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The Academy Chapter 2


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Marble, Lightning and Flash spent most of their time corrupting other cadets. Corrupted Marble made a fun game out of it, holding them down and hearing them beg for mercy before he even cast the spell on them. It made him laugh each time, while the real Marble was attempting to fight back, but was doing poorly. Eventually, they were called back by Thunder Swift. Marble was disappointed, but listened to his order. Flash told Thunder about some unicorn who was blocking them from getting the gem. Marble starting getting ticked off. [colour=#ff0000]"Annoying ponies, ruining all the fun." [/colour]He muttered, as Thunder started yelling at Flash. Marble was grinning as the two began to fight, and laughed when he threw Flash off the side to freefall. The inner Marble almost took over for a moment. [colour=#ff0000]"You behave now." [/colour]Marble said to himself. [colour=#ff0000]"We wouldn't want your annoying fillyfriend getting hurt now." [/colour]The real Marble calmed down after that. He walked over to Lightning, and saw a tear in her eye. He couldn't miss the opportunity. [colour=#ff0000]"Don't worry about him." [/colour]Marble told her, feigning empathy. [colour=#ff0000]"He's a strong pegasus, he can take care of himself. Now, what do you say to having some fun?"[/colour]

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Thunder swoft glanced over to Bluestreak, [colour=#FF0000]"Im afraid not cadet..... We must attack as one or we wont have a chance." [/colour]He chuckled. He placed his hoof on Bluestreak's shoulder,[colour=#FF0000] "I Remember being your age. I envy you....." [/colour]He complimented Him. He smiled slightly and trotted away to Get ready for the assult.

Lightning Dust watched the cloud that her comrade had vanished into. Lightning dust on the inside was crying out like a little filly. She cried so hard knowing that Flash was most likely dead. The evil side of her comforted her. She shushed her and Tried to dry her tears. [colour=#800080]"Its ok.... death happens....we need to embrace it to enjoy life...." [/colour]The evil spirit whispered to the real Lightning dust. Lightning dust Pushed the spirit away. "We could have saved him! You could have saved him! Dont touch me your nothing but pure evil!" She screamed. Back in reality Lightning dust was still looking dumbfounded. Marble had trotted next to Her and told her not to worry. She blinked and her eyes switched to Yellow then back to red. "yea......" She muttered. Marble tried to rile her up for the attack, but the evil spirit inside was unsure. She turned to Marble, and smiled a bit. "Yea im up for it.' She responded to him. She felt a slight urge hit her. She leaned in and kissed him. She retracted, Their eyes stareing at one another for a moment or two. She pulled her mask hood on and placed her Goggles over her forehead. She sighed and watched the Academy with a solemn gaze.

Rainbowdash Tried for 30 minutes to get Cloud dasher to speak. All she got out was a mix of pleas from the real one and retorts from the evil side. She gave up finnaly and trotted over to Angel and Lyria. [colour=#40E0D0]"Dont listen to a word she says you two.... thats how they work. Through deception. Mind yourself though that the Real her is telling the truth. She is scared out of her mind. I would be." [/colour]She said to them. She trotted outside into the hall she examined as Twilight worked tirelessly. Testing spells, Jotting down notes, Reading through her books. Twilight glanced over to Rainbow and smiled,[colour=#800080]"Dont worry Rainbow....We will get through this and free the others from this curse." [/colour]She turned back and continued to work vigorusly. Rainbow looked out the window into the deep fog. She sighed.

Flashbomb coughed and got up, His ribs felt broken but he was mostly intact. The evil voice kept yelling to himself about how foolish he had been. Flashbomb began to flap his wings and tried to accend to the Academy. His eys glowed red again as the voice spoke to him,[colour=#A52A2A] "Where do you think your Going!?" [/colour]It demanded of him. Flash felt his wings spt and he fell to the ground with a thump. He coughed in pain and his right eye changed orange. [colour=#0000FF]"Going to warn the others! You saw how crazy your so called leader was!" [/colour]His voice responded. The spirit growled, [colour=#A52A2A]"Your not doing anything! we are returning to Thunder swift to beg for forgiveness for your stupidity!" [/colour]It said to him. The spirit took over and began to fly back when Flash Pulled his wings in. [colour=#0000FF]"Just so he can finnish you off!? How dumb are you!? He said you were a useless worm! He doesnt care for you and right now i dont either! i never have!"[/colour] Flash explained to the spirit. He hear silence, [colour=#A52A2A]"It was you who.....[/colour][colour=#0000FF]It wasnt me! You saw what Thunder said to you! [/colour][colour=#A52A2A]It wasnt my Fault! it was you and your weak body! He still...[/colour][colour=#0000FF]No you saw the flaws in his plans! what do you gain if he wins? Nothing!....[/colour][colour=#A52A2A]But nightmare moon....[/colour][colour=#0000FF]Will do what!? Make everypony miserable! You know this! You wont gain anything! Open your eyes!.........[/colour][colour=#A52A2A]Your right.....you are compleatly right......Ok......lets go help your friends....." [/colour]The voice had finnaly given on. Flash nodded and began his return to the Academy.

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[colour=#0000cd]"They're out there...but what do they want from us?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget asked as he walked around the border. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"I feel like this is a losing battle but do I chose to do this? Do I leave them all or do I stay here?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget came to a stop in front of the doors. He looked to the academy then to the fog. It was very dark and he could feel the evil practically pulsing from it. He took a long breath and took and moved outside of the border. He saw the darkness of the clouds and moved ever closer into them until Nopony from the academy could see him.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Blitzy had moved inside the safety of the academy. She had no idea what was going on but she needed to find out. Her movements were very soft as she ended up outside of a certain room. A room with a special Gem inside. She moved forwards but stopped for a second. The Gem was only briefly spoken about in her training. She looked to the room for a second but quickly shrugged it off and continued into the Mess hall just to sit. The academy felt so empty. Part of the cadets were gone and due to this Pocket just felt that the whole academy was depressing.[/colour]

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Flashbomb had flown up to the Academy despite his wounds. He trotted slowly through the fog he heard hoofsteps off in the distance. he stopped and flicked his ear he listened intently to the hoofsteps.(Gadget.) He heard them reach closer and closer to him. He didnt want to be found before he reached Spitfire. He lay down and stayed very still., he saw Hoofs under the fog moving very slowly through the fog. He couldnt tell who it was, they stopped for a moment and seemed very still. Flash slowly slipped away through the fog until he sensed something. He heard more hooves and then a struggle. He glanced over his shoulder to see the pegasus was being drained by noneother than Thunder Swift. The pegasus on the ground was Gadget! Flash ran silently as fast as he could to the Academy. He reached the doors and opened them. Just then he realized he still had the Shadowbolt uniform on. He was tackled by 4 guards. He was subdued and dragged Down the hall. [colour=#A52A2A]"Great plan Genious...." [/colour]The voice spoke to him in his head. Flashbomb sighed as he was drug to the Holding cells. He was thrown in with Cloud dasher. He groaned slightly and got up. [colour=#0000FF]"Stuck at square one.....Hello cloud dasher...." [/colour]

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The real Marble was screaming to be let out, but was continually silenced by the corruption. He hardly listened to it, and it only became an annoyance on it. Lightning Dust seemed ready to play, so Marble smirked as he thought of a game. [colour=#ff0000]"Okay, simple game. The first to corrupt Spitfire herself wins. The winner gets bragging rights, and the loser gets humiliated in a way decided by the winner." [/colour]Without waiting for her to respond, and without any warning, Marble flew off down to the academy, flying fast to find Spitfire, and overconfidently believing that he wouldn't get caught.

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Gadget looked up with his new bright red eyes. [colour=#0000cd]"I [/colour][colour=#ff0000]must [/colour][colour=#0000cd]thank [/colour][colour=#ff0000]you [/colour][colour=#0000cd]for [/colour][colour=#ff0000]freeing [/colour][colour=#0000cd]me [/colour][colour=#ff0000]master." [/colour][colour=#000000]Both gadget and the evil wonderbolt side of him said. He looked over to the academy with Swift. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"The unicorn is powerful with Magic [/colour][colour=#0000cd]but she can easily be defeated with physical power." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget told him. He looked over his body that now was wearing a shadowbolt uniform and gave a cold smile.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Blitz saw as Flashbomb was being drug down the hall and Blitz followed him. She asked him as He was thrown into a cell. Blitz asked him [/colour][colour=#800080]"Why are you here Flashbomb? You should have known that you would be taken down."[/colour]

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Thunder swift nodded to the newly made shadowbolt before him He was amazed about how acceping of the curse he was. He glanced back to The Academy. His whole force of Shadowbolts formed behind him he chuckled evily. Their Assult was about to begin, and soon they would have the gem.

Flashbomb looked around at everypony in the holding room. His eyes were erratic and flashed back and forth between red and orange. [colour=#0000FF]"Thunderswift is going to attack soon....[/colour][colour=#A52A2A]And i saw a flaw in his pitiful plan." [/colour]He responded to them. He put a hoof to his head and shook it a little. [colour=#0000FF]"T.....the spell.....i was beginning to fight it again.....[/colour][colour=#A52A2A]And his annoyance was the thing that got me kicked from the team.[/colour][colour=#0000FF] Thunderswift saw this and adressed the issue, [/colour][colour=#A52A2A]To which i tried to prove that i was in control and perfectly fine. [/colour][colour=#0000FF]Then i....we told him about twilight sparkle working on the gem to which i tried to avoid telling him in the first place" [/colour]It was clear that Flash was speaking in two different personallities and was now switching back and forth. [colour=#A52A2A]"And then he became irritated to say the least.....[/colour][colour=#0000FF]He threw me.....us off the edge of a cloud saying something along the lines of the plan will move on without you." [/colour][colour=#A52A2A]"Come to say now i see the foolishness of believing that snake and your friend here, Flash was it? Showed me that." [/colour]Flash coughed and his eyes flicked again. He knew it was a fool's errand to hope that they would believe him. [colour=#0000FF]"You need to Warn Spitfire!" [/colour]He shouted to his friends. [colour=#40E0D0]"No need to.... I have already told her right after your little story."[/colour] Rainbow Dash's voice came from the doorway. She was looking at him closely now. [colour=#40E0D0]"And Twilight has seemed to find a pacification spell that clenses the evil spirit from the host. She has readied herself with the gem to do just that." [/colour]She said. Behind her Flash could see every wonderbolt, guard and Cadet trotting down the hallway. Flash tilted his head,[colour=#A52A2A] "Y[/colour][colour=#0000FF]o[/colour][colour=#A52A2A]u[/colour][colour=#0000FF]r [/colour][colour=#A52A2A]F[/colour][colour=#0000FF]i[/colour][colour=#A52A2A]g[/colour][colour=#0000FF]h[/colour][colour=#A52A2A]t[/colour][colour=#0000FF]i[/colour][colour=#A52A2A]n[/colour][colour=#0000FF]g [/colour][colour=#A52A2A]B[/colour][colour=#0000FF]a[/colour][colour=#A52A2A]c[/colour][colour=#0000FF]k?" [/colour]He asked her. Rianbow Dash nodded. [colour=#40E0D0]"Spitfire isnt about to let the Shadowbolts win[/colour]

[colour=#40E0D0]at least not without a fight."[/colour]

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[colour=#0000cd]"That is the way of the wonder bolts after all"[/colour] the black coated Stallion said as he trotted forward from the hall his side bandaged up some from having been hit into the wall earlier He looked at flash with uneasy eyes for a moment before smiling and giving his shoulder a small hit with his hoof. [colour=#0000cd]"Good to have ya back, though you should get control before you throw some-pony into the wall next time"[/colour] he chuckled some before looking at Dash.[colour=#0000cd] "So we are ready then? What can I do to help, i don't really want to sit back and watch, not after seeing most of the ponies i knew turned into one of them" [/colour] He looked at the cell with the only bolt they had captured.[colour=#0000cd] "Id really like to take down this thunder swift, if he was the one in charge" [/colour]Shadow stepped aside hearing Twilight enter and blinked[colour=#0000cd] " So, this is Twilight then?" [/colour]He smiled [colour=#0000cd]"Its good to meetcha" [/colour]He then thought for a moment and spoke. [colour=#0000cd]"Somepony will need to guard Twilight so she can cast her spell when everything goes down" [/colour]

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Twilight sparkle smiled to Shadow, [colour=#800080]"Its nice to meet you too, So the spell does take time to charge and i need to channel it through the crystal. It will fire off once and can only hit one target at a time. Then it will have to be charged again, so just as Shadow implied i will need a body guard. Oh and i will have a little help , i asked Shining Armor to send 2 guards to help but i will need an expirenced wonderbolt." [/colour]She said to everypony in the room. Rainbow dash was going to offer but Flash chimed in [colour=#0000FF]"I could help defend you." [/colour]He said with a smile. His eyes flashed back to red [colour=#A52A2A]"I know some of Lightning Swift's maneuvers as well." [/colour]The spirit spoke up. Flash's eyes switched back to orange. "[colour=#0000FF]Im gonna need a way to tell everypony that i am on the Wonderbolt's side though." [/colour] He saw a lone Blue and yellow stripped cloth nearby. He grabbed it and tied it around his waist. Just then Spitfire walked into the room. She saw Flashbomb and glared at him, [colour=#DAA520]"I see that the shadow bolt has come crawling back." [/colour]She growled. Rainbow dash trotted over and whispered everything that was said in the room before she joined in. Spitfire stepped back and frowned, [colour=#DAA520]"Do you think you can possably do this with a couple of broken ribs?" [/colour]She implied to Flash. Flashbomb nodded and winced a bit at the pain he had in his chest. Spitfire sighed and unlocked the door letting only Flash bomb out. She shut the door just as he left trapping Cloud dasher. [colour=#DAA520]"As for you i dont trust you......" [/colour]she said to cloud dasher in the cage. She turned around and looked at every pony in the room. [colour=#DAA520]"Everybody line up outside, we have a infestation we have to deal with."[/colour] She said. She trotted outside with Rainbow dash and Twilight in tow.

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Blitz had followed the group. She had looked out the window earlier and noticed gadget was missing. [colour=#800080]"Ma'am do you think we have a chance? I mean we've lost a lot of the cadets and normal wonderbolts, not to mention the shadowbolts who have, who knows what powers. Do you believe we'll win?"[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Gadget peered through the darkness and look of sadness seemed to over take him for a second. It returned back to anger as the sahdowbolt took over. He wasn't expecting this to happen this way. He turned to swift. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"Sir, we are going to need several to take down certain members of their...army. I would like to take down Twilight Sparkle. I know the workings of magic and she won't be able to do much when casting that spell."[/colour]

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(Okie dokie)

Spitfire kept her gaze forward she heard Blitz express her concerns. She sighed and glance over her shoulder [colour=#DAA520]"I only Hope that we can prevail, If we fall it will be much harder for the rest of equestria to even put up a fight against them. i suppose we are about even and it will be a tough one to jump over. All we can do is try." [/colour]She said to Her. The wonderbolts lined up in a defensive formation right outside of the doors. Twilight took position behind the line of pegesai she was focused to win. Flashbomb stood next to Spitfire and watched the fog.

Thunderswift smelled the scent of the Wonderbolts He growled at how many of them there were. He heard Gadget ask about priority targets, He nodded [colour=#FF0000]"That is the target of the whole operation, Get the gem away from her and we will turn the tide......" [/colour]He growled. He trotted forward with his Shadowbolts he stopped before the fog ended he stood there glaring at the mass of Wonderbolts waiting to meet them.

Spitfire glared at Thunder swift she called out to him [colour=#DAA520]"You are unwelcome here! I Demand that you release All the pegesai that you have taken from us and leave this place!" [/colour]She shouted to him.

Thunderswift Chuckled [colour=#FF0000]"Oh i dont think so........I demand that you release the Gem to us and surrender! Your assimilation will be quick and painless!" [/colour]He chided her.

Spitfire glared even more so at him. She glanced over her shoulder to Her batallion and looked back to Thunder. She pulled her goggles down and so did the rest. The guards that Twilight had ordered had arrived and took their position by Twilight.

Thunder laughed a hardy evil laugh. He pulled his goggles down and as well the shadowbolts did as well. Lightning dust readied herself to corrupt Spitfire first before Marble could.

At the same time in unison the 2 leaders Yelled [colour=#DAA520]"[/colour][colour=#FF0000]C[/colour][colour=#DAA520]H[/colour][colour=#FF0000]A[/colour][colour=#DAA520]R[/colour][colour=#FF0000]G[/colour][colour=#DAA520]E!" [/colour]Wings Flapped and the 2 forces collided, the battle had begun!

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ShadowSound walked out with the other ponys his saddle on as he plugged in his player and pulled his goggles down neon blue LED's flicking on in them and around the speakers of his saddle bag. He cricked his neck and shook out his raven coloured wings as he stomped his feet Watching the shadowbolts music began to play and he couldn't help but laugh at the song that shuffled first. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCEU3KrePv8&list=PLA49262BDDB1CC0EA&index=48 [colour=#0000cd] "Virus infected, so true"[/colour] He grinned and heard the charge taking off and slimming two shadow bolts from the skys as the bass dropped.

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The guards, a stallion named Velocity and his sister, Shimmer, kept their positions on either side of Twilight, ready to fend off attackers, "Try not to kill them," Shimmer whispered to her brother, "They can still be saved."

Velocity nodded, "I know."

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Everything was beginning to escalate, much to corrupted Marble's pleasure. The rest of the Shadowbolts were charging in, and Wonderbolts were fighting back. [colour=#ff0000]"I attacked them BEFORE it was cool." [/colour]He joked to himself, as he charged straight to Spitfire, laughing as he knocked over some random guards. Lightning Dust was charging as well, and Marble didn't want to lose. He got to Spitfire, and decided to play it out. [colour=#ff0000]"Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" [/colour]He referenced, as he began charging his corrupting spell, while the real Marble was screaming for her to run, and uselessly fighting off the powerful corruption.

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[colour=#000000]Gadget simply moved as fast and as High as he could, grabbing as many clouds as he could. He found enough of them and began to mess with their density and looks. As soon as they were dark purple and were a good enough fog he sped down with them and covered most of the battlefield. He came very close to Twilight and the two guards protecting her. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"Welcome to the game Ms. Sparkle." [/colour][colour=#000000]He played with the clouds long enough to cause to red coloured ones and a fairly large one to moved towards them. They looked like a giant Red mouth and pair of eyes. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"I know much about you, Element of Harmony, Protege to Princess Celestia, a fated Destiny, and very gifted with magic but can you fight a pegasus with magic?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He partially bluffed about the last part. He knew allusions and he had a form of magic with his shadowbolt side but he was no unicorn. [/colour][colour=#000000]He had kicked Velocity in the back on his head and looked to both him and his sister. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"I'll take you two on first." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said preparing for a fight.[/colour]

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CloudDasher listened to the fight.. She scraped her hoof against the floor of the cell "[colour=#add8e6]Why am I in here?! I wanna fight too" [/colour]She yelled. She sat in the cell. Waiting for it to be over

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(ohhhh things just heated up!!!)

Lyria watched as Shadowbolts poured in. She gasped, then growled.

[colour=#800080]"Challenge Accepted.[/colour]"

Lyria ran into the hall, knocking Shadowbolts down and out of her way. She ran past ponies, Wonderbolt and Shadowbolt, until she saw Spitfire. Lyria jumped in front of her, and growled at Marble. He wasn't himself, so she had to protect Spitfire. A song ran through her head.

[colour=#800080]"I don't think so." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria growled, and punched [/colour]Marble straight in the muzzle, and growled. [colour=#800080]"To get to her, you have to go through me."[/colour]

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Somepony else came up to guard Spitfire! And worse yet, she punched Marble right in the face! The real Marble gave a cheer at that, but that quickly changed as Marble's body turned to look at Lyria. [colour=#ff0000]"I love a feisty mare." [/colour]He said to her, spitting out a tooth she broke. Although corrupted Marble was the one controlling the body, the real Marble was the one getting hurt. [colour=#ff0000]"Let's dance!" [/colour]After that, Marble turned around and gave a powerful kick out with hind-legs to Lyria's face.

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Lyria fell backwards at the blow, but stood quickly.

[colour=#800080]"I may be a mare, but I can kick some tail when it comes to it." [/colour][colour=#000000]She spit out a tooth as well. She kicked his front legs out from under him, and when he fell to the ground, she punched his muzzle again, and held him down.[/colour]

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As Velocity felt Gadget's hoof connect with his helmet, he compensated, rolling beneath and to the side of Gadget, taking a ready stance as Shimmer answered for them, "Sounds like fun." She said, smiling slightly. Velocity charged Gadget, a borderline sadistic look in his eyes. Shimmer stayed close to Twilight.

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Marble grinned wider as the mare fought back more, quickly recovering from his blow and even managing to hold him down. The real Marble didn't even care about the pain she was causing him, and was actually yelling out for her to hit him more. [colour=#ff0000]"So, her name is Lyria, eh?" [/colour]Corrupted Marble asked himself, when the real one made a Freudian Slip. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Marble moved his head up and kissed Lyria on the lips, making the inner Marble hilariously angry. She let her guard down for a moment, and Marble quickly pushed her off, and then held her down. [colour=#ff0000]"You know, this could go further..." [/colour]He suggested, looking at her in an odd manner.

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