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Dice Aleatorem [Ready]

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Roleplay Type : World Of Equestria/Mane RP

Name : Dice Aleatorem

Gender : Male

Age : Young Stallion

Specie : Earth Pony

Eye colour : Sky Blue

Coat : Beige

Mane&Tail : Dice's mane is coloured blue and degrades to orange on the outlines.

Under his cap his mane is cropped on the center of his forehead,going down his forehead.

Physique : Dice is actually quite short,about the size of a teenage Colt.

Residence :Canterlot

Occupation : Part time Librarian

Cutie Mark : Two dice

Story:Dice was always bragging about his luck,when a young colt many would be jealous or envious of whatever good luck charm Dice could have.One day,as he was on his way to school,a neighborhood bully stole his Die necklace(See image),thinking it was the reason why Dice was so lucky.Afraid the bully and his friends might make his life a misery if he told his parents about what happened,Dice went and faced off against the bully himself.As Dice's demands to get his necklace back were refused,he decided to go all or nothing in order to get it back ; he challenged the bully to a game of dice,the winner keeps the necklace and the loser becomes the winner's slave.After tie-ing 3 throws,Dice won,getting back his beloved charm.Being a good pony in nature,Dice never asked anything out of the bully, and completely "forgot" about the deal they made.

History :

Dice was born in Trottingham while his parents were on vacation there.His pegasus parents decided to stay in Trottingham rather than go back to live in Cloudsdale due to their son being born an earth pony.

As he was growing up,Dice was not very close to his family due to most of them living in Cloudsdale,

instead,he was more inclined to play with other colts and fillies.One thing that was special about dice was how lucky he was,often winning drawings or when flipping a coin.Also,since he was nice to his teachers and diligent as he was studying,others were often jealous of him,which made him have less

and less friends as he grew up.When he came into age of leaving home,Dice traveled to Canterlot.

Upon arriving in the new city,one of his relatives helped him get a job at one of library nearing the magic school,where several of its students came whenever one needed a little more information on a certain subject.Dice,having read a great deal of the books of the library was often asked where to find certain books or helping with some magic training.Dice became quite fond of helping young colts and fillies,a long therm goal of his is to become a teacher.

Character Summary : Dice is a very excitable young stallion,he tends to get thrilled at any little thing happening to him or his friends. Dice is also a huge fan of math and logic problems,tons of colts and fillies asks to help them with their homeworks.One big problem with Dice is his short stature,one could easily mistake him younger than he really is.When ponies makes remarks about his size Dice is very likely to become rude and sarcastic,making the conversation as sour as his mood.Even tough Dice is a very honest and hardworking fellow,his favorite past time is gambling and playing card games,if one were to challenge him at game of heads-or-tail,he would have a hard time refusing.


Edited by UnderCapGary
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Hi UnderCapGary! I see this app has been labeled 'Ready' so I will evaluate it for you. This app looks good, all of the required fields are filled. However, one thing you need to add is a detailed cutie mark story. How did Dice get his cutie mark? What's the story behind it? A pony's cutie mark story can give those who read this app a better idea of a pony's personality. I do like the 'Earth Pony living in Canterlot' angle too! I don't know how the Senior RP Staff will view Dice's incredible 'gift' of luck, but I have no problem with it. Anyway, if you'll please add a detailed cutie mark story, it'll go a long way towards making this app ready for acceptance.

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You make excellent points there,its my first time making a MLP character so i'l take 'em into consideration!

I'm gonna have to work a bit more backstory,i should put it back to WIP i assume?

No, you don't have to do that.

This app is close to being accepted, no need to change the status to WIP

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I'm done,not the best story i've ever written for a cutie mark, i had what people call "Blank Page Syndrome"

But that's just an excuse,i'd understand if my app got rejected over this alone,in fact,i would love to hear it if anything's wrong with my writing.

I await feedback!

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Yes, this application is much improved! It's still somewhat brief in places, but as far as all of the app 'basics' are concerned, they appear to be covered.

We'll see what the Senior RP Staff say about this when one of them evaluates it.

:D:D :D

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