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Colt of Darkness (Open)

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"A race?" Moonstone asked. He felt kind of silly asking so many questions about things that were apparently everyday occurrences, but he was so interested in Light and Lightning's world. Then, the three arrived at the edge of the forest. Before stepping out and following the others, Moonstone paused and looked at the ground outside the forest uneasily.

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Lightnig saw Moon's hesitation to leave the forest. She walked over to him, and put a hoof on his shoulder.

"Hey, come on...I know it's probably hard, leaving home...But, look at the bright side...I guess, till we find you somewhere for you to live, you can stay with me..My parents are out on a business trip, so it won't be hard to hold you until they come back...But come on Moon..Sometimes, you've got to move on....."

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Moonstone hesitated, then looked up at lightning. He nodded, then took a step out of the Everfree Forest. Then another. And he entered into the world of ponies. Looking around him, he was amazed. Ponies everywhere. There were big structures, and smaller structures with ponies standing beside them, giving other ponies food and things for small round pieces of metal. It was a lot to take in. Moonstone sat on his haunches, taking in the sights.

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Lightning walked down the main street of Ponyville, then she checked behind her. Moon was just sitting there, and Light was just glancing at Moon. She sighed before walking over and poking Moon on the side.

"Moonstone, come on..I missed lunch and i'm starving..."

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Light snapped out of the trance he was in. When they finally reached Ponyville Light glanced at Moonstone who was sitting down.

Light smiled at Lightning went over to him and poked him and said she had already missed lunch. Light then remembered that he had not eaten as well.

Light put his hoof on his stomach for a second. He then looked at Lightning as she said that Moonstone could stay with her for a bit. Light was going to offer the same thing to Moonstone but Lightning offered first. Light smiled and glanced over at Ponyville and said, "[colour=#0000cd]Yeah. And if you ever want to visit me then you can just stop by my house." [/colour] Light smiled but kept his gaze on Ponyville.

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"...Well...Light, i can't look after Moon by myself. I can cook and all that, but...Well, that's really it..So...You wanna stay over too? I mean, i'm sure i have enough room...."

Lightning actually had no idea if she had enough room for Moon, yet alone Light. But she knew that if she was to take Moon in, things wouldn't end well unless she had help. She feed herself, and kept it in relatively clean conditions, But that was really the limit of her house keeping abilites.

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Lightning turned her attention back to Moon, who had started hoffin' it into the town.

"Oh Celestia...why? Light..Come on! We need to get Moon back Before he gets himself in trouble, or killed..."

Lightning started to run after Moon, while she did want to take off and fly after him, PonyVille didn't appricate low level flying much, not after her last incident involving a box of apples

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Moonstone ran through the streets, marveling at all the sights. His horn glowed, and he teleported to the top of a tall building so he could see more. When he appeared at the top, he looked around. He appeared to he in the center of the town. There were so many ponies, and so many different colours. He sat down on the roof and marveled at the sight.

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Light heard what Lightning said and the thought rambled through his mind for a bit. He then realized he would feel bad for just having Moonstone stay at Lightning's house and he not be there. Light then snapped back and saw Moon and Lightning taken off into town. Light raced after them. He wanted to tell Lightning what he thought but he then saw Moonstone teleport to the top of the town hall building.

Light smiled at Moonstone. He admired his curiosity. But still, he had to be responsible.

"Moonstone!". He wiped his smile off his face and looked up at Moonstone. He glanced around to see if any ponies were staring at them. He only saw two or three give him glances but he ignored them.

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Lightning quickly lost sight of Moon as he teleported away.

"Come on..that's just unfair.." she muttered to herself, before looking around to see where he'd teleported too.

She flared her wings and took off, quickly spotting Moon on..the town hall..

Lightning flew over and landed near Moonstone.

"Oh, Moony...can you not do that? Run off without warning i mean...Look..Are you hungry? Cause it...." Lightning didn't finish as her stomach grumbled. "Time for lunch...." she finished her sentance rolling her eyes, amazed at her stomachs scene of timing

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(I apologize for my slow replies this week. I've been really busy with prom tomorow and getting a new job.)

Moonstone marveled at the sights. He could see all of Ponyville, and another town built into the side of a mountain in the distance. Then Lightning came up to him. "Okay..." he said, disappointed. He teleported down, and was soon joined by the other two. "So, where will we hunt, us?"

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((Don't worry about it XD haha))

Light smiled at Moonstone as he was joined by him and Lightning.

Light smiled at Moonstone as he said where will they hunt. Light laughed again at this and said to Moonstone, [colour=#0000cd]"No Moonstone. A hunt will not be necessary. We will just go eat somewhere." [/colour] Light smiled at Moonstone again. He glanced over at Lightning and said, "[colour=#0000cd]Besides, I'll be paying anyways."[/colour] He smiled.

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Light smiled at Moonstone and said, [colour=#0000cd]"Well you see Moonstone. Here in Ponyville some ponies create the places where we can come and eat food that they prepare for us. And we ponies that eat the food..pay for it by giving them bits. And these bits are used as money."[/colour] Light stopped talking and glanced around Ponyville again. He looked back at Moonstone and said, [colour=#0000cd]"You'll catch on."[/colour] He laughed a bit.

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Lighting smiled when Light said he was going to pay for them to have lunch. "Thanks Light..."

"So, were should we eat Light? Somewhere that Moon won't forget...." She realised that saying that probably meant she was meant to know "Oh, right..Umm, i don't eat out often...But i heard that new place, the...stable, i think, was pretty good. We could go there?"

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Light smiled at Lightning and mouthed the words, "[colour=#0000cd]No problem"[/colour] Then he looked out to Ponyville and examined the various shops and such. He looked around and then back to Lightning when she suggested the Stable. Light smiled and said, "[colour=#0000cd]That place is great! Let's go eat there![/colour]" He smiled at both of them and then started to trot towards the restaurant

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Moonstone followed the two ponies, looking around, marveling at the town and the ponies. So many colours! So many ponies! How many other ponies were there? All his life, believing he was the only one... Then, a question popped into his head. "Do they have squirrel, them?" He asked, looking up at the two adults on either side of him.

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