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Cooking class! (Open to join)


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Sunshine Stryker hopelessly poured flour, and other random cooking-like items into the bowl, she huffed, having flour in her mane and all over her coat.

The ponys around her where cooking away but as Sunny had never done anything like this before she was stuck.

She was sweating, and panicking and smacked her hoof sharply on the desk top, to which, this caught the teachers attention.

Sunny whimpered as the Teacher approached her table and chuckled.

"Keep going Sunshine Stryker!"

Sunny inhaled sharply and began mixing her mess of ingredients.

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Siren was whistling cheerfully as he threw ingredients into different bowls... in fact, he had more ingredients than anyone else. He cooked with absolute confidence but it was far obvious that he hadn't the slightest idea what he was doing.

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Thyme Turmeric took the cooking class to find something else to learn, but so far, she really only had things her mother taught her repeated to her. They were all cooking, including Thyme, who was now throwing a large array of spices into her curry, and mixing them all together. Any pony who couldn't stand spices moved far away from what Thyme was making. She turned to the green pegasus next to her, who was also throwing many different things into whatever he was making. [colour=#00ff00]"Oooh! Watcha' makin'?" [/colour]She asked him, taking a large sniff of it.

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"Not a clue!" He said with a smile. "But it's going to be some thing!" He pored an egg into a mysterious powder and it turned green. "Oh... that's a nice colour... Now where is the pineapple?" Siren grabbed a bowl with his wing and dipped it into the green goop.

(Best that I'm not the one to help you... XD)

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The pegasus was apparently mixing together everything randomly without an end in mind. Thyme laughed at the odd green goop he made from his chaotic mixtures. [colour=#00ff00]"Better be careful, the Equestrian Poison Control probably has enough on their hooves." [/colour]Somepony was wandering around, seemingly look for some help. Thyme skipped up to her. [colour=#00ff00]"Hi there! Need help with somethin'?"[/colour]

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(I don't know how to type a New York accent, but Thyme has one, so yeah XD)

The mare said she couldn't cook, and looked rather nervous about it. [colour=#00ff00]"Don't worry! Anypony can cook! Let me see what ya' have so far." [/colour]Thyme happily said to her, with a large grin.

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AngelSnapp trotted into the class-room. "[colour=#800000]Sorry im late![/colour]" He announced, SilverStar made him take this class to 'Broaden His Horizons Which meant he was a terrible cook. His little sister was always making him try new things. He didnt mind learning to cook, It seemed fun. He trotted over to two pony's. "[colour=#800000]Can one of you help me? I think im behind. What are we making?[/colour]" He put down his saddle bag which contained his camera equipment, He was running late because SpitFire keeped him late for a last minute In-Flight Shot.

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The mare lead Thyme to her cooking station. Before Thyme could diagnose what needed to be done to improve and/or complete her dish, another pony ran in, and asked what they were doing. Thyme spoke first. [colour=#00ff00]"We're cooking! I'm not really sure what, I'm just makin' some curry, but I don't know what we're suppose to be makin'. Aw well!" [/colour]She told him.

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"[colour=#800000]Umm, OK then! Ill make a cake or something.. Something I know how to make.[/colour]" he trotted over to a station where pots and pans hung and looked for a dish, He started to mix the ingredients, Flower, Eggs, Water, Milk. He said to himself going though a mental checklist.

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ScissorHooves walked in looking around the class, not seeing anyone she knew and went to the back and started to cook up a cake of some sorts.

She put the sugar and butter intogether and started to cream it. Soon she added the eggs and sived in the flour gettin a bit of it on a drak grey coat and at the ends of her brown mane.

[colour=#000080]"Guess I'll have to wash my mane again tonight"[/colour] she said to herself mixing all the ingredents together.

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Angel Mixed together the ingredeants, He looked around, For somereason most of the ponies were having a harder time than he was, "[colour=#800000]Why does SilverStar even thing Im a terrible cook? I dont get it. My little sister is crazy.[/colour]" He sighed and put the pan into the oven, He began working on some icing.

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Scissor had finally finished mixing together all of the ingredents and poured the mixture in to the tins ready for baking.

But when she was lifting them to the oven she tripped and the tins went into the air and landed right in fornt of her.

Her cakes when ruined and she had to start again.

She quickly picked up the tins and tried to cover up that she had just messed up her cake.

She smiled faintly and went on cleaning the floor and bowls ready for another try.

[colour=#000080]"Why did it have to be me?"[/colour] Scissor thought to herself while cleaning the floor

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Scissors had finally finished cleaning her mess and started again.

Went she had finished she heard the most delightful singing.

She looked up and saw a sweet pony mixing her things together.

[colour=#000080]"I wonder what that song is. It gives me a wonderful idea for a dress."[/colour] She thought to herself.

She finally plucked up the courage to say [colour=#000080]"That's a wonderful song your singing there. What is it?"[/colour]

Finally Scissor was mixing all of her things together to get a nice creamy texture.

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[colour=#000080]"Oh sorry, I did not introduce myself. I'm ScissorHooves nice to meet you. I was just saying that the song you were singing was lovely and it gave me an idea for a dress design. What is that song by the way?" [/colour]Scissors spoke to the pony in the most kindest way she could while mixing.

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