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Another new arrival


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About Myself: I'm a fan of reading, writing, rpg's and as of a couple of months ago, MLP.

How I found Canterlot.com: Was actually browsing for RP communities when I stumbled on the forums.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Saw Ponies in Avatars, Saw Ponies in Signitures, Watched an episode...

We all know this story!

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity,Twilight Sparkle
So, I love to create. I write, I draw (Decent at writing, terrible at drawing) and recently I've been making Mine little Pony skins for Minecraft.

I was also looking into RP when I stumbled on this site, but I guess thats just the writer in me.

Redquill is my name in all things Pony, so thats what I've taken here. I guess the long and short is that I'm here to chat with like minded people and maybe pick up a few ideas for writing while I'm at it.

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Thank you very much! I'll be sure to do so :Pinkie:

I'll be setting up profile stuff mostly tonight, but I'm usually the type to check forums and things on my phone, So I'll probably crop up from time to time!

One thing I notice on Pony forums... Everyone is so much nicer than everywhere else :)

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