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AngelSnapp watched as Lyria basically demolished the obstacle course, She landed on the other side. Angel smiled to himself, It would be cool if him and lyria could be wonderbolts together. But, Again. The final test was going to be the most difficult, He didnt get his hopes up.

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Flashbomb watched as Lightning dust Had just finnised the course, she had gotten 6.2 seconds and trotted hapily back to the line. She stood next to Lyria. Flashbomb looked ahead and saw that the Wonderbolts were collaberating together. Flashbomb counted who were left. 8 cadets......8 cadets made it. He looked forward again and saw that the Wonderbolts had split again. Spitfire gave a nod and ordered the cadets to follow. Flashbomb took off behind the wonderbolts. He knew that this was the last test and he hoped that he would pass. The other cadets flew with him and they decended deep into the everfree forest.

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Lyria landed in the Everfree, and looked around. She saw her mother's cottage in the distance, but knew she couldn't go there. But the nice part is, her father had taught her how to live in the Everfree in case anything went wrong in Equestria. She was ready.

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The next test was up. Marble gave a loud gulp from his nervousness. He flew down with the others and entered the Everfree Forest. He was sure to keep close with his group of friends so he wouldn't loose them as soon as they entered. Not wanting to make the rest of them nervous, he acted like he had done been there a thousand times. The closest he honestly came to was camping in Whitetail Woods, with a number of luxuries. Now he had to spend two days with nothing but the small mind that barely got him through high school. It was dark, and he was having troubles seeing the many dangers in the forest, but he listened closely to the sounds of the birds chirping to keep himself at least appearing calm. Wanting to make up for the way he treated Lightning Dust before, Marble stayed by her. [colour=#ff0000]"You ready?" [/colour]He asked her with his deep, secretly shy voice. [colour=#ff0000]"N-not in that way!" [/colour]He quickly corrected himself after noticing the innuendo. [colour=#ff0000]"I mean, like, ready to pass this test..."[/colour]

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AngelSnapp flew down after the recruits, He had himself already done this test when He was in the academy, Not to mention his Photographer career had also added to his survival skills. He knew that he would be best off alone, He gave SpitFire and RainbowDash a nod and trotted away, Looking back at the others. He got a good 200 feet away, He remembered that the use of wings to find the way out was prohibited. He knew what to look for first, And that was water and food. He began his search. He had his map and would also need to figure out his position. That would come later. About 48 Hours later.

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Lyria took off through the forest. She knew this forest like the back of her hoof. She flew over to a special place, only where her mother and father knew. She saw the water, and food was located everywhere. She licked up some water, until she heard a growling. She turned around, and saw a manticore standing there.

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Flashbomb looked aound the dark forest it was so creepy beng here. Lightning dust nodded to marble"Ready as i will ever be." She assured him. She trotted off to find water.

(split rp time)

Flashbomb trotted off into the woods he liastened carefully to the sounds of the woods. He heard chirping crickets and birds. He continued on until he Heard a rolling sound. He troted down a windy hill and found a Oak tree next to a creek. [colour=#0000FF]"Its my lucky day!" [/colour]He exclaimed. He trotted by the tree and saw that the water had made the ground soaked. He glance around, Since it was a mixed forest he figured he would find some pine trees. Sure enough he found some and Broke branches off of them, He brought them back and began to build a A frame shelter that laid nearby the oak tree. He laid down some branches as bedding inside and continued his work.

Lightning dust trotted in the opposite direction of Flashbomb. She found a small clearing and spotted a stagnant pond of water. She would have to boil it to clense it of any parisites. She started to dig a hole at a diagnal Slope. She dug down until she had her own little cave. She secured the rof with branches and laid tall gras inside for bedding.

Rainbow dash desired to partake in this test she climbed up a tree she used for last time. Everything was there from her last test except food. She had a hamock and a roof made of chokecherry bush branches. She cleaned out the critters and hopped down to search for food.

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The others were separating. Lyria flew off, and Flash and Lighting were much more casual with their pace. Marble wasn't sure which direction to go in. He could follow one of the others, but he wasn't sure if that was against the rules or not. He really wanted to follow one of them to make sure they were safe, but remembering their amazing speed and flying capabilities, he was certain no dangerous creatures could hurt them. He trotted behind him, where nopony went, and found a very small clearing, though clear enough to let enough sunlight through for Marble to see his surroundings much better. He couldn't see any creatures, but the many plants seemed to be growing in the forest, including the Poison Joke he was warned about when he was younger. He was certain to steer clear of it.

Before he could look around more, he saw movement in the darkness. He kept alert, and heard a snarling coming from behind. He turned around slowly, and surely enough, a pack of timber wolves had found Marble. [colour=#ff0000]Of course. Just my luck. [/colour]Marble's instincts made him fly towards the invisible sky, until he remembered the rule against flying above the forest to find directions. He had been in trouble enough to know that the Wonderbolts would ignore his claims if he told them he was under attack. Instead, he flew straight towards them without speaking, knocking them apart with a strong flying kick out with hind-legs. After knocking apart a few more with his strong hooves, he saw they were beginning to join together again. Before they came back to life to attack him again, he was flying off into the darkness to find a place to hide. He found a cave, which looked perfect. Big mistake.

A very large, starry bear came wobbling out tiredly. Marble flew off again before he could be seen again, but the heard the bear yelling out to the forest, seemingly cranky. He found himself hiding in the foliage on top of a large tree, keeping an eye out for any dangerous but small creatures that could have been their. [colour=#ff0000]I really need to camp more. [/colour]He was not having good luck with the beginning of the test.

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Flashbomb had finnished his shelter and walked out of it. He looked with satisfaction at his home, He then trotted over to the stream and tried to find out a way to collect some of it so he could boil it. He heard wings flapping and some leves rustle in the distance. Curious to what the noise was he went to investigate. He found Marble cowering there from celestia knows what. [colour=#0000ff]"Hey Featherbrain!" [/colour]He joked to Marble. [colour=#0000FF]"Looks like you need a hoof! You do know that we can work together in this test right? How about you come to my camp and you could make a shelter by it if you wish." [/colour]

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Marble heard somepony yelling at him. He moved his head, and saw Flashbomb offering him shelter. Marble immediately shushed him, and began whisper-yelling. [colour=#ff0000]"Quiet down you idiot!" [/colour]He looked back to make sure nothing heard him. Seemingly, everything was safe. He slowly and quietly flew down to Flashbomb. [colour=#ff0000]"Timber wolves and an ursa minor. I'm not having a good start." [/colour]He whispered to Flash when he was close enough. [colour=#ff0000]"You sure there's nothing around? I'm feeling awfully paranoid today."[/colour]

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Flashbomb glanced around, he saw nothing in the woods that would be any threat to them. It was getting darker in the forest andhe felt neasy standing here. [colour=#0000FF]"Im sure were ok Marble, We should get back to my camp and start a fire or else there could be trouble." [/colour]He said to him. He turned around and trotted at a slow pace back to camp. They reached the camp and he sat by his shelter.

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Flash tried to reassure Marble, and he lead him back to his shelter. Flash seemed to be preparing a fire. [colour=#ff0000]"Be careful." [/colour]He warned Flash. [colour=#ff0000]"Fire means smoke. Smoke means everything knows where we are. That means these creatures can find us. It would be best to save the fire for when we're boiling water. Until then, we may have to live off the grass." [/colour]He said this while thinking of one of his favourite books as a kid. He was re-enacting the scene when the father was teaching his kids basic survival skills. He wasn't certain if he should trust survival advice from a childrens book, but it was basically all he knew. [colour=#ff0000]"Also, we'll need to be more careful with our firepit. Since we're in a forest, the fire could easily spread and start a forest fire. We'd be world famous as the pegasi responsible for the fall of the Everfree Forest if we did that, and that entails releasing all of the creatures and risking the destruction of Equestria itself!" [/colour]Marble was nearly panicking now. He REALLY didn't want a fire unless it was necessary.

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Flashbomb roled his eyes and looked to Marble. [colour=#0000FF]" Im sure if we built the fire pit by the creek we could co trol it. Besides if we place rocks around the fire and keep a close eye on it we could douse it if it starts to spread. And animals are afraid of fire, if we start one we would be safer, i would rather risk a forest fire rather than becoming dinner for some creature." [/colour]He grabbed some wood from near by and built his fire pit. He placed the smallest sticks in and some grass. He took 2 rocks and started to smack them together hard. Eventually sparks flew into the kindling and lit the scraps. They began to burn and Flashbomb began to add more larger pieces of wood until they had a quaint fire. He looked to Marble and how much fear he had. He looked up to the sky. The moon had risen and it was officialy night. He looked to his shelter, He knew he had no time to help Marble build a new one. So he went over and began to expand the shelter to fit them both. He made out Marble's bed and made blankets out of grass weaved together. it took him 30 minutes but he was impressed with his work. He sat down by the fire and took off his uniform. He tore it and made it into a makeshift bandana. He put it on and tried to figureout away to colect water.

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AngelSnapp had found one of his favorite spots in the forest for photo's. It was a Cliff that had two apple Trees on top. He climbed up remembering not to use his wings, Witch was somewhat annoying considering he was injured. He remembered a trick he had learned to find water. And that was to fallow the insects. The more there were, Ment water was near. Hopefully a running crook or river. He Trotted north, Keeping note of the Sun's Position. It was early evening and the sun was high in the west sky. He managed to find a river and decided that he would set up camp halfway between the Tree's and The River, It would be dumb to set up next to the river, Because who knew what kind of creatures would want a mid-night drink? He preferred sleeping in tree's to keep away from prowling animals, So he climbed up a tree and began to collect fallen logs and branches, He found some Vine's and made a make-shift platform to sleep and sit on. "[colour=#800000]Not exactly home, But it will do[/colour]" he looked across the way to see about where he was next to the River smoke was coming up. He shook his head, Some rookie had made a mistake of setting up camp next to the river. He continued working on marking his territory. He put up signs like piles of rocks and out of place logs shaped like arrows to point him in the right direction of his camp. Then he headed to the River where the smoke started to rise, He was thirsty, And wouldn't mind a chat.

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Flash was trying to reassure Marble again, but it wasn't working out. He trusted Flash to make the right choices. Camping in Whitetail Woods was much safer than in the Everfree Forest. He couldn't help but allow his eyes to shift over quickly towards any amounts of movement in the darkness while Flashbomb expanded his shelter. Though his face remained stoic, his shifty eyes revealed his fear of the night creatures wandering about. He settled around the fire, barely noticing it. The cold of fear overwhelmed any sense of warmth the fire gave him. He looked around, and the tall, covering trees beckoned to him with the offer of safety. After everything seemed done, Marble was finished with having so much fear. [colour=#ff0000]"I'm sorry Flash. I feel like a sitting duck down here. I need to hide for a while." [/colour]Marble flew up in the air, and lay on a comfortable set of branches that seemed to be able to hold his weight. [colour=#ff0000]I can't burden Flash like this. I'll do this alone, I'm sure I'll be fine alone, and Flash can pass with flying colours again. [/colour]He closed his eyes as he began to feel comfortable. [colour=#ff0000]Just a little bit of sleep should be fine.[/colour]

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Flashbomb listened to Marble's fears and he was going to reaspond but he sawhim fly up into a tree. Flash sighed and shook his head. He looked to the river and realized that creatures could come up for a drink. So flash grabbed some wiry bark from a willow nearby and started to pull it out into a rope. He got it quite long and thick, he took the rope and wrapped it around a small rock. He tied a perimeter around the camp and placed a large boulder under the rock that hung. He tested it and it made a loud clacking noisewhen bumped. Good enough for him. He turned to the creek and got an idea. He took a rock with an indentation that looked like a motar without the pestile. He carved on it with another rock until it was indented more, he figured it could hold water and be thin enough to boil the water. He scouped up a large amount of water and set it on a rock by the fire. He looked at his camp and sighed. He hoped it would be good enough. He looked up to Marble, He felt sorry for him and he wanted him to pass so bad. He seemed as though he thought he was burdening him but it didnt bother him at all. He threw another log on the fire. His stomach growled, he looked out into the dark forest. He had water, shelter and fire, but no food.

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Lyria stood up to the Manticore, and kicked it right in the snout. It roared in anger, and pounced toward her. She smiled, and moved out of the way. It fell to the floor, and growled at her. She grabbed a stone and stick from nearby, and quickly fashioned a spear. She stabbed it through the heart, and smiled.

[colour=#ee82ee]"Good Riddance." [/colour]

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Angel Jumped down from the tree and headed down too the river where he saw FlashBomb and a Fire. "[colour=#800000]Your going to get yourself attacked by a bear if you camp here you know.. Its right next to a water source.[/colour]" he said laughing at FlashBomb's growling stomach

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Lyria grabbed some wood, and some other things, and started her fire. She sat next to it, starting to sharpen her spear. She began to sing tunes, and then started to sing Hush Now Quiet Now. The song she remembered from her childhood.

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Flashbomb looked over to Angel snapp. [colour=#0000FF]"Im sure ill be fine, i was going to take some sticks and fashon a spear wall perimeter. But i gotta find some food." [/colour]He trotted over and grabbed a stick and a makeshift rope. He was going to try and catch a fish, He never really ever ate fish but he would rather eat a litle fish than berries.

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Marble listened as Angel trotted over to Flash's camp. Flash sounded like he was doing fine. He had water, a fire, and was making spears. Marble? He had a tree, a good few pounds of muscles, and common sense. He was able to suck up the feeling of laying on the branch, and the cold wind was nothing compared to his home. But he found himself thinking of him and his new friends. He had always been the underling for most of his life. His brother had the wits and intelligence to do well, and the confidence to be friends with everypony. Marble was the shy, above average flyer. Flash, Lyria and even Lighting Dust were the super-amazing flyers who probably could have automatically joined the Wonderbolts without needing the academy, and Angel was already a Wonderbolt! A familiar feeling of uselessness and despair took him over, and was making him have troubles sleeping. He forced his eyes shut, and tried to keep quiet, and eventually, his rhythmic sobs lulled him to sleep.

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