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Angel yawned and got up.. He looked over to see FlashBomb and Marble talking, He figured he would leave them alone. He trotted inside and went to the mess hall. He grabbed a tray and sat at a empty seat at the staff table. He hurried and ate. He wanted to sleep soon. Tommorow was going to be a hectic day. He could already tell..

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Lyria could smell the food in the mess hall, and she smiled. She put down her book, and went to the mess hall. She sat at a table, when 3 ponies walked up to her.

[colour=#ff0000]"What are you doing sitting at our table runt?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria looked at them, and moved her food a little. [/colour]

[colour=#800080]"My friends and I always sit here though." [/colour][colour=#000000]They laughed, and pushed her off of her seat. She looked at them, but growled. They looked at her. [/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]"What are you gonna do to us? You can't hurt us! Your a mare! We are strong stallions!" [/colour][colour=#000000]They stood up tall, to show their muscles. She growled, and stood up. She looked at them.[/colour]

[colour=#800080]"Kindly move from our table." [/colour][colour=#000000]She said, staring at them. They busted up laughing. She growled, and her eyes sparkled, and she smiled. [/colour]

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AngelSnapp saw lyria come in. He smiled, She sat down alone and he went back to eating. There was no sense in moving now. He was nearly done with the meal in frount of him. A group of Stallions trotted up to her and started giving her a hard time. They pushed her and Angel stood up. He came up behind them. "[colour=#800000]Is there a problem here fella's?[/colour]" He asked. "[colour=#800000]Cuz, If there is.. Ill be glad to make you lot sleep outside tonight[/colour]" He said with a touch of anger in his voice.

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Lyria stuck her tongue out. She smiled. [colour=#800080]"Thank you Angel." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled after the stallions took off. She put her food away, realizing she wasn't hungry.[/colour]

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"[colour=#800000]Just doing my job.[/colour]" He said helping Lyria up. "[colour=#800000]Im going to hit the hay. Ill see you bright and early." [/colour]He told her. He waited for her response before trotting away.

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Flashbomb and Marble walked back to the main building. Marble walked to the Stallion barracks. Flashbomb went to the Mess hall alone. The mess hall was empty, He trotted to the food window. The chef looked at him [colour=#FF8C00]"A little late are ya? Here have some food. and i dont wanna throw the bread away have 3 rations."[/colour] He threw it on the tray. Flashbomb thanked him and trotted to a lone table. He ate slowly and looked around the empty Mess hall. He kinda enjoyed the quietness. He dipped the bread into the soup and bit off a piece. He stared at his food. This was his last dinner here.

(sorry for controling u fire raven i didnt want to leave you outside.)

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Flash wanted to go to the mess hall. For once though, Marble wasn't hungry. Especially not for the normally tasteless crud that they made here. He decided to head back to the barracks, and get an early rest to do better in the morning. He returned, then saw that it was quite empty. It wasn't exactly time for bed yet, so he bet they were all racing or training. He took a seat at his bed, and took advantage of the nearby candlelight to start drawing. He began drawing him and Flash during their free fall, at the moment of the Sonic Flashboom, for something to remind him daily not to be so foolish.

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(d d d double post!)

Flashbomb ate the 2nd roll and finnished off his bowl of soup. He licked his lips and stood up,He took his tray to the dishwasher. Just as he walked out of the messhall the lights went out and the candles in the hallways ignited. He was slightly creeped out at this but trotted down the hall. He passed a guard whom nodded to him. He wondered wht pourpose they even served because during the fight none came. His hooves made a distinct clack noise down the hallway. He turned right down to the stallion barracks. He continued on. He heard hoofsteps behind him. He stopped and looked behind him. nothing but darkness.

(sad part coming)

He continued on, the footsteps started again. He turned around. he sighed[colour=#0000FF], [/colour][colour=#0000FF]"Whomeve you are you can cut it out your not scaring me." [/colour]He said to the dark hallway. He stood for awile and stared down the hallway. He turned back on his path.

[colour=#0000FF]"I must be hear....."[/colour] He was cut off mid sentence by a force that hit him in the back. He hit the wall with a omph. Then he fel hooves grab his wings and throw him against a water fountain in the hall. He fell to the groun dazed. He Heard a mare's voice speak to him.

"Where are your friends now ragdoll!?" he felt the hooves grab him again and lift him up. He was slammed against the wall and held there. He was lifted up with his back to the wall. He felt the mares breath on his face. "You think your all that dont you!? You dont know how it feels to have to stay here while Rainbow dash leaves you behind!" The voice said to him He couldnt clear his mind to think of the name of the mare. He was thrown down again, he tried to get up but a hoof kicked him in the side. he fell down on his back and flaied slightly. He spit out blood, he tried again to get up but he was hit again. He fell and started to cry. He never really cried before but he couldnt help it. "You just dont know when to give up! You insignificant roach!" The voice mocked him. He looked up and saw the outline of the mare under the candlelight. He knew that face, [colour=#0000FF]"Lightning dust? Whats the matter with you!?"[/colour] He sputtered.

"Your the problem! you and your friends! im tired of being second best! im tired of everypony leaving me behind!" She kicked flashbomb in the muzzle he yelped and covered his face. "All i ever wanted was to be top of the class! To be a wonderbolt! But Rainbow dash stripped that away from me!" She was crying now. Flashbomb felt her grab him and throw him against he wall. He was so dazed by her assult of blows he couldnt respond. "And now you and your lot are repeating it to me! After you took that record from catching Angel i lost my admirers! My friends!" She continued beatinghim repeatedly over the head with her hooves while she spoke. " You its always about you!" She hithim again "And Lyria!" She hit him again. "And marble!" She hit him harder. "AND ANGEL!" she grabbed a board from a broken bench she slammed him into and hit him 3 times. Flashbomb lay there in a puddle of blood and tears. he was blacking out he mannaged to lookup at her. Tears were flowing from her. "I DONT WANT TO BE FORGOTEN LIKE SOME OLD SHRIVELED PIECE OF PARCHMENT!" She screamed as she kicked him one more time with full force. Flashbomb coughed hard. [colour=#0000FF]"Wh.....why lightning dust.......why all this anger........i....i didnt mean to show you up. I ....i just wanted to make......friends........i didnt mean any harm to you and neither did lyria......or angel.....or marble......"[/colour] He trailed off and blacked out.

Lightning dust stared at the mangled broken body of the stallion. She looked at the blood on her hooves. She cried out a shrill cry and flew full speed out the window. She had just murdered somepony she had finnaly done it and she felt awfull.

(flash isnt dead, i dont want him to be fixed like that by dawn though. if you could please.)

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Angel Awoke to the sound of what sounded like a bloodcurdling scream. He jumped out of bed and ran down the south hall to find FlashBomb laying unconscious. "[colour=#800000]Cant you go a day without getting hurt?[/colour]" He yelled at him inside his mind. He Saw his wounds had re-opened so he applied pressure to stop some of the bleeding. "[colour=#800000]Marble! Get your flank out here! now![/colour]" He yelled through the dark. He didnt know what happened, But when he found out. Some-pony was going to pay.

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The silence of the barracks was almost overwhelming. It seemed almost too quiet. He tried not to let it bug him, but there wasn't even the sound of wind outside. The abnormal silence was eventually broken by the distant sound of something in the hallway. Marble, as a not-so-curious pony, ignored it, finally happy to have some background sound while he drew. He thought he heard yelling, and the sound of something break then. A loud scream filled the hall, and all the sound stopped again. Now Marble was panicking. What had just happened? Did he just ignore a fight? [colour=#ff0000]Why do I always make the wrong choice? [/colour]​He sat on his bed, frozen with a feeling of uselessness, when he heard a voice yelling for him. Angel. Marble snapped out of his daze, and ran out. He flew down the hall, as his flying was faster then running, and accidently ran into Angel. [colour=#ff0000]"Sorry..." [/colour]He muttered to Angel. His hoof stepped in something sticky and wet. [colour=#ff0000]"What happe-" [/colour]Marble gasped in fear right then, back to his frozen state, though more frozen with anger and confusion. Flashbomb's body was on the ground, bloody and beaten, and unconscious. Marble couldn't form words. His tongue refused to comply. All he could do was make strange moans while trying to ask Angel what happened.

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"[colour=#800000]Dont just stand there. Get help![/colour]" He said still keeping pressure on the wounds. His hoofs were covered in his friends blood. He looked around for anything he could use as a make-shift bandage for the time-being. Angel took off his brace and tightened it around FlashBomb's leg to help stop the bleeding. He looked down at his friend Covered in blood. He felt tears start to roll down his cheeks but he shook it off. He had to keep his mind on the task at hand.

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Angel's yelling once again saved Marble from his emotionally induced paralysis. Marble flew off. He zoomed out the closest door, going much faster then he normally would, and began searching for somepony who could help. He burst through a door, and accidently found himself in Spitfire's office. She stared up at him. He had no time for dawdling. [colour=#ff0000]"Flashbomb. Attacked. Injured. Need help." [/colour]He zoomed down the halls again to find the doctor (not THAT Doctor). He finally found where his office was. Thankfully, since it wasn't bed time, he was still seemed to be waiting for something to happen. Something was about to. He couldn't believe he had to ask the doctor for help again, but there was no time for feeling guilty. [colour=#ff0000]"Flashbomb was attacked! He's bleeding heavily! He needs help!" [/colour]

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(Sorry guys but i gotta hit the hay. keep going if you wish. i leave the rp of the doctor to you guys. Flashbomb will remain unconcious. Lightning dust will be nearby but hiding and flash is still bleeding heavily. sorry to circle it around him again. :) Goodnight! )

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(ok im back)

The doctor was working on sorting his medical items, he had a showtune stuck in his head for the lasthalf hour and was humming it to himself. He picked up a bottle of morphine and orginized it into the cabinet with the other morphine bottles. He grabbed a roll of bandages and started to orginize it as well. He couldnt find the right spot for it though, he placed it aside and was going to continue his work when he heard the doors break open in the infirmary he trotted downstairs and walked into the infirmary. "ill be with you lad in a.......What in the name of celestia?" He said as he saw how much blood was on marble. [colour=#FF0000]"Flashbomb was attacked! He's bleeding heavily! He needs help!"[/colour] Marble weezed to him. The doctor had a rush of speed and grabbed his emergency medical bag and threw it ovet his shoulder. They galloped out the door. He wondered who would want to attack Flashbomb at the accademy, he thought the guards were supposed to be doing their job. But he guessed that he was wrong. They entered the building and ran down the candle lit hall. They took a right then a left then another right. He started to see signs of a struggle, their were broken pieces of bench everywhere. the water fountain was broken as well. Drops of blood were on the floor. He then saw Angel Snapp over the bloody body of Flash. "Oh no......." He whispered. He galloped up to Angels snapp and saw blood everywhere. It touched his hooves and he looked at it in disbelief. "Who could have done this?" He asked himself. He shook his head to clear his mind. He Ordered Angel to move him out of the blood.He put the medical bag down and began to work on mending Flashbomb. He cleaned the cut leg and looke to Angel "Hold here on his leg more tightly and slow the blooflow more!" He ordered Angel. He grabbed scissors Hydrogen poroxide a piece of metal and a torch. He cutoff the brace ad heated up the metal. He was going to have to carterize thewound. The metal had hit a bright orange. "Sorry lad." He whispered as he pressed it to the closed wound. Flashbombs eyes snaped open and he cried out in pain as the hot iron meded his skin together. "I know it hurts but quit moving!" The doctor mumbled he put his weight on him to keep him down. He was soaked in crimson but he didnt care. The wound mended and he cleaned it off with hydrogen poroxide and wrapped it in gause and healing ointment soaked bandages. He looked over flash and placed ointment on the less severe cuts and aplied bandages to those. He then loked to Flashes head and saw that he had a large gash. He sewed it up and cleaned it while he did so. He wrapped bandages around his right eye and round his head. he loked himover again. His wings were fine but he decided to dress them and bind them to his sides. He placed a new brace he got from last night on his cut leg and finnished. He sat back and heard Hoofsteps behind him. Spitfire and 2 guards with a (medical bed with wheels?) Rolled in. The two guards placed Flash on the bed and started to wheel him down the hall. The doctor followed them leaving Spitfire with Angel and Marble.

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The doctor glanced at the mare who walked out of the barracks. He shook his head and continued to wheel Flashbomb to the infirmary. A few more guards came and asked what happened "This lad was attacked by somepony, I dont know who but somepony. Go talk to spitfire and Angel snapp you can sort it out." The doctor said to the small group of guards. They ran to spitfire and Angel snapp they stood aside and waited for orders.

Lightning dust flew to the top of the rainbow water fall and looked at her reflection in the pool. She had tears streaming down her face and blood still on her hooves. She attempted to wash the blood off, she succeeded but her coat around her hooves was a darker tone. She cleaned herself and continued to cry. "You crossed the line now Lightning....... You overstepped your boundaries." she sat there and sobbed.

Flashbomb woke up his vision was very blurry. He tried to take account of his surroundings. He was laying down in a bed in a dark room. He closed his eyes and felt pain in his head, Leg and sides. He opened his eyes again his thought were all fuzzy and dark. He knew he had a concussion of sorts, He felt bandages on his legs and all over him. His thoughts fell back to Lightning dust's assult on him, What she said to him. "I DONT WANT TO BE FORGOTTEN!" her voice rang in his head. He closed his eyes and rested.

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The doctor rushed with Marble back to Flash. There seemed to be even more blood on the ground, despite Angel's attempt to slow the bleeding. The doctor went to work quickly, burning at wounds and putting bandages over his wounds. Marble wanted to look away, but was frozen again at the site of his bloodied up friends. He eventually finished, and wheeled him off, with Marble following. They were in the medical ward again, though for more serious circumstances. Marble sat beside his bed, no longer hiding his crying. [colour=#ff0000]I promised... I said I wouldn't let this happen again... I said I wouldn't let others hurt my family and friends again... And I broke it... [/colour]He knew Flash would be alright. Despite his scattered mind, the doctor was good with his work. Marble saw Flash appeared to be resting, and sat by the bed, with tears staining his face.

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Angel sighed, They wheeled FlashBomb to the infirmary where he would be taken care of. He sat down in the hall looking at his hoofs, They were covered in blood. He sighed, and sat there for a moment, The adrenaline going through his system from helping his friend He felt himself shaking, He took deep breaths to try and calm down. All he could think about was how was FlashBomb going to pass the test now? He sat there on the brink of crying.

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Lightning dust continued to cry she heard a voice in her head. "Good flashbomb will never pass the test now. You showed him." She couldnt believe what she heard. it was herself, teling her that she did well. " No! i.....i kiled him! i took it to far!" she cried. "No you did good you will be on top of the class where you belong!." Lightning dust looked into the pool what she saw was a evil smiling version of her. "With flashbomb out of the way it will be easier to rocket to the top." The reflection said to her with an evil look. "N....no! im not you! i....i.....oh celestia Rainbowdash was right, i dont care who i hurt. im a monster!" She threw her hooves in the pool and cried ever more.

Flashbomb slipped in and out of conciousness he still heard The voice. "You and Lyria and Marble and Angel! You all get in my way!" The voice trailed off. then it came back. "You wouldnt understand my pain! i got left behind! dont want to be alone in the dark!" He snapped awake. He coughed hard and blinked acouple of times. His vision was blurry and he could see only out one eye. He looked at the ceiling. [colour=#0000FF]"Wh.....where am i?" [/colour]He muttered. He didnt know Marble was there.

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Lyria looked at Angel, who was almost to tears. [colour=#800080]"A-Angel..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She whimpered, starting to cry. She sat next to him, and hugged him, saying, [/colour][colour=#800080]"It'll be okay..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Over and over again. She finally stopped, and starting to sob, tears pouring down her face.[/colour]

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Lyria sat down with Angel. She sat close and put her hoofs around him. He felt tears start to roll down his cheeks, He pulled them back and tried to control his emotions. He put his head on Lyria's shoulder. It felt nice having some pony by his side. Although it felt slightly awkward. He didnt care. "[colour=#800000]He will be alright.. I know he will[/colour]" He said

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"[colour=#800000]He will be fine, I know he will. Do you think you can sleep after this?[/colour]" He asked. He didnt know if she felt like she needed to stay awake. Angel looked back down at his hoofs. "[colour=#800000]I would hug you back but... I dont want to get blood on you[/colour]" He told Lyria

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[colour=#800080]"It's okay." [/colour][colour=#000000]She giggled, and looked at him. [/colour][colour=#800080]"I think I will try my best to sleep... I need to be ready for tomorrow..."[/colour]

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