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Colt of Darkness (Open)

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Lightning slowly stood up, careful not to use her wins for injured leg.

"I'm..fine...A-and.i'm sorry Light. Guess i got caught up in the moment....S-so....Let's continue?"

Her voice changed, not long accusatory, and sounded friendly instead.

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Light smiled at Lightning. He was glad she was being friendly again.

He smiled a warmer smile at her and said, "Yes. Lets continue."

He then started to limp down the tunnel path. He couldn't believe that Moonstone was so powerful. He wished he could perform magic like that.

Light then looked up at the trees and such and said, "Be careful to examine the trees. Moonstone could be anywhere."

Light continued to examine the forest. He was glad he was not alone.

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Moonstone watched the exchange, thinking, planning. Lightning was the aggressive one. She was not planning with the other pony to hunt him. But Moonstone was still wary of her. Light Harmony, on the other hand, seemed to genuinely care about him. Both of these ponies had wings. It was all so new to Moonstone. They talked different, they looked different, they acted different. Why didnt Light just heal himself? He had a horn. Maybe not all ponies with horns could use magic? Moonstone would have to learn more... He silently leapt from tree to tree, following the two ponies.

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"H-he's a colt Light...H-how dangerious, could he be? I mean..he got lucky before......"

Her voice trailed off, her ears perked up, twitching slightly.

"Ok...T-thats...strange..I-i have no idea where Moonstone, or whatever the colts name is..But, i can't hear, or see him..So, where is he?"

Lightning glanced at Light, making it clear she was already out of ideas.

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Light closed his eyes and shook his head. "I know he's a colt but he's just...I don't know. What kind of colt can perform those spells?". Light opened his eyes and looked at Lightning.

He could tell she was out of ideas. But so was he. He had no idea how to find Moonstone.

Light sighed and said, "You know Lightning." he then started to chuckle. "I'm about to give up." he then started to laugh harder.

"I mean come on. I have no ideas on how to find a colt that is like..a million times better at magic than me."

Light shook his head and watched Lightning.

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It was at that moment that Moonstone dropped in front of the pair. He projected a field around them, immobilizing the two. "I've got some questions, me. And I'm going to get some answers." He said to the frozen ponies, his voice full of confidence. They were deep enough into the forest that nopony could attack him, and his keen eye would notice any predators approaching.

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Light suddenly changed his facial expression. He was completely taken by surprise.

He was scared but very happy he saw Moonstone again. Just not in the type of atmosphere he liked.

He tried to move but he couldn't. He and Lightning were immobilized.

He heard Moonstone say that he was going to ask questions and he wanted answers.

Light moved his eyes over at Lightning and then back to Moonstone.

Light smiled and sighed. "Alright Moonstone. Ask your questions."

Light was really impressed now. Moonstone knew immobilization spells? This was getting to hard for Light to believe. But he believed it because it was happening to him and Lightning.

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Lighting felt herself become unable to move at Moon dropped in front of her and Light.

'I knew it! That little.....I can't move...probably the colt doing some type of, spell, or something...

Hearing Moons, demands, for answers, Lightning was close to telling the colt where he could take his answers, but Light interupted before she could.

She glanced at Light, before whispering to make sure the colt couldn't hear her "Light! A-are you sure this is a good idea?! Do you think he'll just, let us go after?"

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Light figured that Moonstone would ask this question.

He asked him why he has wings.

Light wanted to be sarcastic with Moonstone but he didn't want to upset him.

Light sighed and glanced at Lightning.

She had wings as well.

"But so does Lightning here.". light moved his head as much as he could in Lightning's direction.

He didn't realize what Moonstone was asking.

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Lighting bared her teeth, glaring at the colt, half tempted to explode at him, but decided against it.

'Now i've just got to let Light talk us out of this...Then that colt will pay for this...Humiliating me, and Light, like this....'

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Light finally understood.

He smiled at Moonstone and said, "Yes Moonstone we are ponies like you. I'm sure you know some can be born with wings and some with horns. But ponies like me are called Alicorns."

Light smiled at Moonstone again. He tilted his head just a bit to see Lightning.

He then looked back at Moonstone.

"We alicorns are just..special. We are still the same as every other pony."

Light smiled again. He didn't want to tell Moonstone usually being an alicorn meant being royalty.

Light disliked being called Prince anyways.

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"Cause i'm a Pegasus...That's why. We arn't both with fancy magic, we're born with wings...That's how and why for ya..."

Lightning voice came out slightly harsher then she had intended, but her already thin patience was starting to weak down.

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"But ponies dont have wings, them! Birds have wings! I'm a pony, and I dont have wings, me. Birds dont have horns, they have wings, them. And ponies dont have wings, they have horns." Moonstone was having a hard time grasping the concept of subsets within a species. "And why do you look different? Timberwolves and Manticors dont look different, them. They all look the same."

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Light chuckeld a bit at Moonstone.

"Most species are different. And as for why we look different,"

Light glanced at Lightning, "Well Lightning is a female and I am a male. Simple as that."

Light hoped Moonstone understood. He really wanted his range of motion back. His hoof was really beginning to hurt now.

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"But you are different colours..." Moonstone was getting confused, but he was close to just suspending his disbelief. Some animals had different colourations... Like sea serpents, and dragons. Moonstone hadent seen many of those, but when he did, they were always different colours... "Okay." He released the immobilization spell. "You are ponies, like me." he said, still somewhat hesitant, though. He smiled, albiet shyly.

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Lightning glanced at Light, she was still really confused. The colt talked strange, had no concept about pony culture, or even race. and knew magic

She whispered again, but she was sure the colt could hear here, not that that stopped her "Hey, light...I know this isn't the best time..But, err, who is this? Why is he so..umm, different? Has he lived in this forest his whole life or something?"

When the field was dropped, instead of trying to pin the colt like she had originally planned, she sat down and started massaging her wing. During the time stuck in his spell, her wing had been stuck in an awkward angle, making it hurt and itch at the same time

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While still suspended in the spell Light looked at Lightning and said, "All I know is he's a colt that I believe has been living in this forest all his life. My guess is as good as yours."


Light was happy that Moonstone released them.

But Light forgot about his hoof and he stepped down on it hard causing pain to surge through him.

Light sighed a heavy sigh and groaned just slightly. He figured Lightning was feeling some pain as well.

When the pain seemed to subside. Light looked at Moonstone and smiled at him. "Thank you Moonstone.". He chuckled a bit.

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Continuing to work on her wing, Lightning didn't even look at Moon.

"So...His name is Moonstone? He lives in the creepiest forest known to ponykind..He thought i was a bird of somekind.? Well that's reassurring. You know Light, when i flew down here to see why you were entering the forest. I didn't expect this to happen..."

After a few more seconds, the pain in her wing had slowly subsided, so she turned her attention to Moon.

"So...ummm..Moonstone, right? I--i'm..Lightning, We may have...ummm, started on the wrong hoof..." She fidgeted with her mane, slightly embarrassed.

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He noticed that Light had hurt his hoof. Moonstone knew healing magic, but had never used it on anything but himself... He decided to give it a try. His horn glowed, and he focused on Light's hoof. He channeled magic through the healing spell, and Light's hoof began to glow the same dull grey as Moonstone's horn. In a moment, the glow receeded and Light's hoof was fixed. "Wow, it worked!" Moonstone was excited, just as he always was when he discovered a new ability. He smiled, happy with his success, at Lightning. "I do believe we have, me."

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Light's face lit up. Moonstone had fixed his hoof! Light planted it on the ground and moved it around a bit.

It was perfectly normal.

He smiled at Moonstone who started talking to Lightning.

Light wanted to speak up but he didn't because he didn't want to interrupt Lightning.

Light was still amazed his hoof was fixed.

But Light now wanted Moonstone to fix Lightning's wing. Since he knew no healing spells. Light watched the two to see what would happen.

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Lightning frowned at Moons, to her at least, unusual way of speaking, but moved past it.

"That's, um, a impressive spell...I thought healing was meant to be hard to cast...."

She glanced at Light, as if she was asking him as well as Moon.

She gently placed her 4th leg against the ground, the pain from it subsiding, but not her wings.

She had half a mind to ask Moon to heal her, but didn't. Mostly because she was nervious. She didn't like other ponies doing anything to her wings, yet alone a pony who didn't even know she was allowed wings to heal them. Keeping them folded on her back, she tried to conceal the fact that she was in pain

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Light was watching Lightning. He could tell that she was in pain. Light kicked himself down because he did not know any healing spells.

He trotted next to Lightning and started looking at her injured wing.

He actually moved it around with his hoof. He could tell it was broken in some spots so he avoided touching them.

He put her wing down and looked at Lightning in her eyes and ignored Moonstone for a second.

"Hey are you alright?". He then started to sulk a bit. "I'm sorry that I don't any healing spells. I'm horrible at magic.". Light smiled a weak sheepish smile at her. He felt like a failure.

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Lightning felt Light touch her wing, and she tried to tilt away. She was surprised how little pain she felt, but she glanced down anyway.

"I-i'm fine light...J-just a few stratchs, i'll be fine, it's nothing.."

She gently put a hoof on his cheek as she said this, she actually hated to see somepony, in this case Light, getting annoyed at themselves because of something involving her.

But, despite that, she was lying. She was in quite a bit of pain from her wings, but she didn't want Light or Moon to worry about her. The colt, while unharmed, needed their attention, she though, for now at least

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