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[colour=#ff0000]"Standing up for yourself?" [/colour]Marble didn't care to answer her question about how he slept. [colour=#ff0000]"What did you stand up to, a wild griffon?" [/colour]

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[colour=#800080]"No it's nothing Marble. I just stood up to those stallions over there. They kept pushing me around, so I messed the main one up pretty good." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and pointed to the one in the middle, with a bloody nose, and cuts all over his face. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Needed to teach the boy a lesson in respect."[/colour]

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Angel woke up.. He stretched and yawned He felt surprisingly a lot better, he pushed his covers off of him and got out of bed, His leg had a sudden pain shoot through it and he fell. "[colour=#800000]Thats right, I gave my brace to FlashBomb... Shoot.[/colour]" He said, Luckily another staff member helped Angel to the Mess hall, He pointed out Marble and Lyria, Who looked a little roughed up. The Staff Member gladly helped Angel to the table. "[colour=#800000]Hey guys, Looks like im crippled again.[/colour]" He joked. He looked at lyria "[colour=#800000]Dont tell me you got in a fight now..[/colour]" He sighed

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Lyria looked at Angel. [colour=#800080]"I needed to teach those stallions.." [/colour][colour=#000000]She points to them. [/colour][colour=#800080]"A lesson on how to treat mares. They pushed me down again, and I was fed up with it."[/colour]

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[colour=#ff0000]"What?!" [/colour]His mind couldn't comprehend what she was saying. He looked back at the stallions who were in their spot, one of them covered in bruises and some blood. [colour=#ff0000]"Why did you- How did you- What did you- CAN SOMEPONY TELL ME EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED?!" [/colour]Marble was very confused that Lyria, the normally shy pony, had started a fight with the others. Or did they start the fight? And why didn't she have the spot if she stood up to them? So many questions that Marble needed answered at one time, he just gave up with a sigh. [colour=#ff0000]"Whatever. I slept fine. Not great, but fine. Are you sure you're okay? Don't need to get some tissue or anything?" [/colour]Angel showed up, and was concerned with Lyria. He had still given up on getting more information, but it seemed Angel was calm enough to get more.

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[colour=#800080]"Well I walked in here this morning to get some breakfast, and I sat over there. They came up to me again, and said it looks like Angel isn't here to save you. And they pushed me off of my seat. I stood back up, and punched him, then he punched me, throwing me into a wall, then I came and kicked him, and he kicked me back, then I moved over here. I can't get too injured. We have a test today." [/colour][colour=#000000]She said[/colour]

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Flashbomb looked at the new scars that the doctor revieled as he removed the bandages. When he got to his wings he shot them out once they were free he flapped them hard to get the blood flowing to them. The doctor looked at him with a puzzled look on his face. "Looks like you went through a small growth spurt over night, your wings have grown at least an inch."

Flashbomb noticed that as well he was just going through his growing phase lately. He was shorter than other stallions and was younger than most, Rainbow dash was at least a year or two older than he. He stood up and shook himself. He looked to the doctor and thanked him 3 times in all. He walked out of the infirmary. "Good luck on your test!" The doctor yelled after him. Flashbomb trotted to the main hall he wondered if his new scars would be that noticable to the others. He trotted through the main hall. and into the mess hall. He stood in line, He heard a couple of male voices whispering and giggling. He heard "Blue stallion, scars, Freak." Flashbomb glared at them. One of them looked pretty thrashed as is. [colour=#0000FF]"Hey i would Hold your tounge if you dont want me to make you look any worse." [/colour]He threatened them. They quieted down, He remembered that the table that they were siting in was his and his friends seat. He noticed the line move, He decided to put it off till he got his food.

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AngelSnapp laughed "[colour=#800000]I suppose you showed them, But let me just[/colour]" He licked his hoof and whiped some blood from Lyria's cheek "[colour=#800000]There. [/colour][colour=#800000]Try not to get too banged up.. or youll end up like me, With a busted leg[/colour]" He joked.

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Flashbomb got his breakfast and trotted over to the new table that his friends were sitting at. He nodded to them not really paying attention, He sat down and ate his food. He looked over to The group of stallions at the other table. He glanced to Lyria and saw she was roughed up. He put two and two together. [colour=#0000FF]"Those stallions need to be tought a lesson."[/colour] He said under his breath. It was bad enough that today was the test day, Now there were these ponies causing trouble. [colour=#0000FF]"If its not one thing its another i guess." [/colour]He sighed to the others. He continued to eat his food.

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[colour=#800080]"Thank you." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria smiled to Angel. She finished her food, and looked to everypony around her.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Her friends... [/colour]

[colour=#000000]The word wasn't familiar to her. She smiled though, knowing the word was good. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Ready for the test today?"[/colour]

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Flashbomb looked to Lyria. [colour=#0000FF]"If you mean by ready you mean nervous then yes." [/colour]He joked with a smile. He continued to eat. his tail flashing back and forth.

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Flashbomb joined them, and the circle of friends was complete.Though it felt slightly empty. Lyria asked if they were prepared for the test. Flash was able to admit that he was nervous, though Marble was different. [colour=#ff0000]"You'll do great! There's no need to be nervous. We'll all do... Fine." [/colour]He told them, trying not to lie. [colour=#ff0000]I've passed maybe 5 tests in my life, I somehow doubt I'll increase that number. [/colour]Marble then realized what the empty feeling in their circle was. [colour=#ff0000]"Hey, where's Lightning Dust?"[/colour]

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Flashbomb shrugged he looked around the mess hall the mare was nowhere to be seen. [colour=#0000FF]"She must be outside already exersising for the test." [/colour]He said and ate more of his food. He enjoyed Marble's enthusiasum but Flashbomb was nervous beyond belief.

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O Hey im going to start the future topic of what happens 6 months after the accademy. It will be called The accademy's wake or the Accademy future. i will post it just as we finnish :3 )

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(Okie Dokie Lokie!) Lyria had to agree that she was nervous as well. She really hoped she would pass, but didn't know if today she would. She put her mane into a pony tail again, and brushed her bangs out of her face with her hoof.

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Marble finished his breakfast quickly with his anxiety, almost without realizing it. [colour=#ff0000]"Where's the test?" [/colour]He asked them as he pushed his plate away from him. He was sure to keep his wings down. [colour=#ff0000]I don't want to get them tired before the test, or I'll fail even more.[/colour]

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Flashbomb shrugged and finnished his meal. He trotted over to the counter and placed his empty plate on the counter and returned to The others. [colour=#0000FF]"Angel do you know anything about the final test?" [/colour]He asked.

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Flashbomb was full of anxiety, He didnt know what was to come. He was about to say something but he heard the doors open. He looked over to only have his jaw drop. There at the entrance were the Wonderbolts! They filed in with Soarin taking the lead. They trotted over to Spitfire. Flashbomb saw one that caught his eye. It was a mare with a Rainbow mane. He couldnt see her cutie mark or her eyes because of the uniform. [colour=#0000FF]"No......way.....is that? Rainbow dash?"[/colour] He said with a look of surprise. Rainbow dash was there with the Wonderbolts. He guessed that they had a roll in the final test.

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Lyria gasped in awe when the Wonderbolts walked in. It was her dream to see them, to be one of them. She watched them, and smiled as the possiblity of her becoming one grew close, and depended on this. One. Test.

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Angel looked over, "[colour=#800000]Duty calls[/colour]" He said. A team member helped him trot over to Spitfire. "[colour=#daa520]Alright, Thanks for coming every-pony" [/colour]SpitFire announced. "[colour=#daa520]As you know, Today is the final test and each of you has a job to fulfill. Even the cripple.[/colour]" She looked over at AngelSnapp, Who nodded. "[colour=#daa520]Lets see, RainbowDash, Sense your newer here, I need you to help Angelsnapp, He kinda busted his leg.. Stupid Stallion[/colour]" She joked. "[colour=#800000]Are you sure ma'am? Im sure I could just walk.[/colour]" He told her, Trying not to sound wimpy. "[colour=#daa520]Dont be stupid, Youll just get yourself hurt again, RainbowDash will help you. Im sure you two will get along just fine, As for the test, Lets move into my office to discuss the details.[/colour]"

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While it fell silent from everyponies nervousness from the test, the doors flung open. The Wonderbolts entered! Everypony was gawking, including Marble. He specifically was galking at Soarin', having a childhood flashback. [colour=#ff0000]I wanna' be just like him when I grow up! [/colour][colour=#00ff00]Soarin'? Why Soarin'? [/colour][colour=#ff0000]Because he's super cool, and fast, and strong and- [/colour][colour=#00ff00]Is it because he's one of the only stallions in the Wonderbolts? [/colour][colour=#ff0000]Yes! That too![/colour] [colour=#00ff00]You funny child.[/colour] His childhood hero was now in front of him. And he was eating a pie. Marble wanted to facehoof and laugh at the same time. Angel left the group to join with the Wonderbolts. Marble continued gawking at them, conversing about something, he wasn't really paying attention.

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(Triple pony rp time)

Flashbomb Watched as the Wonderbolts followed Spitfire. He nudged Marble, [colour=#0000FF]"Im the most Anxious i have ever been in my life."[/colour] He admitted to him He was wary of what evil tests Spitfire had for them.

Lightning Dust had finnished flying laps and decided to Go into the mess hall. She Trotted in just as the wonderbolts Filed out she caught glipse of Rainbow Dash she controlled her temper and continued into the mess hall. She sat with Lyria, Marble and Flash. She smiled slightly and looked at Flashbomb and the new scars that she adorned him. "Im sorry Flash." She said to him.

Rainbow Dash Let Angel lean on her she didnt mind to much but didnt really care for helping him to much. [colour=#00FFFF]"So how did you hurt yourself? Was it cool or was it a simple fall?"[/colour]

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