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Children of the Night(open)

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(I'm out of class!! If I had a smart phone I could get on more, but nooooo)

Lyria looked up at the two ponies, and she whimpered. [colour=#800080]"I-I'm stuck! I-I don't know what to do!"[/colour]

[colour=#000000](P.S. If something big goes on and Lyria is needed and I'm not online, either Air Force or Storm Chaser can take over for me till I get back.)[/colour]

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bronzeshine began mumbling to himself. " to low. not enough control, higher frequency means higher control. born in a lower frequency can't go up alone. " it seams relevant to the situation but is to vague to be of use. he stares off into space.

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bronzeshine sat next to the girl. he looked right next to her as if he couldn't see her and creepily said with glowing eyes. " that's ok little girl. for you have been set free onto a lower plane of existence. danger and strange things lurk but worse things are above us! " he said insanely.

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Mirror stepped back from Bronzeshine, staying in front of Lyria. Something was seriously wrong with this stallion, what was he even saying? Mirror didn't quite understand the disturbed stallion's insane rambling, and it kind of frightened her that he could go completely ballistic any moment, judging by how he was acting.

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Mirror looked at Luna. "I saw something shadowy with glowing eyes lurking around in the darker parts of the cave earlier..." she whispered back, holding in her growing fear.

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( bronzeshine is still with blue. but he is knocked out from the guards drugged bolt. so he is technically asleep. ) bronzeshine starts whispering something unteligable. his mane grows darker as he sits there motionless. the whispering can be heard from all around the room now. black mist forms on the ground. they were clearly is some sort of danger. if you listen to the whispering nothing good can be heard. things like " help, stop, and death. " were inside it.

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