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The Academy Chapter 2


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Lightning Dust seemed to get better on her own. She wiped away her tears and apologized. Marble wanted to say she didn't need to apologize, but kept quiet. They flew off again, and Marble followed her down to the rainbow waterfall. Bittersweet, nostalgic memories began returning as he remembered when he had thoughts on beating her to death at that spot. If it wasn't for him asking her reason... He shuddered at the thought. Lightning Dust and him watched the sun set together. [colour=#ff0000]Could I ask now? [/colour]The moment was almost too perfect. They were in a spot that meant so much to them, it was quiet, nopony to bug them, and they were watching the sun set. All that was missing was his plans. [colour=#ff0000]I guess sometimes it's better to go against our plans. [/colour]Marble took a deep breath, and started speaking his mind. [colour=#ff0000]"You know Lightning... Months ago, at this spot, I remember so much. I was so angry at you... You accepted defeat and almost let me beat you... I think.... I think that's when I started developing feelings for you." [/colour]He took another deep breath as he wiped away his watery eyes. [colour=#ff0000]"You were the first pony to understand me... We cried together a-and just... We didn't need words to comfort each other. Not only did I start liking you, but it changed my entire life. Even if I passed the academy, I think if that didn't happen... I'd still be a miserable snow crafter, bottling up my feelings until they exploded. That's why... There's nopony else I think I could ask this question." [/colour]He looked at her, in her beautiful eyes, and let a manly tear escape. [colour=#ff0000]"Will you marry me?"[/colour]

(I was getting impatient, I HAD TO ASK!)

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( i see that lol)

Lightning dust watched the sun slowly dissapear below the edge of the horizon. She felt at peac here with Marble by her side. She looked over to him when he started to bring up Memories about this exact spot. She began to wonder what he was leading up to. He brought up when they cried holding eachother and their Feelings and how they grew. He seemed to stop for a moment. Lightning was going to nuzzle him until he started again. He then looked more meaningfull, more straight forward. "What could he ask that is so indeed needed?" She thought to herself. then the words that sunk in like quicksand. "Will you Marry me?" The whole world slowed down. Lightningdust had a surprised look on her face, at first not compreheanding. then it hit her, the world sped back up and she smiled the biggest smile that she could. "YES! I will marry you!" She squeed to Him. She hugged him and held him close. They then Kissed eachother, comforted by the embrace. It seemed like a millenia that they kissed. she released the kiss and nuzzled Him happily.

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There was a moment of silence. Marble was almost worried that she'd say no. However, after seeing a smile growing on her face, he gained hope again. She burst out a yes, and they kissed. Marble was in pure bliss as they kissed for what seemed like eternity. Afterwards, she gave him a nuzzle, and there was another silence. Marble giggled nervously. [colour=#ff0000]"I think our fans will go crazy..." [/colour]He whispered to her, imagining their wedding being crowded with (shippers) most of Cloudsdale. [colour=#ff0000]"Lightning... Race you back to the academy." [/colour]He then sped off towards the main building, assuming she was following close behind.

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Lightning dust giggled slightly at the thoughts that the fans would think. She flew after Marble and kept up with him. She then pushed forward and Shot ahead of him. She landed and smliled back to him as he landed.

Flashbomb trotted outside after Clouddasher and Shadow. He saw Lightningdust and Marble land nearby. He trotted over to Marble and took Him away from the others. [colour=#0000FF]"So i was thinking of places you could propose to Lightning dust. I think that at the Rainbow waterfall at night time with the northern lights above. What do you think huh? Great idea i know." [/colour]He said to Marble not knowing he already proposed. He smiled to him and trotted with Marble back to the group.

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Angel looked up at the sunset "[colour=#800000]Pretty romantic[/colour]" He said to himself. It felt like a moment out of some sort of romance film.

CloudDasher waited while FlashBomb talked to his friend... She trotted over to LightningDust. "[colour=#add8e6]So LightningDust.... Your and Marble hu?[/colour]" FlashBomb trotted back with Marble "[colour=#add8e6]When are we going to start? Come on! I get twitchy if I set still to long...[/colour]" She trotted in place.

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Lightning dust nodded "Something like that...." She giggled.

Flashbomb returned with Marble and heard Cloud dasher getting impatient. He trotted over to her, He wondered what he was going to begin with. He decided to do a few physical tests of endurance, speed and Agility. [colour=#0000FF]"Ok..... lets start off with some tests to see what your limits are. We can then learn where we can improve upon. Do some wing pushups until you cant do anymore, i will record it down."[/colour]

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CloudDasher sighed and dropped to the floor. She began to count in her head "[colour=#add8e6]1...2...3...4...5...6...7[/colour]" She listened as the rest of the group talked. "[colour=#add8e6]20....21....22....23...24[/colour]"

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Flashbomb looked over to Lightning dust [colour=#0000FF]"So whats new?" [/colour]He asked her trying to make small talk with her. He glanced to Cloud dasher. She was making good progress. " Well not much Just you know the usual...." Lightning dust responded. Flashbomb nodded and kept his gaze on Cloud dasher, She seemed not to even tire whatsoever. [colour=#0000FF]"What do you mean the usual? Did Marble do something funny and i just happened to miss it?" [/colour]He asked her. Lightning dust smiled and Glanced over to Marble. She wanted to make him guess some more. " Nope not anything like that." She giggled. Flashbomb turned his head confused, his eyebrow raised. he looked back to Cloud dasher and tried to think.

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ShadowSound left his friend to tend to his new under pony. He sighed as he walked not seeing much to do, he wasn't sure if he should hang around the Academy or head back to his flight team. [colour=#0000cd]"Man, i hate deciding things"[/colour] he rubbed his growling stomach and smiled. [colour=#0000cd]"i know ill hit up the mess before i leave"[/colour] He trotted down the run way blushing some as two of the cadets stopped him with a poster he was on asking for his signature. He quickly singed and escaped never being to good with new pony's before he ran into Angle and Lyria he grinned and decided to play hiding behind Angle as he changed his voice to match Lyrias. [colour=#800080]" Oh Angle i couldn't live without you~"[/colour] He laughed as he ruffled Angles mane. [colour=#0000cd]"Well hello there, love pony's"[/colour] he teased as looked to them. [colour=#0000cd]"How have you two been?" [/colour]

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Flashbomb watched Cloud dasher for a while after 50 pushups that he counted, Not that she was on 50, she had much more than that He guessed again. [colour=#0000FF]"Um Marble told you about a secret of mine?" [/colour]He said. "Nope not even close, in fact your getting colder." Lightning dust teased. Flashbomb snorted in frustration. He tried to think again.

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Marble was about to win, but Lightning Dust sped past him quickly and landed. He didn't mind though. She usually won their races, mostly because she never held back ever. The others seemed to be joining in, Flashbomb training his cadet. Marble laughed silently when Flash suggested how to ask her. [colour=#ff0000]"Almost as planned..." [/colour]He whispered to himself after hearing it. Lightning Dust began teasing Flashbomb, making him guess what was happening. Marble decided to jump in. He stood beside her, laughing at how far off his answers were. [colour=#ff0000]"Do I even know any secrets of yours?" [/colour]Marble tried remembering, but couldn't think of anything.

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Flashbomb looked over to Marble who had joined Lightning dust. [colour=#0000FF]"Well you do know that i hate shots." [/colour]He reminded him with a smile. He looked back to Cloud Dasher. [colour=#0000FF]"I will guess one more time, Um.......Did he build you amagnificant statue to signify your love?" [/colour]He guessed again. Lightning dust giggled at the thought of a giant statue of her and Marble. "Nope your wrong again but much more closer." She said to him. [colour=#0000FF]"Ugh fine i give up what did he do? Or what happened that i am not seeing here?" [/colour]He asked them. He was fully turned to them full attention on them. Lightning dust glanced over to Marble, she wanted to see if he wanted to tell him or should she.

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Flashbomb gave another guess. It wasn't far off, but was still wrong. He gave up, and Lightning seemed to signal that she wanted him to tell him. He decided to continue to be conspicuous. [colour=#ff0000]"Well... You know your suggestion? That was your closest guess." [/colour]He told him, with a slightly nervous smirk.

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Flashbomb watched Cloud Dasher some more. She never even had broken a sweat and seemed to have done 200 more wing push ups. He heard Marble say something about his suggestion. [colour=#0000FF]"Wait what suggestion?" [/colour]He thought to himself. He looked up and tried to remember. He was so focused on trying to guess and trying to keep an eye on cloud dasher that his mind had wiped slightly. He then remembered the Proposal idea. His eyes shot open wide and his jaw dropped. He Glanced over to Lightning dust and Marble. He stared at them with a surprised look that would kill somepony with laughter. [colour=#0000FF]"No.......you didnt....." [/colour]He said. His expression turned into one of happyness when Lightning dust smiled at him. [colour=#0000FF]"You DID!" [/colour]He exclaimed. Lightning dust giggled at how slow Flashbomb was to catch the hint. [colour=#0000FF]"Wow Marble! Congratulations!" [/colour]He said with a laugh. He didnt know what to do from here but congratulate them. Marble was getting maried. To Lightning Dust no less! [colour=#0000FF]"Have you decided on a date yet?" [/colour]He asked them with his eyebrow raised.

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Angel grunted in annoyment. Then laughed "[colour=#800000]You weren't spying on us were you? You stalker[/colour]" He joked. Poking Shadow's side with his hoof. "[colour=#800000]Were nice an comfy.. Can you tell? Were great.[/colour]" He smiled.

CloudDasher continued her WIng-ups "[colour=#add8e6]139...140...141...142...143...144...145[/colour]" She was sweating a little now.. "[colour=#add8e6]HOW MANY MORE OF THESE STUPID THINGS DO I HAVE TO DO!?[/colour]" She yelled.

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It took Flash a few moments, but he eventually found it. He didn't believe it at first, but was quite ecastatic. [colour=#ff0000]"No. We haven't really done anything more then agree to get married. We don't have anything more then that..." [/colour]Marble told Flash. He then decided to put a hoof around Lightning Dust. [colour=#ff0000]"Marble and Lightning... I kinda' like the sound of that."[/colour]

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Flashbomb smiled to Marble and Lightning dust, He heard Cloud Dasher Complain. He looked to her,[colour=#0000FF] "As much as you can, if your done then your done." [/colour]He said to her with a smile.

Lightning dust blushed when Marble put his Forelomb around her. She watched Cloud Dasher while she finnished the rest of the wing push ups. She looked to Flash " Do you know how to mentor her?" She asked him.

Flashbomb chuckled, [colour=#0000FF]"I Have no idea but i will get the hang of it. Hey we should go tell angel about the good news here soon.[/colour]

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Shadow smiled and shook his head. [colour=#0000cd]"Not at all, though i did happen to catch one of your little lip locks earlier."[/colour] He laughed a little before he shrugged.[colour=#0000cd] "I was called in by Spitfire, apparently i reached my 100th show recently and ponys have taken a liking to me. I got a promotion so now im just trying to decide if i should hang around or leave" [/colour]He sighed before his stomach growled. [colour=#0000cd]"But first i think ill hit the mess, the food any better than it had been? Or can i expect the unidentifiable mush we came to know and love. " [/colour] He read the unchanging ponies faces and sighed. [colour=#0000cd]" I thought so" [/colour]

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CloudDasher grunted with annoyment "[colour=#add8e6]231...232...233...234[/colour]" Then FlashBomb mentioned something about Angel "[colour=#add8e6]Wha?[/colour][colour=#000000]" CloudDasher fell to the ground with a thud. Immediately getting up "[/colour][colour=#add8e6]235...236.237..[/colour]" She pretended like it never happened.

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The cadet Flash was mentoring was complaining. [colour=#ff0000]"Oh, suck it up." [/colour]He told her, with a small laugh after. Flash then suggested telling Angel. Marble fluttered his wings in excitement. [colour=#ff0000]"Ooo, I can't believe I made such a huge decision! I need to tell EVERYPONY!" [/colour]He saw how loud he was being, and went bashful again. [colour=#ff0000]"M-maybe individually..."[/colour]

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Flashbomb raised an eyebrow when Cloud Dasher had dropped upon the mentioning of Angel's name. He shook it off though and chuckled when Marble teased him slightly. [colour=#0000FF]"Just a suggestion, if it were me i would scream it to the world but you know." [/colour]He looked to Cloud Dasher. She seemed to have reached her limit and he pulled out his notepad. [colour=#0000FF]"Do 10 more cloud, and that should be good." [/colour]He said to her. He Heard his stomach growl slightly, it was almost dinner time. He looked up to the sky and the sun had just dissapeared. The sky began to darken and as well the stars came out. The fog grew thicker and thicker that you could cut it with a knife. Flash could hardly see Marble and Lightning ahead of him now except their glowing eyes in the moonlight. [colour=#0000FF]"Wow i lost track of time. Guess i better move my small bag of stuff to my Barracks then." [/colour]He grabbed his bag and placed it on his back. he glanced to the others. [colour=#0000FF]"The Fog is really bad out here, I can hardly see. Are you going to try to fly home? I wouldnt try it unless i wanted to get lost." [/colour]He chuckled to Lightning Dust and Marble. He then got an idea, [colour=#0000FF]"Maybe you could stay with me in the staff barracks until tommarow! Spitfire might allow it. Unless you want to try to fumble your way home." [/colour]He admitted to them. He trotted over to Cloud Dasher. He wrote down her maximum count which was 265 push ups. He smiled to her and patted her on the back. [colour=#0000FF]"Excellent job Cloud, that was way more than i could do on my first day here!" [/colour]He congratulated her. He jumped when a Large thick cloud Covered their only light source, the moon. It had blackened so dark that the visibility dropped to 2 feet. [colour=#0000FF]"Curse this fog....." [/colour]Flash Grumbled. He stumbled around a bit and found Marble, He tapped his shoulder. [colour=#0000FF]"Lets go the building..... this confounded Fog is terrible." [/colour]He muttered to him. He hated fog, because of how hard it was to get rid of. Lightning dust nodded to Flash, she could hardly see him at all. " Perhaps he is right Marble. We could stay here for the night and head home tommarow." She admitted to him. She followed Flash closely. They started twoards the building slowly as to not get lost.

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The fog around the academy seemed to suddenly go very thick. Marble could barely see his own hoof in front of his face. He looked around. He could see the outline of the others thankfully, though the lack of sun made it quite hard to see even that. Flashbomb offered to let them sleep in the staff barracks. [colour=#ff0000]"If this fog doesn't go away, sure." [/colour]He said, as he began following Flash to the main hall. Or the mess hall. Or the barracks. Marble really couldn't make out anything. Marble's stomache growled loudly. [colour=#ff0000]"We're going to the mess hall, right? I could really use some grub."[/colour]

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CloudDasher trotted close behind FlashBomb "[colour=#add8e6]I cant see a thing...[/colour]" She bumped into him. "[colour=#add8e6]Sorry[/colour]" She looked around, trying to see if she could see the moon, It was barly visibal through the fog. "[colour=#add8e6]What about Angel? Shouldent we find him?[/colour]" She asked.

Angel looked up. "[colour=#800000]Looks like the fogs rolling in.[/colour]" He sighed, Getting up. He wished that Lyria and him could stay watching that sun-set forever, He held a hoof out to her, Helping her up. "[colour=#800000]Looks like were stranded here for the night, Im not flying home in this stuff..[/colour]" He told Lyria.

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Flashbomb heard Marble ask if they were getting food. [colour=#0000FF]"Yea we will but first i gotta put my stuff away." [/colour]He said. Just then he tripped over his own hooves and faceplanted on the ground which sent his flight goggles flying into the fog. [colour=#0000FF]"Owie......" [/colour]He squeaked a bit. He got up and rubbed his face. He growled a bit more bit continued on. They finnally got to the building, Flash opened the doors and allowed Marble, Lightning and Cloud to enter first. He closed the door behind them when he entered as well. He saw a spectacle before him. A candle floated past him slowly in the air. ( Hogwarts reference) He was confounded to what was keeping them afloat. He looked further down the hall and Saw a Unicorn with a guard. The unicorn was surrounded in his own Aurora keeping him afloat. He had placed a crystal into a Glass display case, it glowed a faint yellow magic that was similar to that of the magic that twinkled like stardust on the candles. [colour=#0000FF]"Wow, Spitfire is improving this place more and more." [/colour]He admitted to the others. He dissmissed Cloud and walked down the hall to the staff barracks He opened the door and trotted in. He threw his stuff on an unoccupied bed. He returned to Marble and Lightning dust. They then proceeded to the Mess hall. Even that was improved it seemed. It was larger and held twice as many cadets than when Flash had gone there. A few candles floated in the air above, Spitfire saw them and waved them to sit next to her at the Staff table. Flash trotted over, He sat down and looked at the food laid out before them like a feast. [colour=#0000FF]"Wow, This is so cool!" [/colour]Flash admitted. [colour=#DAA520]"Yea, extra funds allowed us to make improvements. Even to the food as well. My guess is you saw the great crystal from the crystal Empire? It has the magical power of an Alicorn amulet. It costed 500,000 Bits to get." [/colour]She said to them. Flash's jaw dropped when he heard the cost. That much to make Candles float?[colour=#DAA520] "And its used more for just making things float, its used for Defence of the Academy as well, It has the capabillity of producing a force Field equal to Shining Armor's. Enough about that though, It seems as though the fog had gotten worse. Your welcome to stay for as long as you like you two."[/colour] She said to Marble and Lightning dust with a smile.

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