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As they entered there was a server standing at a podium. The podium had a reservation book lying on top of it, and the server was currently writing in it with the quill that was being held in his magic. As Shadow and Delilah entered, the server payed no heed to them until Shadow walked right up to the podium. Then the server took one cursory glance at who it was, realized it was Shadow and suddenly his entire mood changed. He grew a huge smile on his face and welcomed Shadow and Delilah, asking them if they'd like a table and for how many ponies. "Oh only the two of us" Shadow replied "I'm just taking Delilah out on our first official date". As he said this a wide grin grew on his face, apparent that he was enjoying himself. The server walked both of them to an empty nearby table and seated them both, before handing them glasses of water, menus, and leaving.

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Shadow quickly unwinded, happy that Delilah didn't take it the wrong way. For a second, he was sure she wouldn't like that fact, but apparently it's more special than he thought. "Alright no problem, I was going to get the same thing myself" he chuckled "oh and try the mango lassi, it's like a mango yogurt milkshake, and it's delicious"

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The waiter quickly returned, asking if they were ready to order."Oh yes, 2 Mango Lassi's and 2 Apple Fritters please" Shadow said, ordering for both of them. The waiter quickly took the order and menus and left, leaving behind a small basket of freshly baked loaves just as an appetizer. "So" Shadow asked "enjoying this so far?"

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"Well I'm with you" he chuckled "so of course I am" Truthfully, Shadow had never been on a date before, nor had a marefriend at all. He was too busy with his mixes and DJing and such. Every mare he ever met, he just didn't seem to have any feelings for. That is of course, until he met Delilah. She didn't know it, but his feelings for her were strong. As they waited for the food, Shadow slowly started daydreaming while staring at her, having a huge dreamy look on his face.

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Shadow noticed the light shining off of Delilah once more, only causing his blush to worsen. As he continued to blush, he managed to cough out "You know...you're making my heart melt too when you do that" looking down from embarrassment of what he said, hoping Delilah wouldn't take it the wrong way.

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