that the sun was setting he watched it as it set. He figured that luna was hard at work and the moo would rise soon. He saw Marble doing wing pushups. He trotted over and watched him. [colour=#0000FF]"How many are you going for?" [/colour]He asked his friend.

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Lyria smiled when the moon rose. She jumped off the cloud, carrying all of her stuff. She yawned, and looked to the boys. [colour=#800080]"Go get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and walked into the building. She trotted into the mare barracks, sat on her bed, and started to read her book.[/colour]

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[colour=#ff0000]150... 151... [/colour]Marble kept careful count of all of his push ups. His focus was kept on the counting, as he had lost count before and had to start over. Flashbomb then interrupted him. He fell over, and his eyes widened. "[colour=#ff0000]WHAT NUMBER WAS I AT?!" [/colour]He scrambled, trying to remember his number. [colour=#ff0000]"150... Something... Darn it..." [/colour]He had almost forgotten Flashbomb was there. [colour=#ff0000]"Sorry, what's happening?" [/colour]It became natural for him to think something was always happening at the academy. He looked up and saw the sky. [colour=#ff0000]How long does it take for me to do a push up?[/colour]

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Flashbomb was cracking up at Marble's frustration. [colour=#0000FF]"You seem to be havng issues." [/colour]He giggled. He looked to Lyria as she went o the barracks. He looked back to Marble, He smiled at him. He thought it amusing but felt bad for interrupting him. He looked at the moon and stared at the silver light it threw on the ground. He sat and gazed at it for a while. [colour=#0000FF]"The final test is tommarow. Just think, we could be wonderbolts tommarow."[/colour] He sighed as he looked at the sky. He smelt a aroma of food in the air. It was dinner cooking in the mess hall.

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