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Jed's Tale Part one: The beginning (OPEN!)


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((Hi! If you want to join, feel free. This is the first part of several. Only OCs, no show characters without my permission! Also, no Mary-Sues, and Alicorns need to be confirmed by yours truly. Keep it PG-13, please, refrain from sex. One last thing, almost anything goes (Except things already mentioned)! This story can go in many directions, and is tailored to each player's style! Enjoy!))

A grey alicorn pony awakens in a dark forest. He only remembers one thing: darkness. He gets up. "Where am I?" he asks himself. He walks through the forest and discovers a small town. He sees a sign. It says Ponyville.

Edited by AztheReaper
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Halla Ween spoted the alicorn as he exited the forest. She was shock to some degree but quickly got over it seeing how he seemed some what confused. Raning her hoof through her golden orange hair and light grey coat, she start to slowly walk towards him. Halla wasn't a shy mare, but she was not very good at talking to new ponies by herself.


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Seeing that the alicorn didn't see her, she ran to his towards him. "Hey! Are you ok over there." She shout with a qiver,as she reach the half was mark between where she started, and where he was.

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She stoped running, but cotinued to walk in his direction. "My name is Halla Ween. I saw you over here and you seemed lost." Her voice was slightly weak. And her green eye's look everywhere but at him. "Um whats your name?"

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Air Siren flew overhead. He had recently stopped in the nearby village on his travels and had gotten quite used to the way things ran quickly. He was hired for some temp work involving searching the forest for suspicious activity, sort of a day patrol.

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Showboat Forte wandered the area of Ponyville. He was visiting to help a client who's bakery was robbed, and since he now had free time, he decided to see what the small town was like. It wasn't exactly the type of place to be full of different sites, but apparently the place where everything happened. He didn't want to waste his time by returning home to take off his suit, so it remained on, with his red tie contrasting on his dark blue coat. His wavy brown mane and chocolate brown eyes seemed out of place in the colourful town of Ponyville, and his misleading cutie mark of three stage lights wouldn't tell anypony what his job was. He found himself by the entrance to what he thought was the Everfree Forest (assuming the grey alicorn exited the everfree forest). He then saw two ponies talking. He would have normally ignored it, but he thought he saw both wings AND a horn! Even looking at that pony for a good few seconds, neither of them disappeared. He got closer to the pony, and it was finally confirmed. The pony was an alicorn! Showboat decided he might as well be his normal self while he was this clearly visible to them. [colour=#0000cd]"Hello!" [/colour]He cheerfully greeted the two of them, though clearly more meant for the alicorn. [colour=#0000cd]"I am Showboat Forte, attorney at law!" [/colour]He offered the alicorn pony a hoof.

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Halla tensed up when the new pony appeared. She hated meeting new ponies with out a friend by her side, and now she was meeting two new ponies. 'Maybe I can back a way slowly...' She thought puting her hoof back on the ground. But before she could walk away a new thought entered her head. 'Why didn't I see this guy? I have the best vision in the whole Scout Corps!'

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Siren heard voices down below in the forest. Deciding he best check them out, he landed around them and walk up. "Hey, is everything okay in here." Psyren looked at the three ponies. He had seen one pony a few times, and another he recognized as a resident. Hal-something. Then he processed the third pony and his wings jolted out in shock, shooting a creature sleeping in them into the bushes. "A-an alicorn?" He was dumbfounded.

From the bush, a bat slowly flew out looking daze and shot Siren an annoyed glance.

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'Great,' She thought to herself. 'there is three of them now.' She slowly take a step back followed by another. She may be a high ranking member of the Scout Corps. but she really does't like meeting people on her own.

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The alicorn shook Showboat's hoof, and said he was lost. [colour=#0000cd]"I'm not really a local, but I should be able to help!" [/colour]Then, something he was hoping to avoid that day came to him. [colour=#000080]You can barely remember where you're staying. Trust me, you'll be of no help. [/colour]The voice rang through his head. [colour=#0000cd]Let's not start up again... We don't want to freak out this potential prince... [/colour]He finally shut the voice in his head up. Then, a random pegasus flew down to them, as was even more surprised then Showboat to see the alicorn. Showboat laughed at the pegasus' reaction. [colour=#0000cd]"Could you be a bit more subtle please?" [/colour]He sarcastically asked the pegasus, then offered him a hoof. [colour=#0000cd]"I'm Showboat Forte, attorney at law!" [/colour][colour=#000080]He doesn't care. Stop greeting random ponies. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]I'm sure he doesn't mind meeting a new pony! He looks nice enough![/colour]

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Apparently, the alicorn had no clue who he was. That was a bad sign. If he was anypony important, which he probably was as an alicorn, if he didn't have memories of his job, something terrible could happen in Equestria. Showboat went to work to help him remember. [colour=#0000cd]"Why don't we start with... What was that...? Anything at all that you remember. And... One more time... Your cutie mark." [/colour]Showboat asked him, reluctantly consulting the voice in his head for help. [colour=#0000cd]"I'm sure we can work from there to help you remember everything."[/colour]

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The alicorn stated that he only remembered darkness. Showboat was disappointed at that. He then saw his cutie mark. It was very cryptic; a sickle making a circle, with a keyhole in the center. The alicorn then said to be called 'Jed'. [colour=#0000cd]I'm no psychatrist- [/colour][colour=#000080]Stop showing off, you couldn't psychoanalyze a pony with ADHD. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]BUT! There must be a reason behind this name. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Jed..." [/colour]Showboat began asking. [colour=#0000cd]"Why that name? Is it your actual name? Something that came to you? A random memory?" [/colour]He took another look at his cutie mark. [colour=#0000cd]"I'm not very good at this but... You remember that alicorns, the species that you are, are generally royalty with strong powers? I'm not good at this but... Are you maybe an alicorn representing death?" [/colour][colour=#000080]Seriously? [/colour][colour=#0000cd]Do you have a better guess? [/colour][colour=#000080]EVERY GUESS IS BETTER THEN THAT ONE! [/colour]

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"Well, Jed was just the first name to come to mind. Wait, alicorn?" He felt his head, and sure enough, there was a horn. He had already noticed the wings. "I'm... royalty?" he asked himself. He wasn't sure what to think. Then he came up with an idea: ask the princesses for information! Yes, surely they could help! "Do you by any chance know how to get to Canterlot?"

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Jed appeared to have just noticed his horn. He asked how to get to Canterlot. [colour=#0000cd]"Oh, yes, it's easy. Just go the train station, get a ticket to Canterlot, get on the train, and after a few minutes, you'll be in Canterlot!" [/colour]Showboat told him. Then he decided to question further. [colour=#0000cd]"Why Canterlot? Any new memories?"[/colour]

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"What kind of name is Jed?" Siren asked out loud. "Maybe you are like, the prince of an alien warrior race, and you got, like shot down on to earth as a colt! Oh! Maybe you came with intent on destroying the world but bonked you head erasing your mission from your mind! Oh! Or-" Siren seemed to rant on, trying to guess who Jed was.

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"Maybe I can help then." She found her voice, abd her honnor has a royal scout. "I work forthe canterlot guards. If anyone will know about you some one in canterlot will."

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