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Human MLP show.

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Am I the only one out there that does not see what the problem with this is? The show itself was not made for my age group or gender for that matter. So I can't say anything.

My feeling is that people see this little girls show and say, 'Now that I watch it, it must have been made for my age group. screw what the creators think.'

And this makes me hate...HATE the fandom. Why do some of you care so much. Its a tv show! Not your way of life, or mine. Do I have a facebook pony page? Yes. Do I Rp the ponies? Yes. Do I buy the comic and toys? Yes. But I don't care all that much about it.

So please calm yourselfs. What do you guys think?

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LOL, I too have been chastised for posting things in the forum that were not spam. You'd think that anything could go here, but apparently serious discussion isn't welcome!

The show was made to be enjoyed by little girls specifically but to also be of very high quality so that others could enjoy it as well. I have no illusions that this was designed for 28 year old guys, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a great show. Furthermore, we ARE an acknowledged part of the audience as seen in the repeated official use of Derpy in and out of show.

There is something to your post though. Everything must be in moderation, and it is not hard to go overboard on this material.

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Yeah thats all I am saying is that people take this way to far! And I know that it is not everybody, but when half my facebook feed are serius bashings on this new show and season 3. It kinda screams over the top to me. I get that people don;t like stuff, but at one point it becomes too (insert a good word for winey here).

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But in all seriousness, I love the fandom, and I know the show is for little girls. The fact that adults find it enjoyable too is an unexpected outcome. I don't know what you meant by human mlp show you kinda went off topic there

I like the fandom too, but there is always that one guy that everyone knows that takes it too far (trust me I know a lot). And its called Equestra Girls look it up, I think it may be fake though the screen shots I ran in too is starting to look like Monster High...sont ask how I know of that.

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Yeah thats all I am saying is that people take this way to far! And I know that it is not everybody, but when half my facebook feed are serius bashings on this new show and season 3. It kinda screams over the top to me.


People complaining about the quality of a show that is clearly catering to another demographic is the problem then?

I am somewhat annoyed by the complaining myself, but for a different reason. Complaining in general is annoying. Can't was just express our disappointment in a show without whining? I this it is fair to be disappointed (if you consider season 3 poor), since the show has delighted us for a year or more depending on when we discovered it.

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I see.... I feel like the tables have been turned and the arrow point in this direction.

Any who I do injoy the feed back its what I was looking for, but in the end I think that you weesh still haven't seen what I have seen in terms of complanining. AKA I have had, not by choice, 4 hour long 'talks' with people about why they hate/love/uber-love the show. Its never pretty.

Good luck my friend, I hope you never learn of the dark side to this awesome fandom.

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I think that you weesh still haven't seen what I have seen in terms of complanining. AKA I have had, not by choice, 4 hour long 'talks' with people about why they hate/love/uber-love the show. Its never pretty.

Perhaps, but I am not oblivious to what is going on this season. Nor am I inexperienced with long rants on other subjects. My sister is a low-key brony that I introduced to the show, and ran across another guy wearing a pony shirt and stopped him to chat. He apparently did nothing but complain about the direction of the show. Why wasn't he excited to be stoped by another brony? I don't get it.

Lets set an example of positivity, and keep complaining tones out of our analysis of an episode, even when the analysis is harsh.

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