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The Academy Chapter 2


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CloudDasher heard her name called over the intercom "Looks like im so awesome, They're going to make me a wonderbolt early" She smiled. "[colour=#add8e6]See you AngelSnapp" [/colour]She gave him a seductive glance. Then trotted away. Angel, tilted his head in confusion. "[colour=#800000]Who, Was she.. Exactly? " [/colour]He asked lyria.

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Shadow sat up and gave a rather unenthusiastic grunt.[colour=#0000cd] "Whaaaa? I just got here, how i get in trouble already"[/colour] He flew down and walked with Flash. he to was rather impressed by the improved hall. He had a record here somewhere as well, though he couldn't quite remember what for, nor was there time to look for it. He smiled seeing the tear roll down his friends face and gave him a slight nudge.[colour=#0000cd] "Come on man, if we don't get there in time, we will hear [/colour][colour=#ff8c00]"You owe me two thousand wing ups"[/colour][colour=#0000cd] "[/colour]He used his voice to sound like spitfire again before they walked in. [colour=#0000cd]"heya, Fire"[/colour] He said as she greeted them. He nodded with her speaking about his current flight team and his position on it. [colour=#0000cd]"Yes Ma'me"[/colour]

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Flashbomb sat down on a waiting chair, He waited for the Cadet called Cloud dasher. He wondered who he or she was.

Spitfire had Shadow take a seat across from her. [colour=#DAA520]"Ok.....Lets see here...." [/colour]She pulled up Shadow's File. She scanned it closely and the records of the shows he was in. She counted some numbers and as well wrote down some dates. She slid him a piece of Paper with his shows recorded on it. [colour=#DAA520]"It seems as though you hit your 100th show just 3 days ago. And you know that with every show you gain publicity. Ponies have been talking about you quite a bit. [/colour]She said to shadow. She pulled out another file and Looked through it. She pulled out a sheet of paper. [colour=#DAA520]"Now here is the kicker, since you are becoming more popular among your team, sales of posters and other pictures with you are starting to rise. I dont know what it is but your getting more fameous. If i were you id watch yourself, Soarin might get jealous...." [/colour]She chuckled a little bit. She then grabbed a Lock box and opened it. She pulled out a sack of a jingling content of some sort. She opened the bag and counted out the bits. 500 of them and slid them his way.[colour=#DAA520] "Here is a bonus and i promote you to seacond leutenant. Congrats." [/colour]She smiled to him and put the bits back in her lockbox she stowed it away. It was taking forever for the cadet to arrive.

Lightning dust flew with Marble through the skies around the Acadamy. She giggled when a flock of birds flew by and nearly hit Marble. She rolled around slightly and enjoyed herself. She then Saw a flash and she saw herself siting on a cloud She looked around and saw she wasnt flying with marble anymore. She heard something, The sound of flapping wings. She turned and saw Marble land next to her with 2 Foals on his back. [colour=#FF0000]"They wanted some icecream. So i treated them...." [/colour]Marble chuckled. Lightning dust knew that it was a vision of some sort. One of the foals trotted over to her. [colour=#800080]"Mommy! Daddy got us icecream! he is so cool!" [/colour]The foal squeaked. "Mommy?" The voice in Lightning Dusts head echoed. She couldnt help herself but smile. She went to hug the foal but found herself flying again with Marble in the present. She had watery eyes, she wiped them and continued to fly. She still saw the Foals as clear as day until they faded from her vision.

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Lyria growled, and looked at the mare as she left. [colour=#800080]"She wants you, and I'm in the way of that. She is trying to show off so you'll leave me for her." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria looked at Angel. [/colour][colour=#800080]"And there is no way I'm letting her reach her goal." [/colour]

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The stallion took the seat a bit uneasy of this conversation and what it would detail. Though he believed his Superior in her statement of it being nothing bad. He listened and his eye brows raised slightly. He honestly hadn't realized he had done so many shows, let alone reached the peek of 100 in the three month span of his joining a flight team. He couldn't help but chuckle hearing her comment on Soarin. [colour=#0000cd]"i.. i certainly hope he doesn't he was a large inspiration for joining. I....im not ..that popular am i?[/colour] His eyes went wider seeing the 500 bits and his new title.[colour=#0000cd] "T..thank you very much, I will be sure to continue to make the wonderbolts proud." [/colour]​ He bowed slightly in appreciation and slid the bits into his bag. Before looking to her. [colour=#0000cd]"Is there anything else Ma'am?" [/colour]He glanced over at flash after this news.

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CloudDasher trotted down the hall of the academy. She knocked on the door and entered. Saluted and said "[colour=#add8e6]CloudDasher Reporting for duty ma'am[/colour]" She stood at attention. She noticed FlashBomb on of Angel's close friends sitting there along with Shadow. She looked ahead keeping her eyes forward.

Angel sighed "[colour=#800000]Dont get violent ok? Remember, Your a example to a lot of pony's now, Going and getting into a fight, isn't what you need on your reputation.[/colour]" He told her. "[colour=#800000]And even if shes cute, Shes not you[/colour]" he smiled at lyria.

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Lyria smiled slightly. [colour=#800080]"If she lays one hoof on [/colour][colour=#800080]you, I make no promises." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria sighed, and sat. [/colour][colour=#800080]"I just can't lose you Angel."[/colour]

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Marble and Lightning Dust began flying around the academy. It was rather silent. Marble was slightly worried that she was going to ask him about Flashbomb, but she seemed to be in another world. While looking at her, Marble nearly ran into a flock of birds. He was embarrassed at first, but starting giggling with her. He began thinking out his plans for their engagement. He had decided he'd make the necklace himself to make it more meaningful, even if it wasn't as good as a normal store bought one. And even though it would take most of his free time. He and Lightning flew in silence, both seemingly lost in thought for a while. [colour=#ff0000]"So, Lightning..." [/colour]Marble decided to start a small conversation. Well, not exactly small. He wanted to make it SEEM small, even though it could be something rather large. [colour=#ff0000]"Just curious but... Let's say you were to have a foal... What do you think you'd name him? Or her?"[/colour]

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Flashbomb heard Shadow get a new title and a heafty Raise. He wondered how 100 Shows could fit within a 90 day period? it was strange. Shadow smiled to him with a happy look on his face. Flashbomb smiled back to him and congratulated him. Spitfire got up,[colour=#DAA520] "Thats all Shadow. You can stay here if you wish to wait for Flash."[/colour] She glanced over when the door opened. She saw that Cloud Dasher had come. She Trotted over to her, [colour=#DAA520]"At ease Cloud Dasher, It has come to my attention that you are eligible for a mentor. Now this isnt saying you are doing terrible in the academy. It just means that you have been picked to Partake in a new Learning expiriment, well Program." [/colour]She said to Her. She glanced over to Flash,[colour=#DAA520] "This is your mentor, Flashbomb. You may know him already. I believe that he is a perfect toutor for you. You both share many traits, as well as your Headstrong personallity. He will Watch over you and guide you Further in your studies."[/colour] She motioned for Flash to say hi. Flashbomb trotted over and nodded to Cloud Dasher. [colour=#0000FF]"Pleased to meet you." [/colour]He said to her. Spitfire turned to her desk and wrote down some things on a paper. She slid it to the two Pegesai. [colour=#DAA520]"Just sign both of your names here and here, you will be good to go."[/colour] She said to them. Flash trotted up and read the terms.

"This toutoring process will last 2 weeks or the span of the Academy Academic process.The Mentor will watch the student as he or she progresses in their tests. They will provide Guidence and friendship to the Student."

The Mentor Must be willing to endure anything that the Student is having trouble with. He or she must Be Understanding, as well as willing to help the student over other things."

"The student must listen to the Mentor and be willing to Comply. The Student though has the right to refuse if they have probable cause. Such as Danger, Or other things that seem to interfere with the learning process. The student must try to work with the Mentor to Intensify and expand their learning during the program. The Mentor is not a Master or a Ruler but a Friend.

The student and Mentor when they complete this Program will recieve:


A 500 bit Raise as well as a Rank up.

and a written certification of Mentorship

Student: Higher ranking at the beginning of Enrollment into the Wonderbolts.



and 300 bits for completing the Program.




Flash finnished reading the contract and glanced to Spitfire. He shrugged and signed his name. He dropped the pen and stepped aside for Cloud Dasher to read the paper and sign.

Lightning dust Was pulled from her thoughts By Marble, She glanced over to Him and listened. He asked her What she would name her Foals. She blushed really deeply, As though he had read her Mind. She Tried to hide her blush but was unable to. "W....well.....um....." She stammered. she tried to make it un awkward. it was just a question after all right? "If it was A colt...... Whisper wind......and if it was a filly......Seranna......" She said to him She felt dumb for some reason. Why Whisper wind? Why Seranna? She didnt know. She kept flying with Marble. "What would you name them?" She asked him

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Shadow nodded and moved aside as the door opened and the young pony stepped into the room and was addressed by Spitfire. He leaned against the wall crossing his legs as he watched the scene unfold after thanking Flash for the congrats with a nod. [colour=#0000cd]" I'll just wait for Flash." [/colour]He said as he waited. He smiled at Cloud as she walked in and then listened to Spitfire speak and explain how she was chosen and alike.

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CloudDasher listened as SpitFire explained the steps "[colour=#add8e6]With all due respect ma'am. I'd rather have AngelSnapp as my mentor. I know him on a more personal level.. Or at least I do want to know him on a more personal level..[/colour]" She shook her head "[colour=#add8e6]Besides! FlashBomb is his freind.. Wait, Hes his friend.. Ok then. Ill accept[/colour]" She sighed the paper. [colour=#add8e6]I could use FlashBomb to get closer to AngelSnapp.. GENIUS! [/colour]She thought to herself. Smiling.

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Lightning Dust told Marble her answers. [colour=#FF0000]"Those are cute names... Wind Whisper..." [/colour]Marble spaced out as he imagined their foal again for a moment before Lightning returned him with another question. [colour=#FF0000]"What I'd name them? Well... If a colt then... Flare Charger, and if a girl then... Ember Storm." [/colour]He looked at her, feeling slightly embarrassed. [colour=#ff0000]"I just have this odd feeling... I mean, my read coat and your yellow and orange mane... I can see our foals looking... Fiery..." [/colour]He noticed his Freudian slip. [colour=#ff0000]"N-n-not that I imagine us with foals or anything!" [/colour]He covered himself up.

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Flashbomb smiled as Cloud Dasher signed the paper. He was excited to have a cadet under his supervision. He would probably get to know her more and become Friends with her, Who knows?

After the paper work was done Spitfire looked to Flash. [colour=#DAA520]"This means that you will have to stay here for the two weeks that she is here. I will alow you two to go off campus for academic purposes and such, as long as you sign a paper that specifies what your doing." [/colour]She said to them. She filed the contract and nodded to them. Flash walked out with Cloud Dasher into the main hall. Shadow was soon to follow after spitfire congtatulated him again.

Lightning Dust Heard Marble studder on the topic of foals. He then brought up the fact of THEIR FOALS. Lightning dust giggled slightly. She was beat red from all of the blushing that she couldnt hardly stand it. Shethen decided to let it out. "I think that when....i mean! if we had Foals they would look wonderfull. " She said to him. She had slipped and hoped Marble didnt catch the when part. She felt her feelings for him rise again. She wondered why she was acting this way. She loved him but now, Part of her wanted to be More than that to him. She shook her head and kept the flying course.

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[colour=#0000cd]"How did I get here?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget asked as he had just ended up in a different room. There were several new ponies in here but Gadget knew two of them, those two being Shadow and Cloud dasher. She somehow had attracted the eye of Gadget. Not in a romantic way mind you but somehow she seemed... familiar. Gadget remembered something though. He was supposed to get a mare to mentor today. He waited for her arrival but he forgot what her name was.[/colour]

[colour=#000000](Anyone want to play her?)[/colour]

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Lightning Dust didn't seem to notice. Well... She brought up the subject of them having foals. Or... IF they had foals. Marble always found his thoughts on that. Even before dating her, foals were an interesting idea. Not something he wanted to pursue, but something he thought was interesting. Now though, it was much more serious. He actually was starting to feel like he wanted them. But he'd naturally never admit that to himself. [colour=#ff0000]"I agree..." [/colour]He whispered to himself. He looked over to her, still eager to continue some small talk. [colour=#ff0000]"Have you ever... I mean..." [/colour]He was trying to think of a way to say what he wanted to say without being too blunt. [colour=#ff0000]"Like... You know..." Darn it, how do I put this lightly... "Um... A-attempted to have foals before?" [/colour]It was the best he could come up with.

(If you know what I mean by 'attempted'. Also, awkward conversations FTW!)

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Shadow followed flash and walked next to him with a grin and a teasing nudge. [colour=#0000cd]"Ohh you got a nice cute mare to be your underling, im sure you'll be just fine for your mentor-ship"[/colour] He laughed as they walked And hit a button on his saddle bag, music begin to play from speakers in the sides of the pouches. The volume was turned down but the bass was pure enough to be heard under their conversation. [colour=#0000cd] "So, i was able to glance at the paper as Fire put it away, i believe i saw you got a promotion as well by doing this, so whats your rank now?" [/colour]

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(I could see if i would just send me specs on her i guess)

(whoops missed your post shadow sorry! i will awnser next time around.)

Lightning dust kept flying with Marble. she listened to him agree with her. She was now locked on the thought. She flew a bit faster against a head wind but kept close to Marble. She perked her ears when Marble bagan speaking again and what he asked surprised her. She looked to him in a way. she landed on a piece of cloud. She watched Marble land nearby her. "To tell you the truth.....No.... i havent. I had always watched other couples have them and honestly.....i envied them. I wished for a day that i would have some of my own. it has always been a goal of mine....." She stopped and looked down with a bit of sadness. " I do want to have Foals someday Marble, i really do." She admitted to him. She sat down. and realized that she had basically gave him the ultimate hint about how she felt. She thought she had basically told him everything. She looked up to Marble and the flash of the foals happened again with their giggles. They faded again. She grew frustrated about what she was feeling and began to cry uncontrollably. " I just dont know Marble!" She sniffled. " I just dont know."

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Lyria closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face. [colour=#800080]"What if you do leave me?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria nuzzled her head into his chest, and hugged him. [/colour][colour=#800080]"I can't lose you Angel... If I do.." [/colour][colour=#000000]She went silent with the thought.[/colour][colour=#800080]"Just... If she tries anything... Stop her... I love you Angel.. I truly do. I can't stand her possibly getting in the way..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She sniffled. [/colour][colour=#800080]"I will keep my word not to lay a hoof on her, no matter how much she makes me angry... But if she tries anything..." [/colour]

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Marble and Lightning Dust stopped on a cloud. She seemed to take the question much more seriously than he wanted her to. He facehoofed, knowing he shouldn't just casually bring up something like that. He felt uncomfortable when she started crying, but remembering how they first met, he let her continue, and tried his best to understand. [colour=#FF0000]"Y-you don't know what?" [/colour]He facehoofed again and decided to take a different route. [colour=#FF0000]She obviously wants foals really badly... There's got to be more then that.. -sigh-, I'll try my best. [/colour][colour=#FF0000]"You don't need to feel bad." [/colour]He tried reassuring her, as he gave her a shoulder for her to cry on. [colour=#FF0000]"Who doesn't want foals? You shouldn't feel bad for thinking about it." [/colour]He sighed and decided to tell her his feelings too. [colour=#FF0000]"To be honest... I've been thinking about it too. I-I can stop talking about it if you want." [/colour]He wasn't sure what route was best for making her feel better, but he knew he wouldn't just abandon her though. So he attempted several of them.

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CloudDasher trotted ahead of the two stallions "[colour=#add8e6]You think im cute, Hu?[/colour]" She brushed her tail jokingly against Shadow's muzzle as she passed. She looked around, The main hall was lined with photo's. Mostly Angel's Work. Her eye's shimmered at the sight of them. He was the source of her inspiration. "[colour=#add8e6]C'mon, You guys are too slow..[/colour]" She yelled back at them

Angel's heart sank in sadness when lyria began to cry. He took his hoof and lifted her muzzle and looked at her for a moment. He lent in and kissed her. Then released. "[colour=#800000]Let that be a reminder that im loyal to you, And you only. Ok?" [/colour]He told her. Blushing slightly.

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Flashbomb nudged shadow [colour=#0000FF]"Cut it out silly its not like that." [/colour]He chuckled playfully to him. When shadow brought up the promotion He hoof pumped. Yes it was just what he needed! He tried to think of his rank now. [colour=#0000FF]"Um.....whats one up from Corpral?" [/colour]He asked him.

Lightning dust wiped away a few tears, she realized that she had taken it a little to far. She needed to learn to control her outbursts. She remembered the incident with flashbomb. "N...no its Fine Marble. its just a dream of mine.. its silly...... " she muttered tohim. She felt absolutly dumb now trying to explain it to him. "Im..... sorry for that.... just teared up a bit.... " She appologised to him. "i Am really awkward right now." She thought to herself. She saw that they had been flying for awhile now and the sun was starting to det. She took flight again and flew to the Rainbow Waterfall. "Lets hang out a bit more while we wait for Flash and the others." She suggested. They flew up to the rainbow waterfall and landed. She sighed, this was the spot where Marble made her come to her senses the night she hurt flash. She trotted to the edge of the cloud and sat down watching the sun sink. She kept quiet as to not make anything more awkward than it need be. She had already done that with the foal talk.

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Lyria looked at Angel when he kissed her, and smiled. [colour=#800080]"O-Okay."[/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria wiped away her tears, and hugged Angel once more, and kissed him back, holding it for a little more then 10 seconds, then released the kiss. [/colour][colour=#800080]"I love you Angel." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and nuzzled into his neck.[/colour]

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Angel hugged Lyria back. She kissed him again. Then released. "[colour=#800000]I love you too[/colour]" He held her as she nuzzled into his neck. "[colour=#800000]Better?[/colour]" He asked.

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Shadow hoof bumped him.[colour=#0000cd] "It would be a Sargent, your rather high up there"[/colour] He smiled as he grinned hearing the words about how they were slow.[colour=#0000cd] "Oh are we? Shall we show her what speed it?" [/colour] He pulled his neon blue goggles on and spread his raven coloured wings.[colour=#0000cd] "Since you all left i managed to learn sonic booms, with my own little spin on them" [/colour] he grinned.

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