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One Big Party! (Completely Open!)

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It was Swift Reaper's Birthday. He was so happy, surrounded by his long-dead family. He chatted and talked, had some ghostly apple juice. However, they didn't have a cake! Being a foal at this time, Swift Reaper was so sad, and started crying. His parents' souls crouched over to him and told him it was alright, but he just kept on sobbing in the middle of the graveyard. His parents had just died a week ago, and he was glad to spend time with them now that they didn't have to work. Still, he was promised cake! "It's not fair!" he cried, tears flowing down his cheeks.

He simply sat in the middle of the graveyard, crying. Any passerby would see a young grey foal crying by his parents' graves. He simply sat there, sobbing.

((NOTE: Please play your OC as when they were very young.))

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( well if its completely open ) bronze shine came to the graveyard to tend to his brothers grave, he had been dead a while but bronze would always visit him on the day he died. He was just finishing up when he heard a pony crying. They didn't have funerals at this time of day. He thought. He walks over to the sound of that pony and musters all of his courage to approach him with all of the ghosts around him. He places a hoof on his shoulder. What's wrong freind?

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Swift Reaper looked up, "It's my birthday, and my parents forgot the cake! Now I don't get any sweet cake..." He sobbed as he sipped an invisible glass of water. In fact, it was apple juice from the spirit realm.

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Umm. I can get you some cake if it means that much to you, but ahh. You probably should have your birthday with friends instead of your parents. He looks around the empty graveyard feeling sorry for his poor pony.

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"My friends are here, too! There's Harley, she fell really ill and died a few days later... Oh, and that's Inner Peace, he got in trouble with the wrong kind of ponies, and they killed him. So sad, but they're not annoyed about it. They love being dead! As for the cake, Mommy had this amazing recipe..." He somewhat cheered up, happy to be speaking with someone new.

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"The cake they made was vanilla, with lots of cherries!" The young foal said with a reminiscent delight in his voice. He remembered how amazing the cake was, a long while ago. "Hey, Mix Master. mind turning up the volume? I love this song!" The grey foal said with delight to nobody in sight, which was especially weird considering that it was eerily silent.

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Vison was pasting through the graveyard with his twin sister wish and they saw the 2 foals talking and they walked up woundering what was wrong and they saw one foal was sad. Vison:is everything fine we were on the way to a toy sale and we heared some foal crying

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Bronze shine leaves with a checklist. Make a very good cake with vanilla and strawberries, that can feed all of the living and possibly dead guests who want a bite. Then get at least five other Ponys to show up. He had four friends three of them would have nothing do. Then he would haved to get some music, he had a guitar out back but heed need to purchase a microphone. Then should all of this go to plan, move the party out of the graveyard, so nobody will be afraid to come, and nobody would dance on any graves. He needed to do all of this in an hour as to not keep the pony waiting, so he set off.

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Storm chaser came to was visiting his parents when he heard other ponies talk he decided to investigation and walk equate a district from his parents graves and saw four ponies talking around some ghosts he walked up to them when he got there one pony walked away for some reason "hay lovely night to be in a graveyard right" said Stormchaser to nopony in certain

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bronzeshine holds the cake awkwardly as there aren't any tables in the graveyard. its this pony's birthday. he gesture's over to swift reaper. I'm pretty sure he's grieving hard about his parents as they died last week. so I wanted to throw him a birthday party to help him come to terms with his grief. want to help?

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yeah but it doesn't have to be a grand plot. we just need to brighten his day a bit, let him know that life goes on. how about this, you go get guests and any other preparations you want to do, and I'll go get furniture and music.

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  • 1 month later...

Noontime sonnet was walking through a graveyard one day, to get inspiration for writing, when he sees that there are some ponies discussing something over by a rather sad looking grey colt. He walks up to the bronze one and says,"What's all the matter about?"

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