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Colt of Darkness (Open)

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"I'll get that, me." Moonstone said as he channeled more magic into healing. As the spell was taking effect, Moonstone had another question. "Are you two mates?" He asked.

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Light blushed just a bit at Moonstone's question.

He glanced at Lightning and back at Moonstone

"Haha..um..no Moonstone we are not. Just.."

Light stopped himself and stared at Lighting.

"..we're just friends.". He smiled a warm smile at her. He couldn't believe Moonstone asked that question.

But it made him laugh a bit.

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When Lightning felt Moon channel something into her wing, she took a very quick step back, but she felt the parts of her wing that were obvious near breaking point reset. Then she felt a sharp pain in her wing, probably Moon putting bone that had split back together. She winced, but refused to make a sound about it.

Then Moon asked about her and Light being 'mates'. Light's reply put a frown upon her face.

"Umm, just friends? Isn't that what mates are?" Friends? I don't see....." it was then when she realised the awkwardness of the question, mates in the wild being something entirely different.

All this time, Moon's magic was working on her wings. She didn't like it much, near hated it, but she could feel it going back into place, and a lot of pain in the process

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Light felt awkward at the question but he was getting over it.

He watched Lightning wince a few times while Moonstone was working his magic on her to fix her.

He felt bad but he knew that it was helping her.

Moonstone was doing more than he could do.

Light wanted to ask Moonstone so many questions. He figured the amount of questions he had were never ending.

But he didn't want Moonstone to run away again.

Light looked at Moonstone and said, "Moonstone. Do you think I could ask you a few questions?". Light raised one eyebrow and smiled at him.

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As he finished healing her wing, Moonstone felt relief at their answer. He had never seen a female of his own species before, and being an adolecent, he felt a stiring inside him. He didnt quite understand their awkwardness, since for him animal mating was normal. "You can ask, you." He said, sitting as well.

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With a rather loud clicking noise, Lighting felt the magic leave her wing. She extended it, finding no pain. She flapped it a little, finding no flaw.

"T-thanks Moon..I..i owe you one...."

She smiled, and sat down properly. Her curiosity was peaked, but Light wanted to talk to him. So instead she glanced around, making sure something wasn't watching them.

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"My pleasure, it." Moonstone said. He smiled at her. He really wanted to impress her, though he was nervous and confused. He had only just learned other ponies existed only a couple of hours ago.

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Light smiled at Moonstone and Lightning when Moonstone fixed her wing. He was glad that Moonstone could fix her wing.

Light glanced over at Moonstone and then around the forest. He looked back at Moonstone and said, "[colour=#0000cd]Hey Moonstone. What are you doing in this forest all by yourself anyways?"[/colour]

Light chuckled a bit and continued to examine the forest. This forest still made him nervous.

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Light smiled at Moonstone before examining the forest again. He couldn't imagine living in here all of your life. Light glanced over at Lightning and then back to Moonstone.

"Moonstone..ha-..have you ever considered leaving the forest?". Light raised one eyebrow at Moonstone as he awaited a response.

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"H-how could you have lived here your whole life..? I mean, it's super dangerous..."

Lightning glanced around, nerves on end from just being in the forest. She didn't like it, and while she was interested in Moon's story, she didn't like the idea of being torn in half, even if Moon was confident they were safe

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"Its not bad if you know how to take care of yourself, it." Moon replied to Lightning. Then he turned to Light. "Leave the forest... I dont know, me. I only learned there was an edge to the forest today..." Moonstone seemed to shrink back. He had never imagined that there was an edge to the forest.

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After Moonstone answered his question he glanced over at Lightning. She seemed to be getting more and more interested in this colt. Light smiled. "I think I am. But I'm not sure." He laughed and then he glanced around the forest yet again. He couldn't help himself. He was always wanting to check his surroundings when he was in this forest.

He looked back at Moonstone who told them that he only learned of an edge today. Light laughed and said, "Well there is a whole other world out there waiting for you to find it Moonstone.". Light smiled at him. He wanted Moonstone to leave the forest and see Ponyville. He didn't know if it would happen or not. But he could hope for it to happen.

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Lightning smiled slightly as Light seemingly understood her, then Light mentioned the new world.

"Y-yeah, Light's right. The world of, well, ponies, you're own kind. I-i think it's time, well...."

She glanced at Light.

"We want to take you into our society...." Her voice was had a tone of it, as she was unsure at herself. She had no idea how he would adapt, or where he would live. She was offically living with her parents, but they were, as usual, away. But her concern was with Light, what would the stallion do in responce? Would he move in? Would her parents even agree to having a 'wild' pony and a strange, to a degree, in their house

'I'll sort that out later, right now, we have to leave this forest..I can just feel like something is going to go wrong' she thought to herself before returning to the converation at hoof

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Moonstone looked around, thinking. Leave the forest? The only thing I've ever known? He was curious, yes. Curious about this new world. And curiosity was one of the main reasons he had survived on his own this long. Curiosity was what pushed him to explore both his world and his own magical ability. Curiosity and necessity. They said there were other ponies. Is thought excited him most of all. Other ponies like him! Other creatures he could interact with, that were as smart as him, and that were nice! Not just mindless animals or aggressive predators. But what of the dangers... Moonstone had no idea what possible dangers there could be. This gave him pause... But not for long. He stood up, suddenly excited. "Let's go, us!". He said, sounding to his ears like a squirrel who had just found a stash of acorns. As they got up and walked back towards the tunnel, Moonstone noticed something. "What are those marks on your flanks, them?" he asked, his head cocked to the side.

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Light smiled at Lightning. He was eager to see how this whole thing played out. Whatever happened he was going to play along with it.

Light glanced back at Moonstone who seemed to be deep in thought. Then Moonstone got excited and they all started to trot back to Ponyville. Light was happy to finally be able to leave that forest. But when they were trotting along the tunnel he heard Moonstone ask what were the marks on their flanks.

Light glanced back at his cutie mark and then smiled at Moonstone.

[colour=#0000cd]"Oh those? Those are called Cutie Marks Moonstone. Everypony gets one when they find what their special talent is. The mark often represents the talent as well." [/colour] Light smiled at Moonstone and then glanced down just to make sure Moonstone didn't have a cutie mark. He didn't see one so he kept on trotting.

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Moonstone looked at Lights flank, trying to make sense of the mark. Not recognizing anything on it, he looked over to Lightning's flank. After a moment, though, an unusual feeling came over him. He couldn't put a name to the feeling, but he didn't like it. He looked away from Lightnings flank, his face flushing red. Then, suddenly, the word for the feeling came to him. Embarrassment. He had never felt it before, a feeling of shame and fear over what other ponies think of. It was so new, so sudden, and so strange, he stopped, still blushing. He looked down to the ground, then back up, regaining his composure. He ran to catch up to the two, and looked to Light. "What does your mark mean, it?". He asked, trying to act like the episode had never happened.

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Light wasn't looking at Moonstone but he knew exactly what he was feeling. It made him chuckle. He had actually done what Moonstone did when he was a colt as well.

Light started to remember his days when he was little. He shook off the feelings when Moonstone asked him what his cutie mark meant.

Light stopped trotting and glanced down at his cutie mark. He smiled and said, [colour=#0000ff]"Well Moonstone. As you can see my cutie mark is two music notes. When I was a young colt I was a very musically inclined colt. When I grew up I continued playing music and I discovered I have a knack for it." [/colour] Light smiled at Moonstone. He had only told what his cutie mark meant once or twice before. Though he had never told the whole story...he didn't want to go into that much detail.

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Moonstone was confused. "Music? What's that? Isit a game, it? Or a way to fight?". He asked, excited. Being in the forest, he had to defend himself quite often, and so had developed quite a few methods of combat. He could take down a manticore with his magic, ir with a knife, if he could sneak up on it. One time, he had even killed a hydra, though the exertion of a spell that large, as well as trying not to get eaten or stepped on, had nearly cost him his life anyway. After that fight, he was forced to retreat to a nearby cave to get his strength back. By the time he was strong enough to go out and defend himself again if necessary, the hydra had almost been picked clean. Though he didn't get much food off the hydra, he was able to use its bones to fashion a wide array of blades and spears, which he had stashed all throughout the forest. He even carried one tied in his short tail, hidden, yet able to be drawn in an instant.

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Light laughed again. [colour=#0000ff]"No Moonstone it's not a way to fight. Music is a way to connect to one pony's soul. It can bring out the best in some ponies and also the worst. Music is...well..I can't really explain it."[/colour] Light kept his smile but he examined the forest again. He then noticed that they were getting closer to Ponyville. He could see faint lights from the buildings. Light started to get more and more excited with every step.

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Lightning didn't notice Moon's incident with her Mark, but giggled as Light was trying to explain at what a Cutie mark was, and what music was.

"Light, come on..Music being a special talent, for one like you! Given your family ties....." she left the sentence unfinished, but smirked.

"I mean, sure music might be the gate to ponies heart, but my mark is way more fun. I mean, it's a Lightning bolt, and a finish line flag...Meaning i like Lightning bolts and winning my races....Simple as that"

Lighting glanced forwards, seeing what looked like PonyVille not too far away, she couldn't wait to finally get back home and eat, she had nearly skipped lunch, and hated not eating

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Moonstone looked to Lightning. He knew what lightning was, and could even create it, under the right circumstances. But a finish line? A flag? There was so much he didnt know, so much for him to learn. "What's a finish line flag?" He asked her, smiling, excited at learning about their world.

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"A....A finish line flag is what you pass when you finish a race..And my talent is winning my races, so..Yeah...I race, i win, most of the time..."

She muttered the last part, regreeting actually saying it, but realised too late that she had

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