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A trip to StallionGrad (Open Join!)

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((Alright haha))

Flake then realized that the train had stopped. He was happy that the ride was over. The ride felt like forever...but now it was over..and they were in Stalliongrad.

Flake picked himself up and cleared his throat. He started to trot towards the exit and then said, "[colour=#008080]If you're on the tour. Come with me." [/colour]He gave all of the ponies a warm smile and the left the train. He waited outside the station. A few snowflakes hit his coat. They were cold to the touch. Flake liked it. He smiled again and almost let out a very mareish sounding giggle. But he contained himself.

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Zig and Zag trotted out of he train,giving a warm smile to the snowflakes,then Zig and Zag shivered,"[colour=#800000]It's so[/colour][colour=#8B4513]o[/colour][colour=#800000]o[/colour][colour=#8B4513]o cold[/colour]," They said while still shivering.

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((haha,awesome,I actually were a trench coat in real life XD haha,and it goes down to my ankles,plus it's black,who would of guessed XD ))

Zig and Zag stared at the coats,"Why,thank you," Zig siad kindly,Zag's smile was evident on her face.

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Flake laughed a bit when the pony gave Zig and...the other pony? That looked awfully like Zig..a coat. Flake didn't need or want a coat. He loved the cold.

Flake then moved in front of the ponies and said, "[colour=#008080]I'd personally like to welcome all of you to...Stalliongrad.[/colour]" He then moved his hoof across the landscape of Stalliongrad. He turned back to the ponies and smiled.

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Saronyx smiled at the sisters, then looked over Stalliongrad, "So far it is definitely living up to the expectations." He commented.

((Hah, cool. Saronyx's like of coats actually stems from my own love of larger coats. I own like, 3 trench coats which reach almost to my ankles (one of which is a drover, so I can ride horse while wearing it) and one that reaches to my knees.)

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Whirligig was falling way too quickly. She hated landing, she wasn't good at them, she was going to crash! The train whizzed by her, throwing a gust of wind in her direction that knocked her off balance. She flapped her wings rapidly but soon found herself helpless to break her fall. She closed her eyes and braced herself for impact.

And landed rather gracelessly in a snowdrift.

With a shiver and a shake she threw the snow from her head and wings and saddlebags, and watched mournfully as the train rocketed past her. Not one to be let down easily she shook the soft white powder (which, she thought to herself, was refreshingly similar in consistency to the clouds she loved so well) and sprung to the sky. She could make out the small, bleak skyline of the town of Stalliongrad and resolved to get there sooner rather than later. She took to the air once again and flew along the railway tracks, quickly finding the smoothest air flow and making up for lost time.

A few moments later she arrived at the station on the outskirts of the city, mere minutes after the train pulled into the station. As she lowered herself to the ground (this time far more slowly and gracefully) she heard one of the other ponies call out to the motley crew that had just tumbled out of one of the train cars, "I'd personally like to welcome you all to Stalliongrad."

She approached the group with a burst of self-confidence and introduced herself to one of the ponies nearby. Without even waiting for a response she asked "What's going on here?"

((RPing during Uni lectures ftw))

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Zig and Zag saw the new pony fly up,gracefully,they smiled and fluttered their wings[colour=#8B4513]," Hi th[/colour][colour=#800000]ere,"[/colour] [colour=#8B4513]"I'm Zig,[/colour]"[colour=#800000] And I'm Zag!" [/colour]The two sisters exclaimed.

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Zig and Zag saw the new pony fly up,gracefully,they smiled and fluttered their wings[colour=#8B4513]," Hi th[/colour][colour=#800000]ere,"[/colour] [colour=#8B4513]"I'm Zig,[/colour]"[colour=#800000] And I'm Zag!" [/colour]The two sisters exclaimed.

"Pleasure to meet you both," Whirligig replied with a friendly smile.

Saronyx turned to face her, "Long story short: Bunch of us decided to come Stalliongrad, and shenanigans ensued." He have his customary greeting bow, wings outstretched to compliment the gesture, "My name is Saronyx."

"And it's a pleasure to meet you as well," she said to the dark blue pegasus. She attempted a graceful bow in response, but it probably wasn't as elegant as she would have liked. It was difficult with the saddlebags she was still wearing. Of course she thought to herself I mustn't forget to find the chief weather ponies before I leave. Though why they would be ordering rainbows this time of year still boggles my mind.

The group of ponies widened the circle - she looked around from the Zig Zag sisters to the tall unicorn stallion with the light blue coat and mane. She could of sworn he had been the one to call out the loud welcome in a think Stalliongrad accent. Also among the ponies were a blue unicorn sporting a white Stetson, a purple-coated earth pony also wearing a hat, a tall white Unicorn and a dark blue stallion with a lamp for a cutie mark. Whatever anxieties had plagued her earlier had completely dissolved; this looked like a genuinely fun ground of ponies to get to know. Some of these stallions aren't even half bad, she thought to herself.

"I'm from Cloudsdale," she announced, "and I've never been to Stalliongrad in my life. Would you birds mind if I tag along?"

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Flake smiled at the newpony as she was chatting with the others. Then it hit him. It was a pony he saw in the train! He was right! He wasn't crazy! Flake the let out a big, "Ah ha!". But then quickly shut his mouth out of embarrassment.

Flake then moved a bit closer to the new mare in the group. She seemed to already be acquainted to the other ponies in ge group. But not the tour guide..how unprofessional of him.

Flake moved closet again and then stopped a bit. He almost laughed when she called the ponies birds. But Flake was a pony that found the smallest things funny.

Flake chuckled slightly then said, "Well, we are ponies not birds.". He snickered some more. He knew his sense of humor and the things he found funny were different from most ponies. But anyways moving on.

Flake extended a hoof to Whirligig and said, "I am Flake. Tourguide of thus wonderous place.". He smiled a big smile at her. "Nice to meet you." he kept his hoof extended.

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Whirligig turned her attention away from the three pegasi who had welcomed her and back towards the blue unicorn, who was standing there with his hoof extended in greeting. She took it graciously and gave it a good, firm shake. "It's truly a pleasure to meet you, Flake. I'm Whirligig." She hesitated briefly before asking "Shouldn't a tour guide be wearing a tour guide's hat?"

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((Sorry for the absence!))

Dusky disembarked last not wishing to get trampled by the larger mares and stallions. He immediately tosses a small blanket over himself from his saddlebag. "It is a bit chilly." He thinks out loud.

((HAHA YES,I AM FINALLY a Wonderbolt!!!!)))

((Gratz on being 20% cooler :20:))

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