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Dash Habery [Ready]

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Name: Dash Habery

Sex: Male

Age: Freshly stallion

Species: Unicorn

Eye-colour: Green-amber

Coat: Rock-gray, a mix between his mother's black fur and his father's white in contrast.

Mane/Tail: A pale-sky blue colour with a somewhat-deeper blue highlight, his hair isn't always stylized, a simple cut since he's bound to wear a hat, and his tail is kept at an intermediate length, not long but not particularly short, either.

Physique: Dash doesn't appear very muscular, but he can pull decent weight with the work he's done, his fur also has a somewhat thicker appearance with his foalhood home in Stalliongrad, he stands subtly shorter than most stallions his age, but at the same time he has a bit stronger build to him, more so around his legs.

Residence: Manehatten

Occupation: Owner and sole-worker of his haberdash store of hats.

Cutie Mark: His cutie mark came in the form of a top-hat, and it came to him on one of the more work-filled times of his young life back in Stalliongrad. His family had not much around, so he would have to work alongside his father in laboring around the fields on the cold days. These times were just as wearing as they were curious for Dash as he had began conciously working with his magic. It was his only means of entertainment when he wasn't working or at class since not much could be done otherwise after the long many hours spent between the two during his young life. During one of his work days, he picked up a few local flora, from the pines in the trees to the twigs around the ground, creating a hat that held together strong for the rest of the day. When he was returning home a few other colts and fillies took notice and wanted hats of their own, warming his heart at this newfound enjoyment. So while working on the fields, Dash would manage to sneak off to collect the materials he needed to create a number of hats that night that was a big hit for everyone, not only putting a smile on their faces but even some of the parents that could watch the spectacle! A glow appeared around his flank as he stared in wonder a hat appearing on it after as he ecstatically found his talent in haberdashery, as his parents would say, even if the word makes him giggle to this day.

History: Dash was born to a simple farming family, being always grateful of being under a roof to call home. His father was hard at work in the farm fields picking turnips, one of the few vegetables that could handle the cold weather while his mother stayed at home caring for him, tending to the fires at night to protect them from the cold quality weather keeping their town rather frozen, but at the same time he never felt the need to be much much more accomodated in comparison with others, a rather humble quality of his growing up. He had always been considered quiet though cheery much of the time as he played with the local fillies and colts around the outskirts of Stalliongrad, but found that he always had to work once he was old enough, being put into the fields to help him out with the rather lengthy fields.

Even if it was much work for a young pony, he had started to grow a bit stronger with all the work he had to do pulling a cart and plucking out vegetables out of the ground, which is not particularly easy with deep root types in feezing cold ground. However, his newfound talent in hatmaking, as well as his cutie mark discovery, gave him a new passion in trying out with making hats with proper materials of cloth and linen. This allowed him to pick up on stitching and tailoring alongside with hat styles and fashions as he accumulated more bits selling hats than he ever did doing work, doing so for a few years until he was able to begin a new life in the hopes of opening a new business.

Luck would have it that his aunt, otherwise his mothers sister, lived much further south in the sunny warm city of Manehatten, offered her home for him to start off, allowing him to keep his bits to buy a shop for himself. With his money in hoof, all his clothing and miscellaneous items in a bag, and a rather long good bye with his parents, he set himself on the first train he could towards Manehatten to meet his aunt Winter Leaf at her tea shop to start his life as a haberdasher and hope to complete his dreams of being successful enough to aid his family.

Summary: With his store open, Dash now finds himself starting off decently already making a few hats for customers, giving him a boost in confidence. Often he comes across as a bit shy, but he is simply a pony of fewer words than most, but willing to share his thoughts with a smile, fitting in the best he can as he adjusts to the city life with sun compared to the snowy cold town of before. On his free time, he takes walks throughout the town, getting to know it better and finding joy in the learning the viola, even if he isn't that great. Whenever he finds himself facing critique, he finds it a challange to improve himself, pushing himself to become more renouned.

During his work hours, he tends to be more personal with his customers, getting himself to know more about the locals in friendly terms while he works with each customer, whether it's measuring their hat size or figuring out what materials or colours is needed for the hat while they browsed the choices. He finds that his accent makes him well liked among the group of ponies that have taken to his services, even if he cannot fully comprehend the Manehatten style of talk, especially sarcasm. His appetite, even if it isn't that great, has definitely deviated from his former strict diet of turnips and potatos, which he avoids like the plague as he has had them every day of his life for years in his old home, which he sends letters to on a monthly basis.

Dash's stay with his aunt certainly has been far more benificial to him than ever as he has gained a bit of knowledge in the ettiquits of the locals, taking the time to help her around the shop when it got busier, and learning a few tricks in magic that his aunt knew that worked in the every day casual life that he had softened up towards. Even then, he can be stubbornly modest with work loads, often taking hefty amounts to carry on his own without wanting others to help while he does so, even offering to carry even more if he notices.

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Hi Imoverthere!

This is a very well written app! All of the required fields are filled and I can really get a good 'feel' for this character by what you've written. Outside of one minor spelling error I caught in the text ("grateful" instead of "greatful"), this looks good to go!


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