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Just a thought on our fandom's name ^^


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So we all know that the term: Brony, is derived from merging 'brother' and 'pony'. Let's say if we wanted a female based fandom name just for the equality, would: Sister+Pony= Sony?


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So we all know that the term: Brony, is derived from merging 'brother' and 'pony'. Let's say if we wanted a female based fandom name just for the equality, would: Sister+Pony= Sony?


Actually, "brony" is a portmanteau "bro" and "pony". The difference is only significant because bronies originally came from 4chan, where, among other uses, "bros" were people who were helpful and kind to others. The anonymity of the site meant that you never knew if a "bro" was really male, female, or anything in between, and it didn't matter to anyone who posted there; a bro was a bro, no need to complicate it any further, and thus bro became gender neutral in that culture. So, with "brony" being a combination of two gender neutral terms, I've never really understood why some feel the need to make it gender exclusive; I'd rather keep with simplicity. But, as others in this thread have said... some people prefer using pegasister instead. I'm sticking with brony, myself.

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Same case for one with the name called "Office Bromance." As long as it's "Bro", most of the thing comes to mind is brother and it's a male. Not to sound bias, but this one has been busted before when religion also uses the word "brother" in Christian as well, but they also refer to both genders in today's times.

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I suppose we all have our own views on that c:

However, I would just like to point out that in Christianity, the more oft used term would be 'siblings' or 'brothers and sisters', not just 'brother'. But I digress, we're here to talk about Sonies and Bronies, not religion ^^

And I might just refer to them as Sonies as well, just to see their reactions :3

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Yeah, on that Christian part, my friend told me that sister was very rarely used in the bible and the 12 apostles are all males, oops, talk about bias. :o Anyway, close that one! Back on topic.

But to me, nope, not gonna use Sony at all due to the real life Japanese companies. And also Sonies is also quite as close to the Sonic the Hedgehog fans would use. :o

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That's the fun part, being related to a Japanese company ^^ also, Sonic fans can live with it. It's not like this is going to start a fandom war, is it?

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Nah, war on official titles? Not necessary, and besides, in John De Lancie's brony documentary, Tara Strong pony does said the girls are bronies too but some prefer Pegasisters.

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That's the fun part, being related to a Japanese company ^^ also, Sonic fans can live with it. It's not like this is going to start a fandom war, is it?

I'd rather not be related to Sony. And I can agree with you there, I don't think any name you give a fandom will ever cause a fandom war, unless you're intentionally trying to tick them off with a blatantly insulting name. I also don't think "Sonies" are going to catch on, either way. :P

Nah, war on official titles? Not necessary, and besides, in John De Lancie's brony documentary, Tara Strong pony does said the girls are bronies too but some prefer Pegasisters.

Not to get too far off topic, but am I the only one who thought Tara Strong sounded like she didn't really approve of pegasister when she said it during that song?

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The other thing is that I've yet to meet a girl who's been all "I'm a pegasister!" - pretty much every girl I've met in this fandom has been happy to be called a brony. It's the guys who seem to think that we can't be bronies because we're girls and thus call us pegasisters.

Excuse me, we'll decide on what we want to be referred to thanks.

And I agree with you, Armony - Tara Strong is definitely in favour of calling everyone in the fandom a 'brony' - girls included.

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That's why I agree with Tara too, not all the time girls have to get stuck with certain things. Take sports for example, girls are "weak" that's why they only play netballs while guys prefer more "manly" ones like basketball, but today, both sides benefit to play either sport but I see netball is more on the girls while basketball is playable for both genders. Lol, the old controversial feeling of the old tale, "Battle of the Sexes."

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I am inclined to agree.

I know Sony won't catch on, I just want something weird to do when an awkward silence occurs in a conversation.

And yes, genders are mostly equal now, but some people don't seem to get the memo. About a year back, a petition for a martial arts team for the school was rejected because martial arts was "unladylike". That was utter nonsense.

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I personally just call people "pony fans" until I know for certain if they like to be called something else. That's about as neutral-descriptive as you can get!

Some people take the whole fandom labeling thing way too personally or seriously, so I think it's best to be cautious when throwing certain terms around. I personally used to really like being called a pegasister -- because I thought it was really clever and cute -- but now I could care less what others refer to me as. I think it's important to be respectful to other people when it comes to fan-labeling conventions, because everyone has a different definition for what something really means.

For example: Canterlot.com is not a "brony" site. It's a fan site that is tailored for all-ages.

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I am inclined to agree.

I know Sony won't catch on, I just want something weird to do when an awkward silence occurs in a conversation.

And yes, genders are mostly equal now, but some people don't seem to get the memo. About a year back, a petition for a martial arts team for the school was rejected because martial arts was "unladylike". That was utter nonsense.

For the person who say martial arts are not lady-like, two words in one, Self-Defense!

Anyway, back on topic, I say titles are not too be taken seriously, Cudpug in his FAQ section already did mention about it when one girl asked on she hate the Pegasister title and decide to stick with Brony.

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Slightly unrelated rant:

Gender labeling and such can end poorly if done incorrectly. For my most recently approved OC, he's very feminine in his physical appearance. And he's of the magic kind so I named him "Poof"... Our lovely time wizard, Phil, brought it to my attention that. "Poof" was unsuitable because of "other connotations of the word not related to disappearances". So I had to change the name...

Why am I sharing this with you? Because I'm still mad about it...

And because this is a (poor) example of how you should be careful when giving a name to an object in question. Don't want to accidentally offend anyone.

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