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Lightning dust ran out of tears and was dry sobbing now. She hit her hooves against the water a little more. She climbed out of the rainbow water and sighed. She looked up at the moon and wondered if Flash was ok. She then got a dark thought again that she killed him. "No i think that somepony found him." She sat down and continued to look at the moon. She closed her eyes and prayed that flashbomb would recover. She sat for awhile as still as stone.

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While Marble was crying next to Flash's bed, Flash seemed to finally wake up. He didn't know what happened, it seemed. [colour=#ff0000]"You're in the medical ward..." [/colour]Marble muttered to him. He couldn't look at Flash, the one he failed. He couldn't stand to be in the same room as him now, disgusted with himself, but kept staying. [colour=#ff0000]"I'm sorry..." [/colour]He muttered again. [colour=#ff0000]Sorry isn't enough...[/colour]

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Flashbomb tried to clear his mind a little He felt bad for Marble. [colour=#0000FF]"It wasnt your fault. it was never your fault." [/colour]He assured his friend. He couldnt help but hug him. He leaned back and looked aroung [colour=#0000FF]"Lightning dust, Where is she?" [/colour]He asked Marble.

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Flashbomb attempted to reassure Marble, but it was futile. Flash wasn't the one who needed to forgive him, Marble had to forgive himself. Which he didn't believe would be happening soon. Flash then asked about the location of Lightning Dust. [colour=#ff0000]"I don't know... Probably in the mares' barracks..." [/colour]He still couldn't stand to look at Flash.

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"[colour=#800000]Ok[/colour]" Angel Said. He sat there for a moment more. He didnt want to get up. He felt as though he could just sleep there on Lyria's Shoulder. He felt content and safe. He snapped out of it and slowly stood up. "[colour=#800000]I need to wash up before I do anything.. Ill see you in the morning. Sorry for the scare.[/colour]" He told her.

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Flashbomb froze he didnt know. He felt like he shouldnt tell him to make him furious but he had to. [colour=#0000FF]"Marble......when i was walking down the hall.....when i was assulted. I saw ......It was Lightning dust. She was in a frenzy screaming how none of us knew her pain." [/colour]He felt aweful revealing the truth. [colour=#0000FF]"She was the one who kicked me when i was down, she hit me over the head with a board and was ramblingl ike crazy. She was crying too. I feel somewhat sorry for her. [/colour]

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Flash explained what happened. Naturally, Marble became enraged, but with his mixed emotions, he found himself transfixed on Flash now. Lightning Dust was the one who attacked him. Marble couldn't think of anything to say, nor anything to do. He want nothing more than to squash her head, but was still frozen. He had no words. He was breathing loudly, from so many emotions he was having, and nearly exploded. Though he learned more to keep calm. [colour=#ff0000]"Where... Did... She... Go..." [/colour]He muttered to himself angrily. [colour=#ff0000]"She won't get away with this..." [/colour]He tried assuring Flashbomb, as he stood up. [colour=#ff0000]"I'm telling Angel. Or Spitfire. I'm going to look for her myself afterwards." [/colour]Marble stood up, and wiped away his tears.

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Flashbomb was going to defend Lightning dust but he knew his words wouldnt change the course of her fate. He looked up to him [colour=#0000FF]"Dont hurt her, try to bring her back and let her explain herself. To much blood has been spilled here. We dont need more pain." [/colour]He said to Marble he looked down at the bed spread and went silent. He hoped marble would understand. [colour=#0000FF]"All i know is that she is outside." [/colour]He muttered in a solemn tone. He remembered a window nearby where he lay.

Lightningdust alowed the breeze to blow through her mane. Her hair style fell apart and blew in the breeze. She knew that soon sompony would find her soon. She wanted to enjoy the view of the sky for awile longer.

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Flash asked Marble not to hurt her. He only wanted her to explain herself. He told her that she was somewhere outside. [colour=#ff0000]"Let's hope we both have a good night, or she may not be lucky." [/colour]He told Flash, referencing his explosive anger. [colour=#ff0000]"I will find her and bring her back. That's as much as I can promise." [/colour]Marble left the medical ward. When he got outside, he immediately flew straight up, searching the tops of the nearby clouds. It was a chilly night, though the Caneighdian (I seriously love that double entendre pun) could stand it. She was nowhere on top of the clouds. Marble bucked the nearby clouds to release some of his anger. He knew if he didn't have it all, he would probably lose if he fought her, but he hoped to not fight her. He promised Flash. He flew off towards the waterfall, and sure enough, she was there, laying next to the rainbow river. Marble quietly trotted over to her. [colour=#ff0000]"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip your kicking out with hind-legs eyes out." [/colour]He said to her in calm anger.

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Lightning dust let the sounds of the wind through her, she took a deep breath and exhaled. She loved how well luna did tonight. She heard the flap of wings behind her. She didnt look back her mane blowing in the breeze. "Lovely night tonight isnt it? Its so peacefull." She said to Marble as he aproached. "Kind of makes me wish that i had some ability having to do with the night." (possible lunar republic reference.) She let her gaze fall she knew how angry He was with him. She closed here eyes and reopened them glancing back twoards him. "Where are the guards?" She sat silently as the breeze picked up slightly. She was calm, she turned her head and gazed at him.

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Lightning Dust seemed so calm. She almost seemed to be talking to herself, until she turned to ask Marble where the guards were. [colour=#ff0000]"They're inside, probably protecting the other ponies from another assault." [/colour]He told her, still with calm anger. [colour=#ff0000]"Why? Tell me why." [/colour]It wasn't for his sake. Marble needed to tell Flashbomb everything, in case he couldn't control himself. He was amazed he could hold back from tackling her already.

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Lightning dust looked to the sky and back to him "Because i had figured that ou would have guards to drag me away." She smiled slightly she looked at him with a cold look in her eyes. The clouds had parted and everything turned a gastly silver. "You wat to know hwy i did what i did? I did it because i have been here ever since i was left behind by Rainbow dash. She graduated with flying colours leaving me to squander for any reconition. When i fannaly got it back you and your friends show up and snatch it all away. I couldnt take it after 2 fights and one no 3 sonic booms i was left in shadow again. The same events started to occur to me and i couldnt le that happen. I snapped and beat the snot out of your friend in the infirmary. During that time i enjoyed everymoment of his wails. But then i came to and ran. Why? because i knew on of you would come for me and seal my fate. I know i will be thrown out of the academy. i know my time is short. All i wanted to do was be a wonderbolt but.....it will never happen." She looked at Marble with the same stare. "You dont know how it feels until its all taken away from you."

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Lightning Dust began explaining her story. Marble listened, oddly entranced and relating to what she was saying. Mentioning being eclipsed by Rainbow Dash, and being kicked out, then being eclipsed by Flashbomb, Lyria and Angel, though he failed to see how he could possibly overshadow her. Even he had to admit she was a great flyer, much greater then he ever would be. She ended with saying that she wanted to be a Wonderbolt, but that it would never happen. Marble walked closer to Lightning Dust, and slapped her hard, knocking her over. [colour=#ff0000]"Don't say that." [/colour]He began, repeating a speech he said earlier. [colour=#ff0000]"Don't say it. Don't think it. Especially don't believe it. If you give up on your dreams, then it all will fall apart, there'll be nothing of you left. I won't let somepony else go through that. You WILL be a Wonderbolt. Don't ever believe otherwise." [/colour]Marble finished his speech, and put his hoof down. He couldn't believe how much he related to somepony he thought was his worst enemy at the academy. [colour=#ff0000]I've been through this before. I won't let anypony else live like that. Promise #2. I will not break it.[/colour]

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Lightning dust was taken off guard by the slap and fell. She lay there stunned by the outburst. Marble told her that she will be a wonder bolt, that she will succeed and that he would help her through. She rubbed her cheek and looked up at him. Her enemy telling het to never give up to keep pushing and perserviere. She couldnt believe her ears, she had accepted her fate of being kicked out and here was marble picking her back up. She stood up and looked at him for awhile, she didnt know what to say. She hugged him and began to cry. "Im so sorry Marble! I.....I was so blind and youve been so kind to me just now!" She cried to him After awhile of holding the hug she released it. She smiled and looked to the academy. "Guess we better go back." She worried for what was to come "Spifire is going to tear me apart." She mumbled.

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Lightning Dust jumped up and hugged him, apologizing for being blind. Marble hugged her back. [colour=#ff0000]"I'm sorry too. I've been stubborn and stupid." [/colour]They cried together for... Well, Marble didn't have a watch, he didn't know how long. It seemed like they embraced each other for a while though. They let go of each other though, and she suggested they go back. [colour=#ff0000]"I'll make sure you're not kicked out. I'll try my best." [/colour]He didn't want to make another promise he couldn't keep. Him and Lightning Dust flew back to the academy, and found Spitfire in her office. He kept his mouth shut, from his shyness and his common sense telling him that talking now wouldn't help at all. He really wished at this point he had his brothers way with words at this point.

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Angel smiled. "[colour=#800000]Alright[/colour]" Angel trotted outside to a pool and began to scrub the blood from his hoofs, It made him feel sick. He heard Marble and LightningDust argue, Then cry together. He figured she had learned her lesson. He wasn't about to lecture her when he had just probably saved his friends life. He sighed once all the blood was off, there was still a small tint of red on his white coat. He trotted back inside to Marble and Lightning Dust. "[colour=#800000]I think we all need a little sleep. LightningDust, I know you didnt mean to hurt FlashBomb, Not that bad at least. Tensions were high and you snapped we all do sometimes, Remember that.[/colour]" He said trotting down the hall. "[colour=#800000]I remember when I did..[/colour]" He said before dissapearing into the Staff barracks, he slipped into his bunk and fell asleep in what seemed like a second.

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Lightning dust nodded solemnly to Angel snapp, when he left she explained it all to spitfire, she lectured her but she let her off because of what Angel snapp said how we all snap at one time or anouther. She dismissed Lightning dust an Marble to their barracks. They returned and went their seperate ways. Lightning dust went into the mares barracks and laid down and fell asleep.

Flashbomb laid in the infirmary, He was staring up at the ceiling and wondered what would happen for tommarows tests and if he could even participate in them from his wounds. He saw another pony laying in a bed accross the way. She was asleep so he decided not to bother her he rolled over in his bed and closed his eyes ant tried his best to sleep. When he did it was restless but none the less sleep.


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Spitfire gave a lecture to Lightning Dust. He was almost certain she would kick her out, but Angel came to defend them. She let them off, as Marble wiped away his nervous sweat. [colour=#ff0000]"Good luck on the test tomorrow..." [/colour]He told Lightning Dust as they went into their separate barracks. Marble saw the empty bunk above him, and assumed Flashbomb was still in the medical ward. The day was too much for him, and he was happy to lay on the beds, even if they were too soft for him. He closed his eyes, and almost immediately fell asleep.

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(Next morning! TEST DAY HAS BEGUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Lyria yawned, and sat up. She trotted over to the showers, took a shower, then put on her uniform. She trotted back into her bunk, and picked up her art. She kissed the art in front of her. [colour=#800080]"Wish me good luck." [/colour][colour=#000000]She put the picture down. Her parents were smiling, and they were horribly drawn. It was the picture she drew for her parents for Heart's Warming when she was younger. She trotted out the door, and headed for the main hall for some breakfast to wake her up. [/colour]

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Flashbomb awoke with the sun blinding him from a window. He blinked a couple of times and sat up. He tried to strech his wings but they were bound to his side. He streched his forelimbs across his chest. The bandages limited his movement but he didnt mind. The doctor walked into the infirmary and smiled to him. "Morning lad how are ye feeling?" He asked him as she sat in a chair next to Flashbomb's bed.

[colour=#0000FF]"I feel fine doc, you sure know your stuff." [/colour]Flash responded. He smiled to him and looked around the room.[colour=#0000FF] "Will i be able to do my test?"[/colour] He asked him.

The doctor nodded and started to remove the bandages. "Lil lightning did a number on you but she didnt do a good job." He joked. He unwrapped Flash's leg. A new scar was there. " Bend our leg alittle." He instructed him. Flash bent his leg it felt fine. The doctor nodded aproval and removed the bandages off of Flash's head. He examined the cuts in his scalp They were healed he held up a mirror so Flash could see himself. A new scar adorned his bridge of his nose and spanned from one cheek to the other. "Other than that yer ok." He said to him

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Lyria grabbed some food, and sat at her normal table. The stallions from the other day came up to her again. [colour=#ff0000]"So your back... And Angel isn't here to save you." [/colour][colour=#000000]They smiled mockingly, and pushed her down. She stood up, and punched the stallion in the nose. He stood back with a yelp, and looked at her. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"So you wanna fight?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He came up, and punched her back, slamming her into the wall. She growled, and came flying up to him, and kicked him in the chest. He fell to the ground, but stood back up, and kicked her in return. She growled. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Wanna play rough? Let's do this." [/colour][colour=#000000]She threw him to the ground, and growled. She punched his face, and stood back up. He stood up for another blow, and Lyria screamed in pain when he smashed his hooves into her face. She stood up, bloody nose, cuts on her face and chest. She whimpered, and moved over to another table, sitting quietly.[/colour]

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Marble would have loved to sleep more, but he remembered the test he had that day. He lay up, and began stretching, especially his wings. He felt lonely to not have Flash with him, and it didn't help his test anxiety. He left the stallions barracks with the others and went to the mess hall. He grabbed his normal stuff, and went to sit at their normal spot, but a couple other stallions took the seat. [colour=#ff0000]Aw well. It's not like we own the spot. [/colour]He looked to another table, and saw Lyria sitting alone. He put his trey down next to her. [colour=#ff0000]"Crazy night last night. How'd you sleep?" [/colour]He then looked up at her. She had a bloody nose and several cuts. [colour=#ff0000]"What happened?!" [/colour]He already failed to protect one friend, he hoped she fell off her bed and hit the nightstand or something. It would be better than breaking his promise to himself twice in one week.

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