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bronzeshines smithy


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Monochrome stared at the muscular stallion for a bit, and her eyes widened as he snapped a crowbar simply by stepping on it. Wow. she thought. A lot of odd ponies come in and out of this shop.

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You said you were with the guard? They sighned a contract with me so maintainence is free. He closely examines the armor. Should take about 2 days, but I can see that this wouldn't be the last time you,ll come back in. For no extra charge I could make some minor adjustments but it would take 3 days, or for 35 bits and 5 days I can make it **** near indestructible. Oh and don't worry about the crowbar, I can make another in ten minuets. Storm chaser if you want this to be done right it will be 45 bits, it will take a day but I,ll clean it, sharpen it, and completely repair it. However if you are on a time limit or budget, I can make it presentable in 3 hours for 20 bits.

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"I think just repairing it would be nice, making it 'near indestructible' will still have it broken in a few days, instead of a few hours. Thanks anywa- Oh, it's her! Gotta run, see y'all later. " Joran said as he ran out the door, grabbing a large sheet of metal on his way out, "Sorry, I'll give it back tomorrow!"

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Ok storm chaser have a goo- HEY. He sees the gray pony take off with the metal. He starts flying just above the ground after him. Get back here! You need to pay for that! He flys strait into him.

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Bronze shine was made of tuff stuff, but he shure was hurting. Oww, it's fine. I,ll just add it to your tab. I want to make a bet with you. If I can make this armor so that you can were it all week, and it holds up then you will have to pay for all of this stuff, the crowbar the armor, and the metal. But if it doesn't work than I will fix it up for free every time you brake it. First priority to, I'll have it done in a day. Plus Ill drop the tab, deal?

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"No, I mean, um, let's talk later, she's rounding the corner!" He said quickly before running down the road to meet a filly who was covered in paint. He smiled as he started chatting with the nearly-adult pony, holding the sheet of metal above her head.

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Ok fine, rude. Bronze shine walks Into the store. Skyrose draw up a tab. 5 bits, for a crowbar, and 30 bits for sheet metal. Bronze shine was determined to make him something he could were, so he goes to the back with the armor and sword and does what he does best.

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Monochrome peeked outside at the commotion. The overly muscular one was holding the sheet of metal over a filly who was splattered with paint, just like Monochrome herself. Monochrome chuckled and grinned, going back inside and shaking the drops of rain out of her mane.

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The next day bronze shine presents all of the finished work he had done last night. Storm chasers sword was brilliantly, repaired it radiated polish and was probably the sharpest it had ever been. He had also begun work on the other big projects like the armor and silver.

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bronzeshine turns to storm chaser. " of coerce. " he walks to the back of his store and presents him the shining sword. sharpened, buffed and freshly cleaned. " that will be 45 bits pleas. would you be interested in anything else from my store? you can get massive savings this week. "

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