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On the subject of Continuity in the Mane RP


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Now, as I understand it you can be in multiple RPs in different areas at the same time, but I was wondering about how a character's experiences cross over from one RP to the next. As in, if you meet a character in one RP you met in a previous one, do you know them or do you start anew? Or if something happens to a character that changes the way they feel about something in one RP, do you take that into account in future RPs or revert back to your character's app? (I apologize in advance if there is already a thread or a guide about this but at times I still find it tricky "navigating" the site.)

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The World of Equestria RP offers a flexible continuity. Really, you're free to develop your character and his/her relationships as much as you please through threads. You do not need to revert back to the app constantly; you are free to let the character grow. Characters can change their outlook greatly through the game and serious character relationships can and do form between players' characters.

Of course, it's no requirement that people keep everything that happens on some strict continuity that everyone agrees to. The idea is to keep it flexible and fun, not let it become a burden. It's really up to the players how far you want to let your character develop. In some cases it might be important to come to a consensus with the other involved players, but if you don't think something that happened worked out, you can chose to ignore it. Generally it's up to you though; there's as much continuity between threads as you want.

Hope that's clear. ;)

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The strength of RP is the allowing of characters to grow beyond their initial application description; in short, to be dynamic. My oldest OC character, Carrot Fields, actually has quite the short application skimpy on info about him (as I made him a long time ago here when we were just starting). If I added everything that he did or revealed about him, it be two to three times as long. Fortunately you don't have to do that (unless you want to for informational purposes).

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