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Introducing... Me


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About Myself: I'm really into music, traveling, and having new experiences. I live in a small college town in the PNW.

How I found Canterlot.com: I found this site through an rp friend.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I'm a huge fan of 80s cartoons and when I caught word of a new MLP series that was promised to not be completely terrible, I had to check it out. I was hooked after the first episode.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity
[colour=#ff8c00]Hay, y'all![/colour] :razz:

I got a link to this site from a friend that I used to RP with. It looks like a wonderful little community and I hope to make some new friends here.

I love music, both listening, performing, and recording. I collect vinyl and am always on the hunt for the next new mindblowing album. My favorite genres are industrial, indie-pop, and power pop. I have a bit of experience playing with a band, but am currently focusing on a more personal project incorporating a more focused electronic sound. I also like spending time outside, hiking, camping, trail walking.

I'm not very good at talking about myself. What else would you like to know?

Edited by Squignal
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welcome to equestira Squignal!

Welcome to canterlot, hope you like it here :)

Welcome to Canterlot! I think you'll have a great time here! :)

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

So, which pony series is your favorite?

Where did you get that snazzy avatar?

G4 is hands down my favorite version of MLP. The worldbuilding, quality of writing, and attention to detail really makes it stand out. G1 also had it's moments (and is just so 80s). The less said about everything in between, the better.

I got my snazzy avvy here: http://www.hubworld....lpfim-ponymaker

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Hiya! Welcome to Canterlot!!! I see you're a fellow music lover. We have a good deal of those here, myself included. If you're ever up for a nice music discussion, feel free to hit up the chatroom, or the music threads in the creativity section. All kinds of good stuff to be had there. Anyway, I really look forward to meeting you in the chatroom if you decide to do that, and I'm sure our resident music artists will be as well! Hope you enjoy your time here with us, and here's your welcome video!

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