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Equestrian Nights (Open!)

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"Oh, uh, sure, but let's stop by my garden first... Healing herbs and whatnot, you know." she said, turning and trotting back into the forest, making sure the others were following her. They soon reached a neatly tended patch of various plants next to a crumbling old stone well. "My home." the outspoken creature said, gesturing towards the well.

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"Oh, uh, sure, but let's stop by my garden first... Healing herbs and whatnot, you know." she said, turning and trotting back into the forest, making sure the others were following her. They soon reached a neatly tended patch of various plants next to a crumbling old stone well. "My home." the softspoken creature said, gesturing towards the well.

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"Oh, uh, sure, but let's stop by my garden first... Healing herbs and whatnot, you know." she said, turning and trotting back into the forest, making sure the others were following her. They soon reached a neatly tended patch of various plants next to a crumbling old stone well. "My home." the softspoken creature said, gesturing towards the well.

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"Oh, simple, I was born with it." the creature said, examining her plants for the correct herbs. "I'm a kelpie. A type of carnivorous water pony. Known for our skeletal faces and manes of seaweed. Oh, but don't get me wrong! I eat fish, not ponies." She flashed a toothy grin at the ponies.

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"Oh, no, we kelpies are far from a new species. We've been around since long before the two princesses... We are the stuff of scary stories of the past. Oh, by the way, I am Sea Lily. I tend this garden, and sometimes sell my flowers to ponies in town who are brave enough to approach me. I have also learned to use a wide range of herbs, and I have an equally large knowledge of poisonous plants as well. Oh, and... We are somewhere in the far outskirts of Bridleburg." the kelpie said softly, plucking leaves off of a few of her plants.

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"Sure, I suppose I'll join you. I'll just leave Lionfisk some instructions to tend my garden while we're gone. Oh, and please, believe me, I've tried other things- not ponies, of course- and I didn't like anything else very much. You don't have to worry about me sampling any other creatures." She said with a nod, plucking a few more leaves and berries from her plants and putting them in a very soggy saddlebag.

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"Oh, we can stop in Bridleburg! It's an odd little town where a whole bunch of different species, like sea ponies, live! You guys will love it there!" Sea Lily said cheerfully. "There's a hotel, plenty of shops, and everything else we could need."

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"Well folks, looks like we have a new honorary member! Cheers to our new Alchemist!" Said Five-Star as he took a sip from his canteen.

"A town, you say?" said Swift, obviously interested. "Let's go. Five-Star, come along. We don't know what kind of stuff lurks around here at night..."

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After a considerable amount of walking, signs of civilization began to appear. Scattered houses and shops came and went, becoming more and more until the group was in town. It was a wonder to see all the odd species wandering about, plenty of them normally rare to other places. Sea Lily led them to an old, ornate hotel, where they were met by a cream-coloured unicorn stallion, obviously a bellhop, with one of the desk bells on his head atop his uniform hat. He stood awkwardly for a moment and saluted them, offering to carry their bags and etcetera.

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Swift refused and carried on, mainly due to the fact that he had no bags for the bellhop to carry. Five-Star, on the other hand, dumped a bag full of 50 throwing knives, 5 shortswords, 77 bottles of poison, and 473 steel minifigs. He decided to carry the 47 rulebooks by himself.

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