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Flashbomb felt bad for being brash with Angel but he had to eat. He threw his makeshift line in the water and watched for movement in the water. He caught several ish n 20 minutes. He was satisfied with himself and took some branches for defences. He sharpened the sticks and one my one planted a row of them across the open paths to his camp. He cooked the fish on a rock where he heated the water. He noticed that it was boiling and drank from it. It wasnt bad, he looked up and saw Marble still in the tree. Flash felt bad for Marble and decided to fly up and carry him into the shelter. He covered him in the blanket and smiled. He couldnt let him freeze in that tree. He trotted outside and stoked the fire again.

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AngelSnapp smiled "[colour=#800000]What is it with you lately? Youve turned from a shy mare into a almost Super like mare.[/colour]" He inspected her cuts. "[colour=#800000]Yeh, We might want to patch you up. We wouldn't want these getting infected. Even though there small, its always a good Idea. Lets see if we can find some aloe leaves.[/colour]" He told her.

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[colour=#800080]"I still am a shy pony. I just, needed to toughen up.... As for aloe leaves, there are some in my camp." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and started to trot back to her camp.[/colour]

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AngelSnapp fell in behind Lyria. He fallowed her to where her camp laid. Although there was no trace of a camp near-by. "[colour=#800000]So, Where exactly did you set up camp?" [/colour]He asked.

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[colour=#800080]"Right here." [/colour][colour=#000000]She pointed to a tiny campfire, with a dead manticore. 3 timber wolves were there, and they turned to her. She took the spear from under her wing, and went after them one by one. She attacked the first one, stabbing it in the head with the spear, then twirled around to the other two killing them quickly. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Yay more timber for the fire."[/colour]

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Flashbomb heard distant voices he made out Lyria and Angel. He smiled slightly and continued to prod his fire. He was hapy for Agel, Lyria was a nice mare. He heard them trot off. He sighed and continued to work. He heard a sound behind him. He turned around to see Lghtning dust coming out of the forest covered in mud. [colour=#0000FF]"What happened to you?" [/colour]He inquired her.

Lightning dust picked her way around the traps and sat next to him. " A bear that looked like the night sky stepped on my hovel, It collapsed and i barely got out." She said with a dissapointed look. She glanced at him, "You got a great set up here." She commented.[colour=#0000FF] [/colour]

[colour=#0000FF]"Its not much but i will do, I tried to make it secure as possible but i think that Angel might be right. The traps will atleast serve as a warning system." [/colour]He leaned against the tree and gazed up at the stars through the canopy. Lightning dust curled up and enjoyed the fire. "Could i stay here for the night? I have no camp." She asked. [colour=#0000FF]"Yea sure, Marble is staying here too. I think that he feels as though he is useless but he is no burden at all." [/colour]Flash replied to her.

Lightning dust glanced ovet to the shelter she heard soft snoreing coming from the hut. She felt Hapy that they were both ok. She loked back at the flames. "Where could i sleep?" She asked Flashbomb. Flash got up and looked around. [colour=#0000FF]"We could build you a seperate hut if you like." [/colour]

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Lyria sat down by her little fire, and continued to sharpen another spear. [colour=#800080]"There is some weapons over by that tree." [/colour][colour=#000000]She pointed for Angel to see. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Feel free to take some."[/colour]

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[colour=#00FF00]After a warning from the Admin and talking with others i have decided to reopen the rp. No blood no weapons no gore will be allowed in this one. The aftermath episode might have to take place in the 18 or older section.[/colour]

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Flashob was about to turn aroundwhen he felt rain hit his nose. He looked up and saw thata huge storm cloud had drifted into the forest and began to pour heavily. Normally he would just bust it and go about his buissiness. He snorted when he couldnt because of the test. He got soaked fast and the fire sputtered dead. He swiped up the food and anything he could that couldnt get wet and looked to Lightning dust. [colour=#0000FF]"Come on! We gotta get inside!" [/colour]He yelled to her. The rain was pouring so bad itwas a constant drawl of pouring water. Lightning dust nodded to him and followed him into the shelter below the large tree. Flashbomb closed the door and sat n his bed. Marble was still out in his bed just a little ways away. Lightning dust steped over him and wrung out her mane. Flashbom was proud of his tough shelter that he made. The walls were study and the roof was waterproofed. He as well built it under a large knarly root of the tree. It was 100% dry. "Well that was fun." Lightning dust whispered. Thunder cracked out over them. Flashbomb smiled at her. [colour=#0000FF]"Yep one of the many joys of camping." [/colour]He scooted over to a small pile of leafy branches and began to remove the branch part to make Lightning Dust a bed. [colour=#0000FF]"I am kinda happy to have you and Marble here for company." [/colour]He said to her. He looked around and tried to find a spot for which Her bed would go. The only space was by Marble. His bed made an L shape with his and Flash's bed. He put down the reeds and made a soft matress out of thme next to Marble's bed. Lightning dust tok off her uniform and hung it on a root nearby. Flashbomb made her a quick blanket and a pillow out of the long grass. [colour=#0000FF]"Its better than nothing." [/colour]Flash said to her as he laid them down. They would all be laying next to eachother so it would provide bodyheat for what the blankets lacked. Flashbomb sat down on his bed and watched Marble sleep. He loked to Lightning dust who had climbed into her bed next to Marble and shivered. "that rain sure makes you cold fast." She said with a smile to Flash. Flash smiled to her,[colour=#0000FF] "Better rest up Tommarows going to be just as hard." [/colour]He climbed into his bed and covered himself. It was slightly crowded in the shelter but itbegan to get comfortable. "Goodnight Flash, And thanks." Lightning dust whispered she laid there facing Marble. She closed her eyes. [colour=#0000FF]"Night Dust, sleep well." [/colour]Flash responded. He lay there and listened to the rain patter outside. The shelter held strong, Flashbomb curled up and fell asleep. The rain rolled on outside.

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AngelSnapp trotted in to the camp "[colour=#800000]Wow, Quite the set up youve got here... Let see, Ah here they are. Let me get you all your cuts covered."[/colour] He said taking the aloe leaves off of a near by plant.

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[colour=#800080]"I'm pretty sure it is." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria smiles, and looks at the moon. [/colour][colour=#800080]"I think I'm gonna hit the hay. Feel free to stay here." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria smiles, and turns to a tree nearby, and lies down, falling asleep[/colour]

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Flashbomb was fast asleep in the makeshift bed. Lightning dust couldnt sleep and rolled around. she finaly rolled facing Marble. She watched him sleep and smiled at him, Hewas the only one that she considered a really good friend. He Helped her snap out of her depression and got through to her. She felt a pang of something else for him , Did she consider her more than just a friend? She laid there and listened to the running rain and the rush of the stream. She watched continued to watch Marble. She closed her eyes and rested them. She was gratefull for Flash's Kindness and his understanding. She sneezed a little which stirred Flash. He mumbled something about cookies and rolled back over. Lightning dust Giggled and lay back down.

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(I'll just skip to the morning)

Marble's nights were plagued with funny dreams. Most involved being chased by killer bunnies. Some involved the Ursa Minor attack from earlier, though attacking Flashbomb and the others. Before he could be fully consious to realize his position, however, he would always fall asleep again, not questioning the sudden comfort and warmth. Finally, his growling stomache was able to break him from his nightmares. He felt very hungry, and allowed his eyes to flutter open slowly for the first time since he started at the academy. He felt very confused that he was on the ground after remembering that he slept in the tree for the night. He looked to his left and saw Lightning Dust and Flashbomb, and knew what happened. He got very angry. [colour=#ff0000]"Flashbomb! What the hay!?" [/colour]He yelled at him after getting up. [colour=#ff0000]"Is it not bad enough that you're going to pass this test, you have to force me into passing as well?!" [/colour]His yelling confused even him as he stomped around trying to collect his thoughts.

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Angel Woke up and noticed Lyria was gone, He must have passed out from exhaustion because he stayed at her camp-site. He got up and rubbed his eyes. "[colour=#800000]Another day, Another adventure[/colour]" He said to himself jumping down from the tree.

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Gadget had heard the shouting below him. He looked down and shook his head. Then opened his wings and flew down to the ground quietly. He looked at marble with a bit of an angry look. [colour=#0000ff]"You, shouting one. Will you quiet down, I'm trying to sleep." [/colour][colour=#000000]He pointed up and then rubbed his eyes.[/colour]

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Flashbomb woke up with a start, He was confused by Marble's ager and al the yelling. Before he could respond a cadet he had seen from the accademy and the tests as well entered the shelter and began yelling as well He shook his head to clear his thoughts. [colour=#0000FF]"Marble calm down! and you calm down as well! Im not forcing you to pass i was giving you a helping hoof. You fell asleep in a tree and you would have gotten soaked! Spitfire said nothing about working together as being against the rules and your overreacting!" [/colour]He got up and streched like a cat. He flapped his wings and shook the grass off. Lightning dust stirred and fell back asleep. She is a heavy sleeper. He trotted outside and saw how soaked everything was. [colour=#0000FF]"Great."[/colour] He muttered he flicked his tail to the side in frustration. He grabed a fish from inside the door and bit into it. It was gross, Really gross but he ate it anyway. The stream was rushing cooly by the camp it rose a bit last night. He glanced over his shoulder as he trotted forward.[colour=#0000FF] "So whats your name?"[/colour] He asked the cadet as he fixed the fire pit.

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As a normal pony would expect, the situation was only worsened by Marble's anger. Some other pony was apparently woken by his yelling, telling him to quiet down, which naturally didn't work on the emotionally unstable pegasus. Flashbomb was yelling back as well, saying Marble was overreacting. He gave himself a few minutes to settle down, but it only built up his angry to explode a second time. [colour=#ff0000]"Flash! You can't just- just pick up a pony a-and force him to work with you!" [/colour]He still couldn't explain his anger very well, tripping over his words.

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(Oh kick out with hind-legs I just realized this is cannon to Hearts and hooves day...so Flash would know another certain Spinner.)

[colour=#0000FF]"Why? It's worked before with a few ponies I know, why wouldn't it work here." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget said with a bit of spite.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Edit: (Kick out with hind legs? I didn't put that...)[/colour]

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(Censorship is magic?)

The other cadet pony, who introduced himself to Flashbomb as Gadget Spinner, made a snarky remark about how 'it worked before'. Marble had almost forgot he was there. Marble turned to him now. [colour=#ff0000]"W-what?! What are you talking about?! Go away! This is between me and him, you're not involved with this!"[/colour]

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