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Gadget was trotting through the forest when he came to a cave. He heard several voices in there and decided to mingle with them. I mean what else was there to do, right? He trotted right in and saw two pegasi, one was fairly new to him but the other was the angry one from before. He walked closer to then saw the big blue bear. [colour=#0000cd]"Well that's unpleasant." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said contemplating whether to leave them behind or help them.[/colour]

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[colour=#800080]"Get. Out. Of here!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria said, and kicked the Ursa. She flew down and grabbed Angel and Marble, and took off speeding through the forest. She landed at her camp. [/colour]

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The situation became confusing. Lyria continued to fight the ursa major, despite everyponies protests, somepony else had entered, acting oddly casual for seeing one of the largest creatures in Equestria, and now, Lyria was flying, holding both Angel and Marble. Nopony had ever held Marble before. He was always much too large for them. He was completely in shock that somepony had finally done it. They eventually stopped at what he assumed was her camp. He stared at her in shock. [colour=#ff0000]"How did you do that?" [/colour]

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Flash sat there and sighed he got over the dispute with Marble and decided to go look for him. Rainbowdash tagged along as they went. He trotted through the woods and saw that a few tree branched were broken. He knew Marble was nearby. He continued on and ran into Lightning dust who must have been looking for him as well.[colour=#0000FF]" Have you seen marble Lightning?" [/colour]She shook her head and she joined them. All three trotted through the woods until they heard a struggle in a cave. They all took off and saw a speticle of every pony they Knew struggling against Usura major and Minor. Rainbow dash Being the eadstrong ony she was tried t intervine but only got knocked down. Flash and Lightning dust Took off trying to Help. Lyria seemed to free herself and took angel and Marble away Leaving te other 3 to defend themselves.

(sorry i a slow poster)

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(Make that four Daboom...Gadget still hasn't left.)

Gadget looked over at the other three who had just galloped in. [colour=#0000cd]"Any ideas here? If we keep this up, we're done for."[/colour][colour=#000000] He said bitterly and side stepped to the right.[/colour]

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Angel grind his teeth "[colour=#800000]You stupid Mare! Be more [/colour][colour=#800000]careful[/colour]" He yelled at her giving her a hug. "[colour=#800000]At this rate ill never get to take you on a date, Be more careful ."[/colour] he told her letting go.

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Lyria seemed completely oblivious to the achievement she just made. [colour=#ff0000]"You carried Angel, AND me, all the way over here, all while flying seemingly without slowing down. How?" [/colour]

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Lyria was surprised when Angel hugged her. When he let go, she wanted to lean forward and continue hugging him. [colour=#800080]"I'll be more careful... I promise Angel." [/colour][colour=#000000]She said, looking at him. [/colour]She turned to Marble. [colour=#800080]"I don't know. I've trained to lift up things and fly at the same pace, without slowing down. I just did it. Didn't really get slowed down. Both of you are light."[/colour]

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Flash tried to think of something. All he could say was [colour=#0000FF]"Run!' [/colour]He tried to escape but was grabbed by Usura Major and thrown to the back of the cave he tumbled and regained himself. He hoped that Angel and Lyria was alright, He still had a grudge against Marble. Lightning dust tried to distract Usura major but minor grabbed her and held on. "Get off of me you brute!" She squealed. Rainbow Das took off and atempted to free her but she was knocked away and tumbled past Gadget. [colour=#00FFFF]"Horsefeathers! What are we gonna Do?" [/colour]Sheeasked. Desperation rising in her voice. Flash backed to the wall as Major advanced. [colour=#0000FF]"This is dandy, Mauled to death by celestial beings. Thats a way to go." [/colour]

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Lyria still seemed completely unfazed by her achievement. She even called him light! Angel and her hugged, and worried about each other, which he found cute, and he gave an audible 'daaaaaaaaaaaw', followed by childish giggling. [colour=#ff0000]"Sorry, you two are just cute together." [/colour]He told them. He decided to lay off Lyria lifting Marble. She probably wouldn't realize how strong she actually was no matter how much he described everyponies attempts at picking him up.

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[colour=#800000]"Im just glad you two are alright, Stop trying to get yourselves killed alright?[/colour]" He joked with them. Marble told them that they were cute together. He saw Lyria blush and say thanks. He felt like he blushed slightly as well.

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Gadget had flown as fast as he could into flash bomb. The two had tumbled to the left of the ursa major and crashed into a wall. [colour=#0000cd]"If only my brother was here." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget said then looked over at the ursa major. He sighed and looked at flash. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"One of us has to be bait for the others to escape." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said hopelessly.[/colour]

[colour=#000000](Boss theme?)[/colour]

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Flash looked at Gadget with a dispaired look on his face. He had so many make saccrafices. He looked to Usura Major as she advanced. He started to panic, but looked to Gadget. [colour=#0000FF]"Get out of here." [/colour]He said to him. Gadget looked at him confused and tried to object [colour=#0000ff]" This is not a Disscussion!." [/colour]He yelled at him to cut him off. [colour=#0000FF]"Go now!" [/colour]He grabbed Gadget and threw him to the exit. Flash backed up. [colour=#0000FF]"Comeon you big dumb." [/colour]Flash said. He got to the back of the cave and braced for the impact but he saw out of the corner of his eye a hole in the wall just big enough for him to squeeze through. He dove for the hole as usura major jumped. He scrambled through the cramped space. Usura Major roared as it clawed at the hole. Flash squeezed through the the other side. He rolled down a hill hitting rocks and such on the way down. He landed in a smal stream at the bottom and huffed in exhaustion. He made it, he hoped the others did too.

Lightning dust squirmed free and rainbow dash kicked minor in the face. It startled minor and it backed off. Rainbow dash saw that Gadget and Flash were arguing and Flash threw gadget to the entrance. She rushed forward and grabbed him. She dragged him out and saw Major leap upon Flash. [colour=#00FFFF]"No!" [/colour]She yelled as she saw what looked like Flash's death. Lightning dust came up and grabbed both of them and dragged them away from the cave. " He is gone now! He sacraficed himself we gotta go!" She yelled. She dragged them to Flash's camp and dropped them. She sat there exhusted. Rainbow dah began to cry.

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Gadget had been thrown to the entrance of the cave and looked up and saw rainbow crying. (I'm sorry dashie.) He looked over at the mare and said. [colour=#0000cd]"Are you stupid? We need to go now. Your little, petty, grievances can wait."[/colour] [colour=#000000]He told her dragging the cyan mare out of the cave.[/colour] Grieving never helped anypony. That's what Time told him and that was what he was going to believe. After all if you couldn't believe your own brother who can you believe?

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Rainbow dash continued to cry [colour=#00FFFF]"He's gone! and we should have helped!" [/colour]Her Loyalty was showing very much. She felt like somehow it was her fault. She cried more and covered her eyes. Spitfire would be astonished when she heard a cadet died during the test.

Lightning dust patted her on the back. " He was a good friend, im sure he is i a betterplace now." She felt a tear roll down her eye. She loked up to Gadget. "Thanks for helping me get her out." She thanked him. She continued to comfort Dash. After 5 minutes of this she stood up. She had to tll Angel what happened. "I gotta give the news. i will be back." She said solemnly she troted away leaving Gadget to tend to Rainbow dash.

Flashbomb laid in the stream, the water rushed against him as he coughed a bit. He sat up and dusted himself off. He looked up te hill to hear Major still roaring in Frustration. She sighed and decided to rest some more. He wiped the dirt off of his face in the stream.

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Lyria heard something in a stream nearby. [colour=#800080]"I'll be right back guys." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and walked down to the stream. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Flashbomb? Is that you?"[/colour]

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Angel Sighed "[colour=#800000]This is always how you get in trouble Lyria! Im coming with you this time..[/colour]" He told her. He also nodded to Marble to tag a long, This was the weirdest week Angel had ever witnessed, And he was at ponyville when the pony's all went googly eyed over that doll, that was hard to enplane to SpitFire. He trotted over to Lyria keeping up beside her.

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Lyria trotted off. Apparently she heard a sound. Angel was worried and followed, and waved for Marble to tag along as well. He sighed, and walked along. [colour=#ff0000]It's probably just a fish or something.[/colour]

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Flashbomb hit the side of his head and some water came out of his ear. He heard something in the woods but he kept to himself. He washed the dirt off some more and then he heard Lyria. He turned his head and smiled to her. He saw Marble and Angel as well. [colour=#0000FF]"Hey guys. Enjoy our little bout with the celestial bears, i sure didnt." [/colour]He chuckled.

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After trotting for a little while down the river, they eventually found Flashbomb washing himself in it. He made a joke about the ursa, which Marble didn't find funny. [colour=#ff0000]"Hello, Flashbomb." [/colour]He said with slight amounts of anger in his voice. He was still angry with Flash over their fight, but was at a much more controllable level.

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