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Children of the Night(open)

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Luna pondered for a moment. "Well since this is obviously in the middle of a forest, for the meantime we must live off the land. Just until I can get some houses built." she explained.

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"Just a moment." She said to everypony. Luna looked to the sky and frowned. Time for the dawn...reluctantly the princess of the night lowered the moon to make way for her sisters day. How she wished the children would laugh and play in her night..

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Mirror Reflection had gladly accepted the ride on the strong stallion's back, and they had reached her destination. Luna asked her name, but Mirror Reflection was interrupted by another unicorn, saying that somepony on the ground wished to make trouble. Mirror took a short glance at the Pegasus, but didn't pay him much attention as Luna lowered the moon and began to speak about their new village. The little white unicorn squinted in the bright sunlight, as her eyes were used to night and the cool shade of the forest more than daylight, and listened intently. "Oh, you asked my name earlier..." she said unsurely once the princess seemed to be finished speaking for the moment. "I'm Mirror Reflection, but you can call me Mirror, or Copycat... Anything you like, really."

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Mirror grinned. "It's great to actually meet you!" she said cheerfully. "Now, what can I do to help whip this colony into shape? I can do small spells and things, but most of my magic is for... Well, this." she added, putting up an illusion of Luna's likeness with her magic. "I can look like anyone or anything I want as long as it's my size or bigger. Can't fly, though... Wings are only an illusion. Ooh, maybe I could be good for scaring off troublemakers from the outside?"

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" I think the first thing that we should do is make or find shelter. most of these kids here haven't slept tonight and wont be as productive if they sleep on the floor. and heavens forbid if it rains. " said bronzeshine with a strange amount of survival knowledge for a smith. then he acts as if he remembers something and feigns injury on his left hoof. " oww. just one moment pleas. " bronzeshine walks behind a tree and applies a bandage to his hoof. then he comes back out. " should we start looking? "

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Luna nodded, her eyes slightly heavy. She usually slept during the day. "Someone needs to stay with the children if we are to look for shelter." She turned to mirror. "That's a very useful talent." She smiled.

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bronzeshine walks up to star wind. " your efforts could be better used elsewhere child. I'm sure that there are some orphans who would like to meet up with there room mates that you could track down." he looks at princess luna. " I can go for a few days without sleep. I'll try to keep our activities here to a minimum, as to not alert your sisters watchful eye. then at night all the executive decisions can be left to you. that is if you even want my help. " said bronzeshine as his eyes avert from her gaze, not wanting to disrespect her.

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turning to bronzeshine"i don't think i can i don't know any of these orphans i been living by myself on the street then living un the orphanage plus i want to help build the city i am old enough"said Starwind as she started to pout

turning to bronzeshine"i don't think i can i don't know any of these orphans i been living by myself on the street then living un the orphanage plus i want to help build the city i am old enough"said Starwind as she started to poutpost-8050-0-47933300-1375241280.jpeg

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"pretty much everything. only second to sleep comes food, and water. maybe I should do a double check and fly around here one more time. see if I can find any fruit trees or streams, that we could use. "

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Silver Chain felt her eyelids start to get heavy, she wouldn't be able to last for long without sleep. Seeker on the other hoof was full of energy.

[colour=#008000]"I can help too!"[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Silver Chain went to pull something out of her bag but as it would turn out her bag was missing.[/colour]

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Luna looked at Bronzeshine. "I'm very greatfull for all the help you are giving." She said. "I know there is a lot to get done but if some of you need to rest you may at this time, we need to keep low on the radar to not already my sister." She said to her subjects.

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Mirror beamed with pride in her praise from Luna. "Hm, reunite friends within the group? Got it!" she added, finding the nearest foal and asking if they had lost anyone.

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" come on star wind. if we are going to fly around to find food and water, we should do it before the sun is all the way up. " bronzeshine starts hovering above the ground waiting for star wind to set the pace.

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