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The Academy Chapter 2


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Shimmer turned her gaze upwards at the fight between Twilight and Thunder, te dark haze still engulfing her vision. She blacked out shortly before the white light engulfed her.

Velocity had been so focuses on assisting Shadow that he didn't catch the light till it was upon him.

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The explosion had finnaly subsided and the air faded back to normal. The atmosphere sparked with a certain energy, Pegasai lay here and there on the gound. They all lay silent for a moment and they started to stir. Lightning dust was one of the first to get up fully to her hooves. She still had her injuries, but she felt different. She was in control completely of her own mind. The spirit was gone! She looked around and saw Pegasai stirring slightly, The first thought that came to Her Mind "Marble......" She searched frantically for him among the ponies. She finnaly found him tied to a cloud building nearby. She ran to him and held him, He was still out cold. "Marble! Wake up! Please!" she cried to him.

Rainbow dash got up and sat down, her wonderbolt uniform was torn up and her goggles broken. She felt pain in her right wing, She guessed it was broken, but she didnt mind it. The curse was cleared from her mind compleately. She took a deep breath and sighed.

Spitfire limped over to Rainbow dash and ay down next to her. She didnt speak but only smiled.

Flashbomb opened his eyes, He felt the darkness that was upon him from the shot leave him. The voice in his head was gone as well. He struggled very hard to sit up. His ribs were still broken along with other things but he didnt mind. It was quiet as the once corrupted got up, The shook their heads and tried to regain their composure. Twilight sparkle got up slowly, It looked as though her horn hurt from the overload. She opened her eyes, Flash smiled to her. [colour=#0000FF]"You did it Twilight... You saved us all..." [/colour]He said with gratitude. Twilight smiled back[colour=#800080] "It was no Elements of Harmony but it did just as well."[/colour]She responded. They glanced over when they heard a moan. They saw Thunder Swift laying on his side. He groaned and sat up. Flash readied himself for a confrontation but something was different. Thunder swift opened his eyes they were a bright sky blue. [colour=#00FFFF]"Wha.....what happened?"[/colour] He asked them,[colour=#00FFFF] "Where am i?"[/colour] He looked around with fear. Flash noticed that he must have not remembered a single thing whatsoever. He wasnt about to explain it now.

He saw the bits of the gem fade away and crumble. He watched them as they blew away in the wind. They had won.

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ShadowSound let out a groan as the light suddenly blinded him and he shielded himself with his unwound-ed wing. He was ready for more fight when the light cleared though the pain was finally getting to him, he swayed some as he was getting dizzy. He saw Rainbow dash and lightning dust acting like themselves again and smiled. [colour=#0000cd]"Great... welcome back"[/colour] he said with a tired voice before he fell to his side closing his eyes with a sigh of relief before he slipped into a light unconscious state.

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Shimmer pushed herself up shakily, brushing her silver mane back, she turned to face Twilight, saluting her, "Commendable performance Ma'am."

Velocity stopped after the light faded. He watched the cleansed Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust to be sure they were healed. The adrenaline drained from him, he felt his injure wing jam up and he fell to the floor, he stared at the sky, heaving a sigh, "This'll be a tale to tell, that's for sure..."

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[colour=#0000cd]"Now let's get purified before I change forever." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget told Twilight, the red was moving through his whole body now and was going over his neck now.[/colour]

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Lyria thought back to when they first met and started to tell Angel. [colour=#000000]The conversation was keeping her awake, that's for sure. She nuzzled into Angel when she was done telling the story, and smiled.[/colour]

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Flashbomb got to his hooves and limped a little bit over to Thunder Swift he helped him up and supported him. Pegesai one and all were helping eachother up. Twilight trotted over toVelocity and helped him up as well. She looked over to Gadget and tilted her head she saw the red all over him. She brought Velocity over still supporing him. Her horn glowed the purple aroura and she let the energy flow from her to Gadget. It slowly warded off the red and it subsided off of Gadget. She opened her eyes and groaned a bit. Her horn throbbed. [colour=#800080]"Th....there that should help a bit...." [/colour]She mumbled. She continued to Help velocity. She turned to Flash and Thunder, [colour=#800080]"We should get the injured to the doctor..... the darkness is gone and we dont have to worry anymore..." [/colour]She said She looked over to Shimmer [colour=#800080]"Would you like to help me with your brother Shimmer?" [/colour]She said to her. They both walked Velocity to the medical ward.

Flashbomb helped Thunder swift trot slowly to the medical ward right after Twilight and the guards.

Rainbowdash saw Soarin get up, She ran to him [colour=#40E0D0]"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" [/colour]She asked him with concern. Soarin looked over to her and nuzzled her "Im alright just a few cuts." He reasured her. They saw that Spitfire was pretty broken and beaten they trotted over to her and helped her up. Spitfire coughed and smiled [colour=#DAA520]"Th.....thank you......" [/colour]She chuckled then winced. They slowly helped her to the medical ward. The doctor was going to have his hooves full. [colour=#DAA520]"Celestia is going to come investigate the blast, there is no doubting that...." [/colour]She said quietly. Any healthy guards or pegesai helped the injured to their hooves. The battle had taken its toll on many. 2 of the cadets who were still in Shadowbolt attire landed behind angel And lyria. "Um.....is she ok? ....do you want us to help you take her to the medical ward with the others?....." one asked Angel snapp.

Lightning dust unwrapped Marble from the doors and picked him up. She trotted slowly and carried him to get help.

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Shimmer nodded, walking to the other side of her brother and helping support him as they walked.

Velocity chuckled, speaking to his sister, "Wouldn't be surprised if The Captain promotes you for this little sister." He then looked Twilight, nodding partially, "Your brother'll be proud. I can tell you that."

((I was listening to music on shuffle last night when I read the comment when the battle was won, and as soon as I started this song came on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO-LUmfowLw it fit surprisingly well. (Halo 4 OST: Arrival.)

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Angel smiled as lyria told her side of the story. Two cadets landed behind him, Still in the shadowbolt uniformd, Angel nearly tackled them. Then they offered to help. Angel looked over at marble. Who seemed knocked out. "Take him, I can handle this one" He nodded down at lyria. He got up on his hooves and looked down at her and smiled. "Upsie Dasy" He said as he picked her up onto his back.

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The two cadets shrugged and flew away.

Flashbomb helped Thunderswift onto a medical bed, Spitfire was placed on one next to him along with velocity and other injured ponies. The doctor walked out of the back rom looking relieved that everypony had finnaly stopped fighting. Theywere all starting to be checked on by the doctor. Flashbomb groaned and sat in a nearby chair, his body ached and he didnt feel like he was going to be of any use at the moment anyways. He saw Lightning dust carry Marble to a spare bed and lay him down on it. She didnt leave his side. Flashbomb put his 2 front hooves together and leaned forward. He looked down at the ground in exhaustion until it was his turn to be patched up.

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Marble continued yelling at ponies to free him, but they all ignored him and continued battling. After a while of yelling, and tugging at the rope, there was a bright flash, surprising everypony in the academy. The corruption was knocked out of Marble, and Marble himself went unconscious from the whole event. After who knows how long, he began to stir. He felt himself moving, and was worried that he was still corrupted. He squinted his eyes open, and saw a lightning bolt on the flank of an aqua coloured pegasus. [colour=#ff0000]"Lightning Dust..." [/colour]He muttered, as he attempted to move, but his hooves really hurt from the pain the corruption inflicted on him. [colour=#ff0000]"I'm sorry..." [/colour]He continued muttering, hoping she could hear him. [colour=#ff0000]"I couldn't stop it... It was too strong... Please forgive me..." [/colour]He hoped Lightning Dust could understand that he didn't mean to kiss Lyria, or insult mares. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he didn't hold them back now.

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Velocity thanked Twilight and Shimmer, then lay on his uninjured side until the medics came.

Shimmer glanced around the room, her mane catching the light and playing with it oddly over its surface. She sighed, "I'm glad it's all over."

Velocity began to chuckle, but stopped with a grunt. He was in more pain than he initially realized, "Yeah... Something tells me that we might get to hang around here."

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Gadget was laying on his medical bed. He looked around, his vision a bit blurred but he saw a purple pegasus approach him. [colour=#800080]"Are you better now?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Blitz's voice said. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Yes...I am." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget said with a sigh. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Did...I hurt any pony?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Blitz gave a solemn look. [/colour][colour=#800080]"A few pegasi, Thunder Swift, and destroyed one of the guards armor." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget looked sad for a moment. He needed to talk with another pegasus...One that was a wonderbolt. Gadget got up and looked around for Shadow.[/colour]

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Flashbomb sat there alone looking at the ground, he winced with his wounds but he didnt mind. Lightning dust was Still by marble in the medical ward. She hushed him and smiled with some tears streamed down her face. She smiled and was only Happy That Marble was ok. Flash got up and limped back to Marble and smiled weakly, [colour=#0000FF]"It wasnt your fault. it was the curse and not you."[/colour]He said happily. The doctor after checking on Spitfire trotted over " Ok lad lets check on ya here." He said. He bagan his work on Marble. Flashbomb sat in a chair next to Marble's medical bed.

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After being fixed with some casts, the doctor prescribed blue streak with some needles full of morphen . "Sorry , we can't have you injured and patrol, but don't worry , we'll still send you funds" said a lutenet of the royal gaurd. He sent some some other pony gaurds on patrol . Blue streak read the text on the box to himself. "Take once every morning or night or when pain is being felt , apply on meaty part of the body ." " ok, cool" blue streak said to him self. He finally had a few weeks of from gaurd duty and flying but he still had to do exams. "Well , time to play some pony station 3.

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After Velocity's wing had been tended to, he sat himself up, and with the help of his sister, got onto his hooves. He stretched, then looked at his mangled armor, taking his horned helmet from his head, "I'll need your help to get this unhooked." He said, glancing to Shimmer.

She nodded, leading him to a less occupied corner, undoing the clasps on his injured side for him, "Well Senior Airman Velocity, what're you gonna do? There's no way you'll be flying on that wing for some time." Shimmer said, tilting her head.

Velocity shrugged, "Probably hang around here, if the the Captain approves it that is."

"You're leaving it up to me to report to him this time, aren't you?" Shimmer said in a sarcastic whining tone. Her brother simply nodded, a smug grin on his face, "Ugh, fine." She said. Turning away from him she walked towards the rest of the Academy denizens, "You should get some rest then, I'll check on ponies here until Twilight's ready to leave, at which time I'll accompany her back to Canterlot and input your request for some time off to rest here."

((a Senior Airman is the Air Force equivalent of a Marine Corporal. Personally, I list the Pegasus Guard ranks through the USAF ones, Earth Guard ranks through USMC and Unicorn Guard through US Army. Despite Captain not being the highest rank in any of those, I count Shining Armor's rank as the highest in the personal guard of the Princesses.

Both siblings are SrA (Senior Airman) at the moment.))

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Shadow had soon woken from his light sleep and got up. He saw the ponys heading to the medical ward and yawned as he limped his way there his wing shooting pain through him. He walked into the ward and looked around as he saw the group and the doc working on Marble and then saw Spitfire, Rainbowdash and Sorin all on one side of the ward as he walked over.[colour=#0000cd] "So...am i the only pony who feels like they were hit by a truck??"[/colour] He joked as he looked at the other bolts. [colour=#0000cd]"Is everypony alright? All are accounted for?" [/colour] He sat as he asked this wincing as he bumped his wing.[colour=#0000cd] "Ouch" [/colour]His goggles were cracked and the LED'a were sparking in one side as they hung around his neck, the saddle bags speakers were broken aswell as the straps having been cut.

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Gadget had finally saw Shadow walk into the ward. [colour=#0000cd]"Shadow when you get better, we need to talk." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said half depressed and sitting down as his leg felt broken.[/colour]

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Velocity had been on his way back to the bed he'd previously occupied when he heard a voice he recognized. He glanced around until he pinpointed Gadget's location. He trotted over, favoring his injured side, "Hey, you're the one that fought me," he said with a small grin, "Commendable, very commendable. I don't have a grudge against your or anything, so no worries about that, if there were any."

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Gadget looked over to Velocity. [colour=#0000cd]"I...I don't believe I know you." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget said. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"I only remember Fighting Thunder Swift." [/colour][colour=#000000]He was very puzzled about this pony who said he fought.[/colour]

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Thunder swift looked over at shadow then glanced back up to the celing. He felt awefull for what he had done to these Pegesai.

Spitfire chucked and winced a bit, [colour=#DAA520]"Y.....Yea we are all accounted for...." [/colour]She said. She saw that Thunder swift was looking around. [colour=#DAA520]"Its ok Thunder, you couldnt help yourself." [/colour]She said to him. The doctor came back to them after binding the wounds on Marble. He began examining spitfire again " Looks like your Left eye will have to be wrapped, you scratched it pretty bad." He said. He brought out a bandage roll and told her to close her eye. He wrapped it up and tied it off on the back. He also bandaged her injured leg and Braced it. He then dressed her wings for safety. " There you go." He said with a smile. He trotted over to Thunder and began to Bandage him as well. Thunder kept his gaze off in the distance. [colour=#00FFFF]"Im so sorry for what i have done..... i dont remember anything except when i think that twilight and her friends went into the woods to Fight nightmare moon. Then a whisper in my mind then i blacked out and ended up here."[/colour] He explained. Spitfire nodded [colour=#DAA520]"Dont fret about it youre fine." [/colour]She calmed him. She laid back again trying to think of a way to tell Celestia what happened.

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[colour=#0000cd]"Only what I've been told." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said as he looked down, then to Blitzy. He never realized that she was so beautiful. He shook his head as he realized what he was doing. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"So did fight well?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He asked Velocity.[/colour]

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