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Flashbomb tried to keep his cool as he shoveled out the soggy ash of the fire. He was astonished by Marble and how he was accusing him of stuff. He kept it cool until he couldn take it any more. [colour=#0000FF]"You know something Marble!" [/colour]He said to himw tiht his back turned. [colour=#0000FF]"Im not......*sigh* forcing you into anything." [/colour]He tried to count to 10 but he lost it. He whipped around and advanced up to him.[colour=#0000FF] "Im trying to pay you back for your kindnss for your help when i was wounded and needd a hoof to get around! You helped me when i didnt ask for your help but you did! You became my friend! You were kind when i tried to keep my pride but you pressed on! I finnaly swallowed my stubborness to allow you to Help! Im trying to repay you and your freaking out like a colt who didnt get the toy he wanted. This is what Friendship is! If you cant get that through your mind, Get out because im trying so hard to help alot of others pas becase i want to stick with them through thickand thin! Marble.... I want to be a Wonderbolt with you! I...I knw you want to g on by yourself but... I just wanted to help you!" [/colour]Flash stopped and stared for a moment. He started having tears in his eyes. [colour=#0000FF]"Go ahead and go... see if i care......YOU DONT SEEM TO NEED ANY HELP!" [/colour]He shoved him out of the camp and turned he snorted and cried slightly as he went back to his tasks. He sadly placed more tinder into the pit to get a fire started.

(ramble ramble)

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(Excuse me while liquid pride leaks out of my tear ducts...)

It was Flash's turn for an angry speech. Marble held back his (manly) tears while listening. He yelled about Marble helping him when he was injured, and told him that it was what friendship is about. Marble was happy to fly off when Flash told him to go. He flew off down the stream, so he could fly without ramming into a tree. He could no longer hold back his tears while flying, as they made a small trail behind him. He eventually stopped and began punching a tree in his flood of (feels) emotions. [colour=#ff0000]"Stupid... Flashbomb... I can take care... Of myself..." [/colour]He muttered to himself between punches. He completely forgot about his hunger in his emotional fit, and likely wouldn't be reminded of it until he regained feelings in his front hooves.

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Flashbomb sobbed angry tears as he lit the fire. He didnt care anymore about Marble, He could care less if he passed. He didnt care whatsoever. He knew though that he did care, he cared for Marble's success and he wanted him to pass so badly. He stared at the flames as they Flickered and popped. He sighed and stood up, [colour=#0000FF]"Help yourself to whatever Gadget......" [/colour]He mumbled as he went to gather water. He rolled his eyes and drank from the running stream, It wasnt stagnant so he should be fine. He licked his lips when he heard Lightning Dust come out. "Where is Marble?" She asked with concern. [colour=#0000FF]"I dont know and i dont care.... He stormed off i hope a manticore finds him...."[/colour] Flash mumbled. Lightning dust went off to find him.

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AngelSnapp wondered through the forest back to his camp, He had seen the un-finished platform and continued to tie together sticks and logs to complete it, He made a nice little make-Shift ladder out of some bamboo he found, He stepped back to see his finished work, It was missing something. He started to construct a small roof incase of rain. Tying together leafs and sticks to make the structure, And branches for the supports. He looked down to see lightningdust seemingly lost. "[colour=#800000]You lose something?[/colour]" He shouted down at her. leaning on a railing he had made, This was becoming a grade A Tree house, In his opinion.

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Lightning dust heard somepony call to her. she trotted over to Angel. "Yes, Marble and Flashbomb got ito a dissagreement about how Flash helped him. Marble took off into the forest and i cant find him." He said with a pang of hurriedness.

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Angel Sighed "[colour=#800000]Well, It is a survival test, So.. Its up to marble to decide what to do. Let me know if we need to organize a search and rescue, Ill be here. and Im sure SpitFire isn't far.[/colour]" He told her

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Gadget looked around as everypony had left him. He sighed and looked around. [colour=#0000cd]"Guess the drama has started already." [/colour][colour=#000000]He laughed a bit then questioned why he did so in the first place. With a shrug took to the sky and flew to the top of a tree. He looked around and saw little dots all over. At least thats what he wanted to say but a lot of the other trees blocked the way. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Is this really all that there is too do?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He said with a sigh. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"I guess I could go spying but...maybe I'll just go for a fly." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said flying about 6 feet above the ground and through the the treeline. [/colour]

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(remember if you fly above the canopy you wil be failed by spitfire.)

Lightnng dust nodded "Thanks angel." She turned and trotted into the forest.

Flashbomb was bummed that Gadget left as well. He sat there alone by the fire he had made. [colour=#0000FF]"I cant believe this.... i try and help somepony and i lose everypony...." [/colour]He reset his defences around his camp and took the fish from inside, he set them by the fire to reheat. He tied his bandana he made from his wonderbolt academy uniform onto his head.

Rainbowdash yawned and jumped out of her tree bed. She landed with a thump and looked over the forest. She saw smoke and tilted her head. Her stomach growled and she had totally forgot about food. Perhaps she could ask for a helping hoof on that. She trotted down the hill and twoards the camp.

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The black coated pony shivered his body and tail as he threw the water from himself. He had taken a quick dip in a stream he had found within the forest. He yawned as he looked around hearing occasional voices from different areas of this final training phase. So far he had managed a single night alone, though he had to admit he was growing rather bored being on his own. Even at the academy though he passed all the test some near the top of the class he never managed to meet any pony his social awkwardness keeping him from doing so. He walked through the forest before he sighed and took to the skies his black wings flapping out as he soared swerving through the trees looking through at the ground noticing many campfires then noticed something he could only count as a tree house, and two ponies talking to one another, he landed softly as he walked over. [colour=#0000cd]"Hey there, did i hear someone was missing?"[/colour] he asked curiously before he spoke again. His tilted his head his black mane with natural blue highlights swaying as he looked on them with his yellow eyes.

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( :-| Almost forgot about that.)

Gadget had been flying for a while. He landed on the ground to give his wings a break. Not that they needed one mind you, Gadget always said he had the endurance of a griffin when it came to flying, though he actually had less endurance than a normal pegasus. He trotted through the forest and ended up getting lost. [colour=#0000cd]"Fantastic..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget mumbled to himself, trying to trace his steps backwards.[/colour]

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Lightning dust stopped when she heard a new voice she turned around to the cadet that she couldnt say she knew. "Well yes im looking for Marble. Im sure you know him, He is friends with the blue pegasus with many scars. Flashbomb is hs name. Could you elp me find him before he gets hurt?"

Rainbowdash trotted through the underbrush and trees to find the camp. She heard some talking but couldnt make it out. She pushed further through the thicket until she almost stepped on a sharp stick. She saw that many sticks of the same shape were lined around the camp as well a string alarm. She picked her way through to the center. She saw Flashbomb working on the fire, He had a large shelter under a large oak tree and a stream on the other side. She Trotted in.[colour=#00FFFF]"You know its nart to smart to put your camp next to water. It will atract animals." [/colour]Flash looked over his shoulder and sighed. "Yea i know buthats what the defences are for, Angel told me the exact same thing." Rainbow dash sensed some sadness in his tone. She sat next to him and stayed silent. She figured some company would do him good.

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ShadowSound blinked at the names as he tried to recall the faces to match shaking his head not seeing them.[colour=#40e0d0] "S..sure, i don't mind helping out, after all thats what the Wonderbolts are about" [/colour]He smiled as he looked around and then back to Lightning dust[colour=#40e0d0]. "Ehm, should we split up then, and we can meet back here as its a place that is easily noticeable? " [/colour]

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Angel Laid down on the platform. He looked up at the stars, again, naming the constellations. He sighed and thought he heard talking not too far, It sounded like a few recruits had found each other. He just hoped nothing would happen where he had to step in and intervene if it took a turn for the worse.

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It was the ursa minor. She remembered watching Twilight Sparkle put it back in the Everfree what felt like so long ago. She looked at the bear, and slowly tried to tiptoe out. But the Ursa Major was sadly, right behind her.

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While in the middle of his emotional fit, he looked over and saw somepony enter a cave he hadn't noticed. He recognized it immediately as the cave where he angered the ursa minor. He became very worried after seeing whoever it was enter the cave, especially after he thought he heard the sound of loud footsteps. He started shakily walking towards the cave, hoping he could get the cadet out before the situation escalated. He entered the dark cave, and bumped into somepony walking slowly backwards. It was Lyria. He regretted entering, and wanting to facehoof at his stupidity. [colour=#ff0000]"Lyria... Get out..." [/colour]He whispered to her. [colour=#ff0000]"Fly fast. Fly far." [/colour]He didn't want to leave until he was certain she was gone.

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Lyria squeaked when she ran into Marble. The Ursa Minor moved in its sleep, and opened one tired eye toward her. She whimpered, and looked at it. [colour=#800080]"Go Marble, I'll follow you, get out. Now. "[/colour]

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Now Lyria didn't want to leave until Marble left. He seriously wanted to facehoof. [colour=#ff0000]Why is everypony such a good pony except me? [/colour]Without hesitation, he flew out of the cave, with the hope that Lyria was flying behind. He knew she could probably be halfway across the forest by now, but didn't want to live with that odd feeling that the ursa attacked her before she ran off.

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Angel couldnet sleep, He wanted to take a nap but couldn't, He got up and heard what he thought was a sqeek coming from a near-by cave. He jumped down to investegate. He came to the entrence of the cave and saw Lyria and Marble with a Ursa minor. Angel froze in his tracks.

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(Lyria has a super squeak. :3 lol)

Lyria took off into the air, and flew away from the Ursa Minor. She stopped a little ways from the cave. She looked at it, and smiled when the Ursa Minor didn't come out. She turned, and ran straight into the face of the Ursa Major. It grabbed her, and took Lyria into the cave. Lyria struggled for freedom, then just stayed there.

[colour=#800080]"Just my luck." [/colour][colour=#000000]She huffed under her breath.[/colour]

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Angel Watced as lyria got pulled into the cave. "Shoot[colour=#800000]..Shoot..Shoot.." [/colour]He thought to himself as he entered the cave. He couldn't just leave her there. "[colour=#800000]The things you do for a kiss..[/colour]" He whispered under his breath.

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Lyria noticed Angel come in, and knew Marble wasn't far behind. [colour=#800080]"Go Angel! I don't want you to get hurt over me!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She said, and reached for the spear she kept under her wing. She grabbed it, and stabbed the Ursa in the nose. The thing was immortal, she knew that, she just wanted to get her and her friends somewhere safe. [/colour]

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Dear Celestia, what did Marble just see?! Lyria got out, but was grabbed out of nowhere by an even larger ursa and was pulled back in! Angel seemed to appear out of nowhere to enter the cave and help her. Marble followed in behind him. The darkness allowed him to only see the outline of everything, but it seemed Lyria was attacking the ursa major that had kidnapped her. She told them to go, but Marble knew he'd never live with the guilt to knowing he could have saved Lyria. [colour=#ff0000]"Angel!" [/colour]He yelled frantically. [colour=#ff0000]"What should we do?!" [/colour]Even in normal circumstances, Marble knew he couldn't formulate a good plan. He hoped Angel had a calm head.

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