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RainbowDash asked Angel how he busted his leg "[colour=#800000]Meh, All I did was chase a rookie who was trying to run away, They ran though a Ice cloud that was just a little to hard for me, I hit and got knocked out for about 5 seconds, I free fell in that time about 3000 feet, And quickly pulled up before i hit the ground, Unfortunately I put to much strain on my right wing, And it sprained, Making me barrel roll into a tree and fall out of it onto my leg. Not as bad as the time I got flung into a mountain, But ill tell you that another day." [/colour]He said

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Flashbomb smiled and patted Lightning dust on the shoulder. [colour=#0000FF]"Its ok we all break at one time or another you were just caught in the moment. Plus you gave me a cool scar on my leg and over the bridge of my nose. It ds character."[/colour] He chuckled. He felt as though he had fully accepted her and sat back. He looked at the door and wondered what the wonderbolts were planning. He couldnt stop thinking about the test.

Lightning dust smiled when Flashbomb said he was ok and not to worry about it. She sighed and laid her head on her forelimbs on the table. She rested her eyes for a moment.

Rainbow dash chuckled [colour=#00FFFF]"You sugar coated it well. But that was a bummer, and clouds can be very tricky at times. The only pon i know that could fly through clouds is Flashbomb. He is on my weather team, He is a good stallion."[/colour] She said and continued to help him. [colour=#00FFFF]"You know the accident could have been cooler if you were being chased by a dragon or something. that wouldve made the story really cool."[/colour] She chided him.

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Angel Laughed "[colour=#800000]Thats actually how I got thrown into the mountain in the first place, But You dont want to hear about that. It was about a year ago, when I just became a wonderbolt. Long story short, I was in the hospital for about a month[/colour]" He told her laughing at himself, He remembered his parents took a photo of him, in a full body cast.

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Marble finished gawking when he saw Lightning Dust enter the mess hall. He was happy to see she was joining their table. She even apologized to Flash, who naturally accepted it. He scooted closer to her, so he could whisper to her without interrupting the Wonderbolts conversation and breaking the awkward silence while the others continued gawking. [colour=#ff0000]"You excited for the test?" [/colour]He asked competitively, believing it would help psyche her up if she believed they were in competition.

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Lightning dust smiled with her eyes still closed. "Ill be ready for whatevet they throw at me. You better hope that you are too." She said she lifted he head. "Its going to be tough, you think that the other trials were hard? That was foalsplay compared to what they are going to put us through." She said with a sly grin on her face. "Im sure they are talking about it rightnow in Spitfire's office as we speak."

Flashbomb listened to every word Lightning dust had said He felt more anxiety pile up. He looked to Lyria and smiled once she had cleaned up. [colour=#0000FF]"Hopefully those stallions dont mess with you again. if so we all will give them a piece of our minds." [/colour]He said with a smile to her.

Rainbow dash heard Angel mention a hospital. [colour=#00FFFF]"Yea getting stuck in a hospital is so uncool. I remember when i had to get my wings bandaged and i had to sit there for celestia knows how long. My friends came and visited me and twilight tried to make me read! I mean reading isnt cool. [/colour]She chucked and her yes behind her goggles moved left and right to show she was lieing.

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Lyria just sat there in awe. Her smile shined, and she looked around at the Wonderbolts. This was her chance. She knew only a chosen few were going to be added to the Wonderbolts, and she hoped her and her friends would make it.

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Angel gruteed. "[colour=#800000]Careful.[/colour]" He said as RainbowDash seemed to lean a little "[colour=#800000]I dont know, Reading is alright, Especially when your outside in the evening with a glass of lemon-aid Just got to get a good adventure book. Or if your me, A good Daring Do Book al[/colour]w[colour=#800000]ays does me in." [/colour]He told her.

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Flashbomb laid his head on the table he was tired of waiting for the Wonderbolts to come back. He wanted to do his final test and hopefully pass.

RainbowDash, Angel and the other wonderbolts arrived in Spitfire's office. Rainbow Dash helped Angel into a chair and she pushed her goggles up revealing her Rose eyes. They now had to colaberate about what the final test would consist of. They waited for Spitfire to start.

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They trotted inside and SpitFire sat down behind her desk. "[colour=#daa520]Alright, The final test consists of Three parts, Mental Endurance, Physical Endurance, And Natural Endurance. During the Mental Endurance, I want AngelSnapp to lead the exercise Your too yell and shout insults at the recruits, If any one of them insults you back. They automatically fail. This will test their mental Discipline. The Physical Test will be led by Me and RainbowDash, Considering that Angel needs a brace, He will be getting set up with one during this part, Its the obstacle course from before, But this time. There is a Time limit, And we made it about 20% Harder. The last part, Will be a 2 day survival. We all, I repeat, All will go out into the ever-free forest, and survive off of the land for 2 days. Ever-pony will get a map and a map only, We all have to meet outside of the forest in pony-ville where the test will end, Keep in mind, Where going to be in the deepest part of the Forest, Danger is a factor. So Angel.. Youll need that brace. Any questions?[/colour]" She asked. Angel already knew this was coming, So he keeped quiet.

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The Wonderbolts turned to the recruits and began explaining the rules. The tests were all for endurance, which really helped lighten Marble's anxiety. The first test was so simple too! Survive having insults shouted at them? He may be emotionally unstable at times, but he was confident that as long as he prepared, he could keep his stoic demeanor. Then they would have a time limit on the obstacle course. He wouldn't exactly pass that with flying colours, but he's done it before, he felt if he pushed his limits enough, he could make it to the end about a second before time runs out. The last test was the most intimidating. Two days in the Everfree Forest? He'd gone camping before, but never in such a dangerous place! Surviving off the land sounded hard too. He wasn't exactly a nature expert. Marble had no questions to ask them. It was pretty straight forward everything he had to do. He could at least, pass the tests with the minimum requirements. He was confident with that much.

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(ok ill fast forward a bit.)

Flashbomb saw that the wonderbolts had returned from Spitfire's office. they all lined up at the head of the messhall and stood silent. Spitfire ordered them to listen up, for there would be no reapeats. She told the recruits about the final test and the 3 gauntlets they had to go through. Mental Endurance was a test where they would try to insult the Recruits in the most brutal way possible. They are not to insult back or they fail. Physical endurance, Consists of an obsticle course that t the toughest they could make it. You have a et time limit to get it done or you will fail. And Natural endurance, This test was not like the others, All would have to go into the Forest and live for 2 days off the land. No food, No water, and no shelter. You get a map and your wits and thats all. She then made sure we were al clear with that and everypony filled out to the runway for the insult test. Flshbomb took his place beside marble and Lyria. He stood at attention eyes forward and kept his gaze on a far away cloud. The test started and a Wonderbolt on each side of the line started movingto the middle insulting each cadet in a fearsome inpony way ( inhumane) When those 2 moved on to the next one 2 more wonderbolts started yet again on the beginning ones and followed shortly there after. Flashbomb didnt dare to speak. He kept his gaze on the far cloud.

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Marble and the rest of the gang (yay we're a gang now) filed out of the mess hall to the first test of mental endurance. Marble was between Flashbomb and Lightning Dust, and saw Lyria was nearby as well. The Wonderbolts began going down the line of cadets and insulting them in surprisingly brutal ways. Marble stared forward and kept this stoic face. [colour=#ff0000]I'll do fine. Just ignore whatever they say.[/colour]

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AngelSnapp again was helped by RainbowDash. They got over to where the recruits lined up.. He yelled out as much as he could, He felt like a Drill Sargent, He didnt like it. He continued flying down the line. At this point, He didnt need any help. He came First to FlashBomb "[colour=#800000]You think your so tough with all those scars hu? I bet I could take you down in 10 seconds flat.[/colour]" After a few seconds with no reply he continued down to what he feared worst, Lyria.. He didnt make a exception with her though. "[colour=#800000]Hey Pip squeak How did a weakling like you get into the academy." [/colour]He was pretty sure this was hurting him more than his friends...

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Flashbomb stood and didnt speak a word to Angel. He heard one cadet retort and was automatically disbanded. Rainbow dash came up to him. [colour=#00FFFF]"You think your all that you sad little worm!? I have seen my grandmother fly better than you! heck she can even keep herself from getting hurt you insignificant colt!" [/colour]Flashbomb kept his gaze n the clouds not reasponding. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and went down the line she cae to marble. [colour=#00FFFF]"what are you doing here you weak sad pony!? Do you believe you even have what it takes to be a wonderbolt!? Why dont you give up!? Go home to momma!" [/colour]She yelled at him. She looked into his eyes and waited. Nothing she came to Lightning dust. [colour=#00FFFF]"And dont make me get started on you! Your a reckless unconsiderate and rudest little filly i have seen all day! Im surprised that you are still in the academy! They should drop you on the side of the road!" [/colour]She screamed at her. Lightning dust was clearly moved by the insult because of their history but she managed to keep quiet. Rainbow dash eventually got to Lyria. [colour=#00FFFF]"Wow you remind me of Fluttershy. She couldnt get into the Academy so why are you here!? I bet you cant fly a straight line without whimpering like a little mouse in the dark! This is the Wonderbolt Academy not the Pipsqueak academy!. [/colour]She looked at her for a couple more seconds and moved on. Flashbomb glanced slightly at Lyria in sadness he then snapped back to attention. One by one cadets failed until 23 were left.

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It was going easily so far. The Wonderbolts seemed to be having troubles finding insults meant for Marble. What were they suppose to say anyways? You're too tall? He almost laughed at their insults, being so silly. Him and 22 others were all that was left, including Lyria, Lightning and Flash. [colour=#ff0000]I could use a challenge. [/colour]His face hadn't even twitched during the test. One of the Wonderbolts walked up to him, and he prepared himself for a barrage of bad insults, and controlling himself from bursting into laughter. [colour=#ff0000]Maybe this is why Showboat always laughs when everypony calls him names.[/colour]

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The mental test had finnished and the Wonderbolts took their place behind Spitfire they waited for Spitfire to examine the ones who were left and give the go for the start of the next test.

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That was it. The pony yelled something about him being a slow artist, and the test was over. He hadn't even flinched from their yelling. He expected better. It was time for the next test. He was told to go to the obstacle course. He flew their, and lined up with everypony else, and waited for the instructions. [colour=#ff0000]I just gotta' push myself a little, and I should pass this one...[/colour]

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Lyria got ready for the obstacle course. She knew she could pass this one, she had before.

[colour=#ee82ee]Just focus on the turns and obstacles, and you can get through this. [/colour]

[colour=#000000]She kept thinking that to herself, over and over again.[/colour]

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Rainbow dash stepped forward she was tasked to give the instructions. [colour=#00FFFF]"The Next test you see here is the obstacle course. You have done the obsticale course befor but this one is 30times harder. You will be on a time limit. Now you may be thinking to yourself hey this will be easy. Well its not, You have 10 seconds to pass this course. If you fail your out, Now the first one up will be you." [/colour]She pointed to a random pony. The cadet lined up and fanned his wings. The whistle went off and he flew through the barriers of clouds. the cloud cannons hit him and knocked him of kilter. He tried the sharp turns part but he slipped up. The whistl went off again and he was escorted out. And that wasnt a 12th of the course. Flashbomb gulped in anxiety. Rainbow dash started calling ponies 1 by 1 up. and each one failed. She then looked to the remaining 12. Flashbomb began to doubt himself, how was he going to pass this?

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Watching the others doing the test was not helping Marble's anxiety. They had 10 SECONDS to pass the test! The only ponies he knew that had a possibility of doing that was Flash, Lyria and Lightning. Even they might have troubles with that! Nopony was passing so far, getting hit by clouds and falling apart. It was Marble turn. He kept his poker face as if they were still in the mental test, and stood at the starting line. Time practically froze as he waited for the whistle to signal to start. He flew off as fast as he could as soon as he heard it. He was doing well at the start, flying straight forward at a fast speed, though slow compared to his friends. He managed to only need small movements to dodge the many obstacles and clouds, and was having troubles maneuvering with his speed. He was getting close. He didn't know how long he was taking, but he was getting excited now. He heard a canon fire, and suddenly, a pitch black cloud made a tower in his way. There was no way he had time to dodge it. Most ponies would have given up at this point. [colour=#ff0000]kick out with hind-legs it! [/colour]Marble wasn't most ponies. He moved his position to put his strong back hooves in front of him. He broke the cloud tower apart with his air kick out with hind-legs, and landed facing the obstacle course past the finish line. He looked at the nearby instructor, sweating nervously to hear his time. [colour=#008000]"8 seconds." [/colour]Marble began a victory dance, so happy that he actually passed the test, getting better than he expected, even if only by a second. He stood off to the side to wait for the others, as the obstacle course began restarting to trick the other flyers.

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Angel got his leg re-braced and trotted outside, It was nice to be able to walk once more. He saw Marble finish the obstacle course in 8 seconds, A impressive time, But it would all come down to the final test. He trotted over to RainbowDash, Who already seemed to know what she was doing, He stood next to her while she barked orders.

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Flashbomb was overjoyed for his friend, He pattes him on the back and congtraz him over and over again. Just as anothe rpony faled the test. He looked to the course it was daunting to him his eyes Dialated as he heard his name called by Rainbow dash. He trotted to the line and shook himself. [colour=#0000FF]"Celestia help me." [/colour]He whispered. He didnt have his mask, he had left it back in the building and he had to fly solo. [colour=#00FFFF]"GO!" [/colour]Screamed Rainbow Dash. Flashbomb shot forward like a bullet. He weaved through the pillars and over and under other obsticales. He counted the seaconds. [colour=#0000FF]2....3.... [/colour]He flewharder and Barrel rolled through the Maze of clouds. [colour=#0000FF]5...6...[/colour] He went tyhrough 3 other obsticales. He knew he wasnt going to make it. He pushed the hardest he had ever done in his life. He dint want to Fail. BOOM! A black Storm pillar had acended to his position.[colour=#0000FF] 7..8...[/colour] He shot with brunt force into the pillar, His special talent taking hold. Sparks ran through the pillar and opened a hole for him to get through. The Finnish line was ahead. Time slowed down [colour=#0000FF]9.............. [/colour]He flattened his wings and Shot full speed at the line he wasnt going to make it! He closed his eyes and felt himself hit the ground and skid. He opened his eyes. He had left a small scrape on the ground and saw he crossed the Finish line. Rainbow dash stared at him and he feared the worse. [colour=#00ffff]9.75 seconds......you pass.... [/colour]Flashbomb felt overwealmed wih happyness He stood up and shook the dirt out of his hair. He trotted over to The line next to Marble and Lyria. He was beaming with happyness.

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Lyria was next. She took a deep breath, and took off. The clock was ticking, but she turned each corner with ease and went over each obstacle with a pace that was easy for her. She landed on the other side, 6.8 seconds, barely 4 seconds to spare.

[colour=#800080]I'm glad I practiced that... [/colour][colour=#000000]She thought to herself.[/colour]

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