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About Myself: iv been a brony for about a year and a half. im super into dubstep (then again in the brony community thats not that uncommon.)oh and if you dont like me saying the term brony i do apologize i know a few people who do get offended. brony pegisister or just simply a fan of the show. wow this is getting long! thank you for your time! :3

How I found Canterlot.com: i saw equestria daily mention it.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: be warned another long one! well im sure a lot of you know the flipnote studio on the dsi right? well there is one of my favorite artist is a brony name Anthony. he was so good i looked forward to each of his flipnotes. i really loved his SMB series. well he started to do MLP flipnotes. i for one was very confused of course i was closed minded at the time stopped watching his flipnotes. it boggled my mind that he would love a fandom like that. but i was looking threw my favorites list and saw a flipnote called brony and i know. it was a parody of sexy and i know it. i LOVED it. it made me think about bronies and eventually i gave in and started watching the first episode. threw the whole thing i loved it. but me living in an all male house i was raised to believe that men should only be doing manly things. my whole world was turned upside down. so after the two parter i laid in my bed and had a cry.my life has not been any happier than i am now in this fandom. so in conclusion thank you Anthony i dont know if you are reading this or if your ever going to read this but thank you so much. i have never met you. you have never me but you are the reason of making my life a whole hell of a lot better than it was.p.s. sorry for who else was reading i just wanted to give out that shoutout! thanks!

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
i dont know what to put hear soooooooooooooooo its a mystery ANTHROPOLOGY!!! :)

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