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Lady's Day out (Open to all)


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Pink Lady was in a very chipper mood, she had just left the spa feeling fabulous, and she had dined on one of the best salads she had ever had grace her pallet! It was a perfect day and she was enthralled with it! She sometimes wondered why she decided to move from Ponyville to Solistic Heights, days like this did make one pine for their home town after all! The air was clear, the sun was shining! The birds were singing their happy little busy song! The flowers that the flower pony were selling smelled fabulous!

Oh it was truly a fabulous glorious day!


(Yes this is an invitation go nuts guys XD)

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Maple Blossom's call for customers was a mere drop of sound in an ocean of yells that often flooded through the Ponyville Market on a business day. However, as she had learned after numerous days of silence with a lost voice, "hawking" was really just a traditional practice from ancient times. Screaming louder than anypony else really had no impact on a customer's decision on her allocation of bits. Even so, who was Maple to break a tradition? Even with her trusty wooden stand's screamingly bright red paintjob and the sweet, nostalgic smell of her amber syrup divided into paper cups, there was always a nagging feeling that grabbing a few more of a pony's senses couldn't hurt, right? Besides, she had her own personal stash of extra-fermented maple syrup to help clear her throat when the tickle began.

As the mare had travelled to Ponyville so often, and being the small city that it was, it never took long to familiarise herself with its smiling denizens. Every once in a while, she would spot a regular customer in the crowd, and wave a bouncing, hollering hello with an offering of a free sample of her next batch. No, wait, she did that to everypony. Or is that because she thought everypony was a regular? Argh, confound these ponies and their amnesiac clones! Whatever that means.

However, today, a mare whom Maple had never seen before began to happily trot by, her head turned skyward, as well as her lips. She looked to be in a good mood - but only one thing could make it better, surely.

She took in a deep breath, and put as much oomph behind her words as a mare in full view of the sun could muster:

[colour=red]"You there, miss! Yes, you, the pretty mare with the pink mane! Care to try a free sample of hoofmade Whitetail Wood Maple Syrup!?!?"[/colour]

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Flam walked into Ponyville on his own. The SSCS6K was broken down outside of town, and while his brother insisted on repairing it himself, the mustache-wearing twin decided to trot into town to stretch his legs. Hopefully, all of the ponies in Ponyville will have forgotten the brother's last visit to the area by now and he could get a fresh start. Spotting Pink Lady talking to Maple Blossom, the lanky light tan furred unicorn smiled widely.

[colour=#FF8C00]"Things are certainly looking up at the moment," [/colour]Flam said under his breathe before galloping up to the two mares, tipping his straw hat to them before he spoke. [colour=#FF8C00]"Good morning lovely ladies, my it certainly is a beautiful day!"[/colour]

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