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How's littlest pet shop?

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So I've had three people recommend Littlest pet shop. So is it any good? Should I add it to my list of TV shows that don't suck, do suck, or one of the most amazing TV shows of this generation?

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I've got a couple of friends who love it. I've watched 3 episodes (the first two, plus another later on in the series that was reccommended to me) and... ehh. I don't know. Some bits are really good and some are really bad. Like, I'll be laughing out loud at the jokes one minute, and cringing at the horribleness in the next. Good music though (Daniel Ingram, don'tcha know?).

Give it a try yourself, just be aware that you might need to watch a few episodes before you get a feel for it.

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Pretty much what Diego Havoc said. I've watched several episodes. It's no MLP, but the music is good and some of the jokes are funny. It's on my "I watch it when I'm bored" list.

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Hell I hate the show I don't even have it on my watch when bored list. It's that horrible. Okay the song's are good that is about it. The episode's them self are boring stupid lame and pointless. Care Bear's Welcome To Care A lot was better than this show.

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