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Equestrian Nights (Open!)

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Wile running away bronze shine yells. We need to get the necromancer back! I'll hold him off. He turn around and conjures a shield locking the lich in town hall. Hurry up I can't hold this very long!

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((You absolutely may! Think of another character that would fit the scene!))

Five-Star leaped at the necromancer, and then blinked out of the way after grabbing him.

"Bring it down and RUN, that thing is beyond any of our skills!" he said whilst sprinting as fast as he could, occasionally blinking as frostbolts were hurled at them.

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((Okay I'll play the lich here.))

The lich looks directly at you. You feel death take a hold of you as he lifts his hand and clenches it into a fist. You suffer major internal bleeding, and will probably die in 30 seconds without medical aid.

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Ok grrr. He focuses and teleports them to safety. A hundred feet in the air! I'm sorry! I,m sorry! I'm sorry! Grrr. He then teleports them right in the middle of a field. He passes out. Pooped, 3 potions fall out of his bag none of them labeled. One of these could probably help ruby! One pink, one red, and one purple.

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((Error dude , rouges are not assassins or ninjas . There just outcasts or rejects of a certain culture because of their " style " . they don't know magic or stealth there just , not apart of a tribe or town . Trust me , I'm a big fantasy nerd . But hey it's your game, I just know corvo antano isn't a rouge . Also I got this from border lands , red potions are regenerative and pink is insta heal .))

"Just drink them both something out to happen !"

Blue streak was tried of there insolence.

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Curious yellow eyes peered through the forest's shadows. They stared for a moment, confused and cautious. A creature then stepped into the moonlight on the edge of the clearing, ghostly white with a dark green mane and tail of seaweed glistening with water, and a skeletal face. Her sharp teeth glinted in the light, and she stepped forward, towards the strange newcomers.

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Blue streak's ears perked up as he sensed a unidentified arura . He couldn't tell if it was alive or dead . He turned back looking at the approaching figure and drew his bow with a explosive arrow .

"Halt !!! I said halt !!! "

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The creature stopped in her tracks, not looking very evil despite the bare skull that was her face. She stared at the ponies with deep, soulful yellow eyes and stepped back a bit, seeming to be struggling with her words. "U-uh..... Hello..." she murmured, barely audible.

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