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Shadow then bowed deeply and stiffly before getting back up.

[colour=#dda0dd]Delilah, Thunderbolt, welcome back, my little ponies. Oh? And who is this new one you bring to me?" [/colour]she asked quizzically.

"Oh umm hello Princess Celestia, my name is Shadow Streak" he said sheepishly "It's, umm, it's nice to meet you"

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Celestia giggled at the memory [colour=#dda0dd]"Do not worry, Shadow, there is no reason to be nervous" [/colour]she responded happily [colour=#dda0dd]"oh! you wouldn't happen to be the same Shadow that works in the nearby clubs, would you?" [/colour]she inquires.

"Oh! Umm ya that's me. Have you heard about me?" he asked hopefully.

[colour=#dda0dd]"Heard about you?" [/colour]Celestia giggled [colour=#dda0dd]"All that Lulu can speak to me about is the DJ that makes her nightlife so much more fun, with his AMAZING new music and clubs that are full of ponies. You've actually made her a lot happier by bringing out ponies to enjoy the night" [/colour]she said kindly.

"Oh well thank you!" Shadow exclaimed, a small blush forming on his cheeks. It's not every day that a Princess notices you.

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"Well...ya I guess" Shadow smiled "it's really not that bad"

[colour=#dda0dd]"Oh?" [/colour]Princess Celestia mused [colour=#dda0dd]"so you thought meeting me would be bad?" [/colour]she replied with a smile.

Shadow instantly froze up "Oh no nothing like that! I was just nervous to meet you because I thought you'd be sorta like an actua-" before Shadow could trip over his own words again, Celestia started to laugh

[colour=#DDA0DD]"Ahaha, do not be worried my little pony, I was merely making a joke" [/colour]she stated as she wiped a tear out of her eye. [colour=#dda0dd]"I absolutely received a hilarious response to it" [/colour]she giggled.

Shadow's face then turned bright crimson.

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[colour=#dda0dd]"Well I thank you for the kindness" [/colour]she responded [colour=#dda0dd]"it truly isn't every day that ponies come in who believe they are my friend, and just visit for the sake of visiting" [/colour] She was obviously quite happy for it. ((If Luna comes in I call being her too!!!)))

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((^.^)) "[colour=#0000cd]What is it Tia, who is making all this noise?" [/colour]a groggy Luna trots in [colour=#0000cd]"Though hast interrupted me from mine beauty---OH MY TIA IS THAT DJ SHADOW STREAK?!?!?!?" [/colour]Luna quickly exclaimed, bolting into full alert.

[colour=#DDA0DD]"Why yes Lulu, Delilah and Thunderbolt just arrived here to introduce me to him" [/colour]Celestia stated.

Shadow quickly froze up at the sound of Luna saying his name, quickly turning to see who it was before realizing the Princess of the Night was running over to him herself. "Oh ummm...hey..." he said meekly.

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[colour=#0000cd]"Not now!" [/colour]she responded to them in a terse tone [colour=#0000cd]"oh my it pleases me to meet thou in pony I hast ordered my gaurds to find and obtain for me every memorabilia that thou hast been selling through all of Equestria I believe I might hold a notepad somewhere close by oh can I asketh thee for thy autograph please!" [/colour]Luna quickly ranted at Shadow while slowly walking towards him until they were quite literally eye to eye. Shadow was not prepared for this overload of information. "Umm....ok..." he replied before falling back.

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Celestia giggles at Luna's childishness [colour=#dda0dd]"Lulu do I have to teach you how to not to scare or intimidate guests again? [/colour]Celestia asked with a smile on her face, still giggling at Luna's reaction.

[colour=#0000cd]"We are sorry, dearest sister, but it is not quite every day that thou gets the chance to meet thy role model" [/colour]she said before quickly looking at Shadow. [colour=#0000cd]"Come! I shall tour you this fine establishment!" [/colour]she exclaimed gleefully.

Shadow's brain was still frozen at the time she said he was her role model "...I'm...your role mode...?" he asked, a blush growing on his cheeks.

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[colour=#dda0dd]"Oh they've been well" [/colour]Celestia responded [colour=#dda0dd]"although Cadance has yet to spill that she is pregnant of course" [/colour]Celestia responded with a knowing smile.

[colour=#0000cd]"Why of course"[/colour] Luna stated matter-of-factly [colour=#0000cd]"anypony with thine own ability of making them enjoyst our night is anypony to be looked upon" [/colour]she responded happily.

"Oh umm...thanks" Shadow replied, his blush not being able to get any deeper than how it already was.

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Celestia laughs at what she said. [colour=#dda0dd]"Yes it is true. Eventually she will open up about it and realize that she was keeping the secret for naught"[/colour]

[colour=#0000cd]"Come Delilah and Thunderbolt! I shall give you all a tour of the castle!" [/colour]Luna yelled. She obviously wanted to just impress Shadow, who was still extremely shocked at Luna's statement.

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