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[colour=#0000cd]"So then Shadow. Hast thou been busy creating more of thine amazing music that keeps our ponies enjoying the nighttime?" [/colour]Luna asked excitedly.

"Oh um ya, my new album is due to come out this month" he responded to Luna, obviously still kinda shocked, but also really happy that Luna knew him.

[colour=#0000cd]"Oooh that is most joyful news! Would it be possible for us to obtain such an album early?"[/colour] Luna asked with excitement and hope hidden in her voice.

"Oh hehe, sure" he replied with a smile.

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Thunderbolt and Delilah followed up in the rear,they were flirting with eachother in a way,"No,no,no..."Delilah said,"Oh yeah,yes,yes,yes."Thunderbolt said nodding his head,while Delilah jumped on his back,he just let her sit there,he didn't mind it.Delilah layed down on his back and just relaxed.

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Shadow then turned to to the rear to talk to Thunderbolt and Delilah, when he noticed what they were doing. His smile dropped a few notches and he turned back to face forward, continuing his conversation with Luna. "Ya you can have an album early. If you want I can even have it signed by me" he said, trying to hide a melancholy tone.

Although Luna truly did want that signed album, she realized something was wrong with Shadow [colour=#0000cd]"Arest thou finding yourself in a fine condition, my friend? It seemeth to me that something is troubling to you" [/colour]Luna asked.

"Oh it's nothing, don't worry about it" Shadow replied with his fake smile before dropping his head a few inches. He continued to trot next to Luna in silence, which troubled her.

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Shadow was quickly flying by the Princess as she took off and started flying in a direction he remembered "No..." he replied, a smile slowly creeping its way back on his face.

[colour=#0000CD]"Oh, thou hast already discovered our surprise?" [/colour]Luna inquired, worried that she wouldn't be able to surprise Shadow with it.

"Well no, we're only flying in the direction of my club" he replied with a sneer on his face "So that's what your plan was, huh?" he asked.

Luna blushed but continued the lie to save her some dignity [colour=#0000cd]"I know not the slightest of what you speak" [/colour]she replied, turning a corner and coming face to face with Club Shadow.

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"Welp, everypony, I've figured out why she was dragging us all the way here, it was beca--" he didn't get to finish the sentence as Luna shoved a hoof in his mouth.

[colour=#0000CD]"No! It is our surprise! Allow us to be the one that vocalizes it" [/colour]she says before taking her hoof out of his mouth and composing herself. [colour=#0000cd]"I hast brought us all here so we may listen to Shadow himself doing what he can do best!" [/colour]she said excitedly, almost squeeing.

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Shadow proceeded to facehoof before looking at Luna's pleading face for a second and going "Ugh....fiiiiiinnnneee" and walking into the club. The moment he entered, everypony in the club turned their eyes to him. Instantly the MC that was already on the mic yelled "DJ Shadow is in the hoooouuuuusssseeee!" causing all the ponies to go in a massive uproar. As Luna and the others entered in behind him, the MC quickly said "And he's bringing a special guest with him today, the Princess of the Night herself, Princesssssss Luuuunnnnaaaaa!!!!!" which only caused the crowd to start getting hyped. As Shadow got up on the stand and in front of the decks, he quickly got on the mic and said "So as it turns out, Princess Luna is a huge fan of me and intentionally tricked me into coming here on my vacation so that she could actually see me DJ" This caused a huge ripple of laughter to flow through the audience as a blush appeared on Luna's face. "I have to say, that was hilarious, so this night is dedicated to you Luna!!!!!" he yelled before throwing records on the turntable and doing his stuff.

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Thunderbolt stood there and ponies would just walk up and start talking to him,he would just sigh,but smile.Delilah standed in a corner,never being in a club before she figured,"eh,why not stand in a corner?''

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Luna quickly hopped over to where Thunderbolt and Delilah were before saying [colour=#0000cd]"Come my friends! Isn't this a night to be enjoying?" [/colour]She quickly grabbed both of their hooves and dragged them over to the dance floor, where nopony minded, and everypony was just dancing, treating Luna like a normal pony [colour=#0000cd]"Come Thunderbolt and Delilah, dance with us!" [/colour]she proclaimed

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"Oh,umm...I don't really dance that much..."Thunderbolt studdered,he did not want to make the Princess angry."Umm...okay!"Delilah started to flap her wings and bounce up and down and all around,that was her way of dancing.

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[colour=#0000cd]"As much as it amuses us to watch you attempt it, it would possibly be better if we were to teach you about it" [/colour]Luna quickly grabbed both of them and started showing them the moves they should be doing one by one, slowly teaching them how to dance until they could do it.

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The song then ended and Shadow got back on the mic. "Alright! Because we have a special guest today who is so interested in my music, I think it's a perfect time to play one of the songs of my new album! A special play, that I will only play once before it's released!" he yelled into the mic, watching Luna's face go from happy to fan-girl squeeing.

[colour=#0000CD]"Didest thou hear what he replied! He wishes to play a song just for us!!!" [/colour]Luna squeed to Thunderbolt and Delilah.

The music then started up again.

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